Studium Języków Obcych (SJO)
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Przeglądanie Studium Języków Obcych (SJO) według Temat "badania międzynarodowe"
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RekordIn search of the assessment of the physical activity level of the youth with the use of the IPAQ(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2017-03-09) Wasilewska, MałgorzataBackground. Keeping track of the research on the physical activity of young people from different countries allows for making its assessment objective, particularly when using the same questionnaire (IPAQ). Material and method. The study presents data on the level of physical activity of young people using the IPAQ questionnaire in a short and long form. Research results were sourced from 8 electronic databases: MEDLINE/PubMed, ArXiv, IEEE, CiteSeer, SPORTDiscus, Health Source- Nursing/Academic Edition, Academic Search Complete, MasterFILE Premier for 2008-2016 which referred to the studies from Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Lithuania, Spain, Croatia, Greece, selected European countries and Mexico. Results. Significantly higher values expressed in MET-min./week were shown in the IPAQ questionnaire in a long than in short form. Most research results with higher physical activity of boys than girls were also confirmed. Conclusions. Large discrepancies in the data on the level of physical activity of young people from different countries should serve as indication for a better preparation of those conducting research with this questionnaire.