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  • Rekord
    Impact of the logistics sector on Poland's economic growth 2018-2022 / Wpływ sektora logistycznego na wzrost gospodarczy Polski w latach 2018-2022
    (Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2024-03-28) Pyra, Mariusz
    Subject and purpose of work: Analysis of the impact of the logistics sector on Poland’s economic growth 2018-2022. The aim is to understand how logistics processes, including freight and passenger transport, sales of transport products and services, and warehouse management, affect key national economic indicators such as GDP and GNI. Materials and methods: Economic and logistics dataset from CSO for Poland 2018-2022. The analysis methods used include correlation analysis, linear regression, cluster analysis and time series analysis, providing an in-depth understanding of the relationship between the logistics sector and economic growth. Results: There is a significant positive correlation between the development of the logistics sector and Poland’s GDP growth, with a clear impact of freight and logistics efficiency on key economic indicators. Conclusions: Investment in and modernisation of the logistics sector is essential for Poland’s economic growth, suggesting the need to further develop infrastructure and innovation in this area.
  • Rekord
    Development of the information society in Poland on the example of households / Rozwój społeczeństwa informacyjnego w Polsce na przykładzie gospodarstw domowych
    (Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2024-04-05) Pyra, Mariusz ; Gustyn, Tomasz
    The development of the information society in Poland, as a key component of socio-economic progress, is evidenced by a range of indicators, one of which is the use of information and communication technologies in households. Material and methods: The research used statistical data from the CSO database collected through face-to-face and telephone interviews (by interviewers) and through an online survey. The research was conducted in 2022, and the subject of the study was the use of ICT in households in 2021. Results: The analysis, based on 2021 CSO data, reveals that central Poland shows the highest rates of ICT use, suggesting a.o. better infrastructure and availability of digital services. Western Poland also records good results, while eastern Poland lags behind in many of the analyzed areas. Conclusions: The considerations carried out underscore the need to develop policies that promote the even development of the information society in order to reduce regional disparities.
  • Rekord
    The Covid-19 pandemic and the financial condition of non-financial enterprises in Poland / Pandemia Covid-19, a kondycja finansowa przedsiębiorstw niefinansowych w Polsce
    (Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2024-02-08) Gałecka, Agnieszka ; Nestoruk, Małgorzata
    The aim of the study was to assess the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the financial situation of enterprises in Poland. Material and methods: The subjective scope of research included enterprises keeping accounting books that employed at least 50 people. As part of the main objective, a ratio analysis of financial liquidity, profitability, debt and operational efficiency was performed. The research period covered the years 2018-2022. The main source of financial information used to achieve the aim of the work was the data of the Central Statistical Office. Results: It was found that the surveyed group of enterprises had no problems with timely settlement of liabilities in the years 2018-2022. Moreover, their business was profitable, which should be assessed positively. Conclusions: Based on the analyses, it was not found that the Covid-19 pandemic had a significant negative impact on the financial results of the analyzed group of enterprises.
  • Rekord
    The situation of graduates and students in the Polish labour market / Sytuacja absolwentów i studentów na polskim rynku pracy
    (Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-12-30) Czapski, Grzegorz ; Nazaruk, Stanisława ; Sokołowska, Barbara
    Subject and subject of work: The subject of the study is to indicate the situation of students and graduates on the Polish labour market, taking into account data on the number of students and graduates, as well as employment and unemployment statistics in selected years. Materials and methods: The study used the method of analysis of legal acts, data of the Central Statistical Office and analysis of the literature on the subject. Based on the qualitative analysis of the available documents, the main changes in the employment of university and secondary school graduates were indicated, taking into account the main factors limiting their employment. Results: People with higher education are in a particularly good situation on the labour market compared to secondary school graduates. In the process of hiring employees, the age, the field of study of the candidate and the actual situation on the labour market are important. Conclusions: Factors limiting employment were identified, both on the part of employers and the graduates themselves, taking into account the selected time period and the situation on the labour market.
  • Rekord
    Impact of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on changes in the financing and delivery of forestry education in Poland – a case study / Wpływ pandemii SARS-CoV-2 na zmiany w finansowaniu i prowadzeniu edukacji leśnej w Polsce – studium przypadku
    (Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-12-30) Zbucki, Łukasz ; Radwańska, Katarzyna
    Subject and purpose of work: The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has significantly changed the shape and organization of education in the State Forests, hence the purpose of this study is to assess its impact on the course, financing, forms and participation of youth and adults in forest education in Poland. Materials and methods: The study was based on hitherto unpublished quantitative data concerning the educational activities of forest districts carried out in 2011-2021. Qualitative methods, including online surveys, were also used. Due to the largest area of forests under its management in Poland, the RDSF Szczecin was selected as the study area. Results: An analysis of expenditures on forest education was carried out, identifying forest districts with the highest and lowest costs. Conclusions: The mixed methods used allowed for a more complete interpretation of the results, as well as the presentation of the figures in a statistical context.