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RekordA green concept of economic growth and development / Zielona koncepcja wzrostu i rozwoju gospodarczego(Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II, 2022-06-30) Adamowicz, MieczysławSubject and purpose of work: The aim of the study is to present the concept of green economy and other notions and concepts related to it and to assess their significance for the formation of development policy and a practical solution to problems of socio-economic development. Materials and methods: The paper is based on the analysis of documents and literature mainly referring to the concepts of “green economy”, “green growth” and “green deal” in the context of “sustainable development goals”. Results: The paper deals with the reasons for the emergence of the greening of economic processes as a new phenomenon of contemporary development, as well as various definitions of green economy, green growth, the principles of implementing green economy and green transformation processes. The study presents the milestones for the development of the European and global green economy and green growth, and their relationsip to the concept and goals of sustainable development. The review of the concept of green economy and green growth comprises the definitions prepared by specialized agencies of the United Nations UNEP, UNCTAD, UN ESCAP, UN FGG, OECD, the European Union and the World Bank. The main principles proposed by international organizations to be applied in the implementation of the green economy transformation policy are also discussed. Conclusions: The conclusions indicate a wide range of the concepts presented, the ambiguity of their definitions and the need for further research in this area.
RekordAnaliza systemu motywacyjnego pracowników kadry administracyjnej jednostki sektora publicznego(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2018-06) Tokarski, Daniel ; Smarzewska, Agnieszka ; Szepeluk, AdamWstęp. Przedmiotem badań była ocena opinii pracowników kadry administracyjnej jednostki sektora publicznego w tym przypadku Uczelni Wyższej nt. wewnętrznego systemu motywacyjnego. Celem pracy było określenie najbardziej istotnych bodźców motywacyjnych z uwzględnieniem podziału na motywatory płacowe oraz pozapłacowe. Materiał i metody. Badanie zrealizowano przy pomocy kwestionariusza ankiety online, na zasadzie doboru celowego respondentów, tj. każdy pracownik administracyjny otrzymał maila z linkiem do kwestionariusza ankiety wraz z prośbą o wzięcie udziału w badaniu. Wyniki. Badania własne przeprowadzane za pomocą kwestionariusza ankiety wykazały, iż głównymi czynnikami motywującymi pracowników administracyjnych do pracy są wysokość wynagrodzenia zasadniczego, możliwość awansu, zmiana stopnia zaszeregowania, stabilność zatrudnienia, skonkretyzowane i jasno wyznaczone cele oraz premia uznaniowa. Wnioski. Płacowe czynniki motywacyjne są dla respondentów kluczowe w procesie samorealizacji i zadowolenia z wykonywanej pracy. Oznacza to, że pracownicy najbardziej cenią sobie fakt stałej, dobrze płatnej pracy z możliwością rozwoju.
RekordAssessment of investment in the café service sector / Ocena przedsięwzięcia inwestycyjnego w sektorze usług kawiarnianych(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2018-03) Adamowicz, Mieczysław ; Ziółkowska, KarolinaSubject and purpose of work: The subject of the work is the issue related to making investment decisions on the Polish market of café services in Warsaw. The work contains a theoretical and an empirical part. The aim of the work is to evaluate the effectiveness of different ways of running a café in the form of creating your own brand, a network café franchise or cooperation based on an agency agreement. Materials and methods: The work was based on the problem literature, materials made available by companies offering cooperation in the cafeteria industry and reports from a research company regarding the HoReCa market. A prospective ex-ante analysis has been given the form of a business plan for a newly created coffee shop. Results: The basics of creating a new enterprise were discussed and the undertaking was characterized taking into account the location, competition, employment plan, marketing and risk assessment. A SWOT analysis and financial forecasts were prepared, taking into account capital expenditures, demand forecast, revenues, costs and margins, as well as the analysis of other financial parameters. Conclusions: Available business models offer the investor a wide range of investment options. The choice of a business model depends both on the investor’s expectations and its proneness to risk taking as well as on the location of the planned undertaking.
RekordBezpieczeństwo danych osobowych w Unii Europejskiej od 2018 roku(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2018-12) Brążkiewicz, DariuszIntensywny rozwój technologii informatycznych w początkach XXI wieku powoduje, że dane osobowe obywateli są bezustannie przetwarzane przy użyciu coraz bardziej zaawansowanych technologii cyfrowych. Tym samym rozwój technologiczny obejmuje coraz więcej obszarów życia współczesnego człowieka, w tym administracyjny, ekonomiczny i finansowy. W celu utrzymania i poprawy bezpieczeństwa w zakresie ochrony danych osobowych potrzebne jest tworzenie nowych rozwiązań prawnych. Wprowadzenie jednolitych rozwiązań ponadpaństwowych w Unii Europejskiej pozwoli na wyeliminowanie lub zdecydowane ograniczenie zagrożeń związanych z gromadzeniem, przetwarzaniem i wykorzystaniem danych osobowych. Odpowiedzialność za to bezpieczeństwo spoczywać będzie, tak jak dotychczas na instytucjach i firmach oraz na profesjonalnie przygotowanych pracownikach nadzorujących lub przetwarzających te dane. Wraz z wejściem w życie Rozporządzenia Ogólnego o Ochronie Danych Osobowych (RODO) Unii Europejskiej w dniu 25 maja 2018 r. znalazła zastosowanie zwiększona ochrona danych osobowych poprzez: zwiększenie analizy ryzyka przetwarzania danych osobowych, rozliczalność przetwarzania danych osobowych, domyślność ochrony danych osobowych oraz odpowiedzialność za naruszenie przepisów o ochronie danych osobowych, w tym bardzo wysokie kary finansowe.
RekordBorderland location as a factor of the development of the Terespol commune / Przygraniczne położenie jako czynnik rozwoju gminy Terespol(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2021-09-30) Guzal-Dec, Danuta ; Bartniczuk, Kamila ; Zwolińska-Ligaj, MagdalenaSubject and purpose of work: The aim of the study was to determine the significance of the borderland location as a factor in the development of the Terespol commune. The paper answers the questions how the borderland location is perceived by the inhabitants, whether it gives an opportunity for the development of the Terespol commune, and what is the significance of the borderland location compared to other factors in the commune's development.Materials and methods: The study uses the method of a survey with a representative sample of 50 inhabitants of the Terespol commune. The literature on the subject related to the factor of the borderland location and its role in local development as well as planning documents concerning the development of the commune were investigated. The analyzes were supplemented with a review of official statistical databases describing economic activity in the commune. The time scope of the research covers the years 1990-2021. Results: In the light of the research, the borderland location is the leading factor in the development of the commune, and keeping it on the current development path and the growing significance of this factor may increase the chance of building a “New Silk Road”. Other development potential are rich natural and landscape values which favour the expansion of tourism and agriculture. The potential of the local community – residents, local entrepreneurs, and local government – is assessed as low. In the opinion of the inhabitants the potential of the location is also not fully used. Conclusions: The commune's potential should be used in the development of additional production specialties, its multifunctionality and better adaptation to new socio-economic conditions resulting from the economic transformation and the challenges of increasing competitiveness. It is necessary to activate other functions and factors, whose significance has decreased over the years, including human capital activation. A fuller use of the commune's potential should be based to a greater extent on the participation of the local community.
RekordCommune government as a creator of local relations – the local innovation context / Samorząd gminy jako kreator lokalnych relacji – kontekst lokalnej innowacyjności(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2019-12-31) Zwolińska-Ligaj, Magdalena AnnaSubject and purpose of work: The objective of the study is to characterise the status and nature of local authorities' relations with local communities and to assess the importance of local relations in the process of strengthening local innovation. Materials and methods: The survey method was employed in the research and a questionnaire was sent to heads of communes /mayors via electronic means. The research material consisted of 105 questionnaire forms. Results: There is a perceived imbalance in the development of interactions with social and economic actors to the disadvantage of interactions with economic sector representatives. Increasing local innovation rooted in the economic dimension of the development processes of the analysed local systems has been revealed to be of a relatively lesser importance. Local Action Groups are a major contributor to the development and innovation process, mainly in the social dimension. Local relations are not perceived by the representatives of local authorities as particularly important factors of regional innovation. Conclusions: The analysis of the local systems revealed a need to increase the scale of activity of local government representatives as part of developing relations with the economic sector. Opportunities should be sought arising from building local partnerships aimed at the implementation of pro-innovative, multi-stakeholder projects, which will have a greater capacity to influence local development processes.
RekordConditions of economic efficiency of industrial enterprises in the enterprise life cycle stages / Uwarunkowania efektywności ekonomicznej przedsiębiorstw przemysłowych w fazach cyklu życia przedsiębiorstwa(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2019-09-30) Żurakowska-Sawa, JoannaSubject and purpose of work: The purpose of the study is to determine the variables determining the level of synthetic measure of economic efficiency in listed companies of the industry sector as part of their enterprise life cycle. Materials and methods: The article uses data from annual unitary financial statements of industrial enterprises according to the classification of the Warsaw Stock Exchange and data describing the macroeconomic situation of the state economy. The research period covered the years 1999-2012. In order to examine which factors determine the level of economic efficiency at each stage of the life cycle of enterprises, estimation of econometric models was carried out. Results: In the models obtained for companies in the growth and maturity stage, statistically significant determinants were obtained only in the field of internal factors. In the models estimated for companies in the stages of launch, shake-out and decline, statistically significant conditions were identified, both in terms of external factors and in the area of internal factors. Conclusions: A comprehensive assessment of the conditions for the level of economic efficiency of enterprises should take into account both factors dependent on the enterprise (microeconomic) as well as those determined by the environment (macroeconomic) and beyond its control. It is therefore necessary for managers of enterprises to have extensive and up-todate knowledge of factors and conditions that are significant in shaping the level of economic efficiency.
RekordConditions of local development in the context of shaping developmental strategy and policy in Poland / Uwarunkowania rozwoju lokalnego w kontekście kształtowania społeczno-ekonomicznego rozwoju Polski(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2020-06-29) Adamowicz, MieczysławSubject and purpose of work: This paper discusses the essence and main areas of conditions of local development in the context of the political transformations which have occurred in Poland over the last thirty years. Against this background, an attempt was made to differentiate between the conditions and factors of local development. The purpose of this work is to seek, considering different ways of defining local development and as part of different developmental models, a distinction and consistency between the essence of the concept of “conditions of development” and the concept of “factors of development” and to indicate the universality of general conditions for development at all levels of a country’s territorial division. Materials and methods: This paper draws on the author’s own thoughts and a critical analysis of the literature on the subject, as well as documents relating to the practical shaping of the strategy and development policy in Poland. It presents the basic ways of defining local development and the model approach to development processes and characterises the main conditions of Poland’s socio-economic development over the last thirty years. Results: It was determined that in the literature conditions of development are often identified with factors of development, which is not justified. It was determined that conditions constitute a certain potential which determines the possibilities for the progress of developmental processes, whereas granting a driving force to these possibilities transforms them into developmental factors for a given area. The general conditions of a country’s development also define the conditions of development at the lower levels of territorial division. Conclusions: In the context of the growing role of local development programming and planning, it is important to differentiate between the concepts of “conditions” and “factors” of local development. Local development is shaped by both the overall conditions and factors of development of a country, and the specific local conditions and factors. The effective implementation of local development programmes and strategies requires the skill to convert development conditions into factors.
RekordCooperation for the development of tourism in a region based on the example of local governments of municipalities within the valuable natural areas of the Lublin Province / Współpraca na rzecz rozwoju turystyki w regionie na przykładzie samorządów gmin przyrodniczo cennych województwa lubelskiego(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2017) Guzal-Dec, DanutaSubject and purpose of work: The subject of the work was intra- and intersectoral cooperation between local governments for the development of tourism. The aim of the work was to evaluate the activity of local governments natural valuable areas of Lublin Province in undertaking co-operation in tourism. Materials and methods: The accomplishment of the objective was supported by the analysis of the literature of the subject and the results of the research carried out in 2013. The area of the study was composed of 30 municipalities of the highest ecological value group in Lublin Province. A diagnostic survey method was applied, with the use of an interview questionnaire which was addressed to village and town mayors. The additional source of information consisted of the web pages of municipal offices, organizations, which belonged to the surveyed local governments and statutes of these organizations. Results: It was shown that local governments within natural valuable areas did not sufficiently exploit diagonal co-operation in stimulating tourism development. The measures aimed at supporting tourism were characterized by lack of comprehensiveness. Only about one third of self-governments undertook comprehensive measures using forms of intrasectoral and intersectoral cooperation. Conclusions: Further development and intensification of diagonal cooperation is postulated, as well as promotion of good practices.
RekordCrisis aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic in the social sphere and secondarily in economic one / Kryzysowe aspekty pandemii COVID-19 w sferze społecznej i wtórnie – w gospodarczej(Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II, 2022-03-31) Wójcicki, WłodzimierzSubject and purpose of work: The study focuses on the social and economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic globally and regionally, particularly in Poland. Materials and methods: Based on the literature, the historic origins of various pandemics have been presented as evidence for their cyclicity. Results: An analysis of current COVID-19 reports serves to verify the hypothesis that the economic outcomes are secondary to the social outcomes, which generally distinguishes the current crisis from other known economic and financial crises of the market origin. The recovery from the economic crisis leads to the strengthening of the private sector, but the public sector, especially health care and education, is of particular significance in the pandemic crisis. Conclusions: The need to develop instruments of fighting the crisis has been indicated, with special emphasis on logistics. The pandemic may solidify many years of cultural, social and economic changes, so far rather modestly foreshadowed by various signs.
RekordCurrent state of the sector of modern business services in Lublin and prospects for development / Stan i perspektywy rozwoju sektora nowoczesnych usług biznesowych w Lublinie(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2021-09-30) Kuźmicki, Marek ; Linkiewicz, KingaSubject and purpose of work: The aim of the article is to define the current state of modern business services sector in Lublin and prospects for development against the background of the largest centers in the country. Materials and methods: Pursuing the main goal, the authors based their study on the literature on the subject, research reports on the market of modern business services and content from industry websites. The analysis covered several modern business service centers operating on the market, the structure of business processes, the level of employment and the level of local specialization of selected cities. Results: The sector of modern business services is developing intensively throughout Poland. Dynamic development is also taking place in Lublin. The city has the largest number of BPO, SSC, IT and R&D centers in eastern Poland. The workplaces in the sector is constantly growing. IT services currently have a particularly large share in the sales structure of Lublin centers. Conclusions: The development of modern business services sector in Lublin is an opportunity for a dynamic economic development of the city and the region.
RekordCzas wolny młodzieży akademickiej na terenach leśnych z uwzględnieniem odległości od miejsca zamieszkania respondentów do najbliższego lasu / Leisure time of university students spent in forest considering the distance from their domicile to the nearest forest(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2020-06-01) Zbucki, Łukasz ; Dąbrowski, DominikCzas pozostający człowiekowi do dyspozycji po wypełnieniu przez niego podstawowych czynności życia codziennego, wykorzystywany jest zwykle do odpoczynku i regeneracji organizmu, ale również do własnego rozwoju. Zatem właściwa organizacja jak i treści wypełniające ten czas, wpływają na jakość życia każdego człowieka. W prezentowanej pracy wskazano rolę lasu w życiu jak i wolnym czasie młodzieży akademickiej z Państwowej Szkoły Wyższej im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej. Przeprowadzona analiza oparta jest o uwzględnienie ważnego zdaniem badaczy czynnika, jakim jest odległość dzieląca miejsce zamieszkania respondentów z najbliższym lasem. Badania przeprowadzono w 2013 roku, wykorzystując metodę sondażu diagnostycznego przy zastosowaniu kwestionariusza ankiety. Próbę badawczą stanowiło 400 studentów z Państwowej Szkoły Wyższej im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej.
RekordDeterminants of tourist activity of people with disabilities living in rural areas / Determinanty aktywności turystycznej osób z niepełnosprawnością zamieszkałych na obszarach wiejskich(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2019-12-31) Żbikowski, Jarosław ; Siedlecka, Agnieszka ; Kuźmicki, MarekSubject and purpose of work: The aim of the conducted research and analyzes was the attempt to assess the impact of selected factors over tourist activity of people with disabilities and factors related to the immediate environment of people with disabilities Materials and methods: A total of 5 000 respondents were subjected to the quantitative research. Participants of the research were adults with legally recognized disabilities. In the research, there was used the method of a diagnostic survey. Results: Tourist activity of disabled people living in rural areas in Poland concerns only about 50% of respondents. Leaving the place of permanent residence in a free time is the most often declared by young and middle-aged people with higher, secondary and post-secondary education, professionally active, married people with mental and sensory disabilities. Conclusions: Factors stimulating participation in tourism are the level of education and professional activity of respondents. In the assessment of respondents the important factor is also a general family situation.
RekordDevelopment of the information society in Poland on the example of households / Rozwój społeczeństwa informacyjnego w Polsce na przykładzie gospodarstw domowych(Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2024-04-05) Pyra, Mariusz ; Gustyn, TomaszThe development of the information society in Poland, as a key component of socio-economic progress, is evidenced by a range of indicators, one of which is the use of information and communication technologies in households. Material and methods: The research used statistical data from the CSO database collected through face-to-face and telephone interviews (by interviewers) and through an online survey. The research was conducted in 2022, and the subject of the study was the use of ICT in households in 2021. Results: The analysis, based on 2021 CSO data, reveals that central Poland shows the highest rates of ICT use, suggesting a.o. better infrastructure and availability of digital services. Western Poland also records good results, while eastern Poland lags behind in many of the analyzed areas. Conclusions: The considerations carried out underscore the need to develop policies that promote the even development of the information society in order to reduce regional disparities.
RekordDiagnosing the reasons for economic inactivity in the Polish population / Diagnoza przyczyn bierności zawodowej Polaków(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2020-03-31) Radziukiewicz, MałgorzataSubject and purpose of work: This paper deals with the issues of occupational activation of economically inactive persons. Its objective is to provide the reader with an outline of labour market problems and the situation of the economically inactive population*. Persons who qualify neither as employed or as unemployed potentially constitute an untapped labour potential. The focus in this paper is on economically inactive persons and the reasons they do not seek employment, in order to better understand, first, the causes behind such a low occupational activity and, second, the possible remedial measures. In view of the urgent need for reintegrating persons outside the labour force with the labour market, it appears of utmost importance to identify the reasons for their situation. The fact that nearly 5.02 million working-age Poles remain economically inactive (accounting for nearly 22.0% of the whole working-age population) indicates how huge their potential may be. Special attention will be paid to groups of potential workers who have barely marked their presence on the labour market. One such group is formed by over 2.35 million individuals who are outside the labour market for reasons unrelated to health or retirement age. Materials and methods: The analysis is based on the annual and quarterly Labour Force Survey (LFS) data provided by Statistics Poland, and data originating from the Local Data Bank. To facilitate a wider discussion, the statistical data presented in the article cover a multi-annual perspective. This information is supplemented with research results obtained by other authors. Use is made of different methods of data analysis, including a descriptive analysis – to determine the underlying figures regarding the number of economically inactive persons; a dynamics analysis – to identify changes that occurred in 2006-2019 in the figures determined in the descriptive analysis; and a comparative analysis – to assess trends regarding economically inactive persons by comparing selected data with those that have been recently recorded in other EU countries. Results: The scale of economic inactivity in 2016-2019 is assessed on the basis of statistical data presented in tables and figures regarding economically inactive persons by the most common reason for inactivity. The analytical part of this paper features thematic blocks/detailed analyses of the demographic situation, the level and breakdown of economically inactive persons, and changes in their numbers that have taken place in recent years. Conclusions: The constantly declining working-age population, coupled with the low level of occupational activity in some age groups, should encourage decision-makers to design adequate labour market policies/programmes to support the occupational activity of Poles. Labour supply improvements should be sought mainly through the occupational activation of economically inactive persons and through extending the period of occupational activity.
RekordDigital methods of working time management in a flexible labor market(Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II, 2022-12-29) Charnavalau, Aliaksandr Viktor ; Kuźmicki, Marek Grzegorz ; Charnavalava, Zanna VasylijSubject and purpose of the work: Working time management has become particularly relevant by mid-20th century. It has now become one of the top areas of interest for scientists who conduct research on management. This study is designed to review and evaluate selected new forms of work organization in the reality of today’s digital economy. Materials and methods: This research was based on literature review covering scientific publications exploring working time management and forms of work organization in the digital economy. A descriptive method was used. Results: The latest information technologies, computerization and digitization, the use of mobile devices and smartphones, and advanced geolocation technologies add a new dimension to the modern types and methods of working time management. The development of the digital economy accelerates and drives the transformation of the labor market, promoting the uptake of flexible employment systems, which produces multiple types of remuneration and working time systems, and leads to a variety of forms of employment contracts and their reduced duration. Conclusions: Digital technology creates a virtual labor market which is dominated by informal and flexible forms of employment based on outsourcing programs, individual orders, and fixed deadlines with are not accompanied by any regulations of the contractor’s working time. Under these conditions, flexibility and multifunctionality, and the ability to adapt to changing conditions are the key features that make a particular employee competitive.
RekordDirect foreign investment in peripheral regions: a case study of the Lublin Voivodship / Bezpośrednie inwestycje zagraniczne w regionie peryferyjnym na przykładzie województwa lubelskiego(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2019-09-30) Adamowicz, MieczysławSubject and purpose of work: The subject of analysis and evaluation are foreign direct investments (FDI) in Poland with particular emphasis on the Lublin Voivodship as a peripheral region. The aim of the paper is to present the investment attractiveness of the voivodship, the state of investment and ways to enhance the investment attractiveness of the region. Materials and methods: This paper is based on statistical data from the Central Statistical Office (GUS), the National Bank of Poland (NBP) and other institutions, as well as published literature of this topic. Results: This paper presents theoretical foundations of foreign investments, characteristics of the inflow of foreign direct investments to Poland in the years 2000-2017, their origin and directions of their use and distribution in the country. FDI is presented in detail in Lublin Voivodship, which is considered to be a peripheral region of Poland and the European Union. Conclusions: FDI inflow to Poland was uneven in time, and investments were concentrated in the Masovian Voivodship and a few other voivodships of Western and Central Poland. Lublin Voivodship, despite activities increasing its investment attractiveness, still has unused opportunities for application of foreign investments.
RekordDostęp do sieci Internet oraz korzystanie z komputerów osobistych przez osoby z niepełnosprawnością zamieszkałe na obszarach wiejskich / Internet access and the usability of personal computers by people with disabilities residing in rural areas(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2019-10-23) Kuźmicki, Marek ; Żbikowski, Jarosław ; Siedlecka, AgnieszkaPrzedmiot i cel pracy: Określenie dostępności oraz wykorzystania komputerów osobistych oraz Internetu przez osoby z niepełnosprawnością zamieszkujące obszary wiejskie na terenie Polski. Materiały i metody: Badania ankietowe na próbie 5000 osób z niepełnosprawnością zamieszkałych na terenie gmin wiejskich i miejsko-wiejskich w całej Polsce przeprowadzono w okresie od czerwca 2010 roku do czerwca 2011 roku. Wyniki: Ponad połowa badanych zamieszkujących obszary wiejskie nie korzysta z komputera, ani nie potrafi go obsługiwać. Ponad połowa gospodarstw domowych respondentów nie posiada dostępu do Internetu. Tylko 19,58% osób z niepełnosprawnością, które nie potrafią obsługiwać komputera chciałoby nabyć taką umiejętność. Wnioski: W związku z dynamicznym rozwojem technologii teleinformatycznych w tym Internetu i Social Mediów konieczne są działania, które będą przeciwdziałać wykluczeniu cyfrowemu niepełnosprawnych. Powinny one dotyczyć poprawy dostępności osób z niepełnosprawnością do sprzętu komputerowego oraz Internetu, zwiększenia świadomości, jakie korzyści może przynieść korzystanie z nowoczesnych rozwiązań teleinformatycznych, a także potrzeb tej grupy społecznej do nauki obsługi sprzętu komputerowego.
RekordEcological awareness in the behaviour of young consumers - students of the Faculty of Economic and Technical Sciences of Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Education in Biała Podlaska / Świadomość ekologiczna w zachowaniach młodych konsumentów – studentów WNET Państwowej Szkoły Wyższej im. Papieża JPII w Białej Podlaskiej(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2018-12) Łęska, Monika ; Kuś, AgnieszkaSubject and purpose of work: The reason for choosing the subject and undertaking the studies were information gaps regarding the behaviour of young consumers in the area of activities related to enviroment. Materials and methods: The study employed purposeful sampling with regards to the participants’ field of study (programmes with environmental education content) and the year of education, as well as stratified sampling according to the structure of the population and its division into groups based on specified features. The technique of auditorium questionnaire was used. Results: The analysis showed that the students are characterised by a high level of ecological awareness and a sense of responsibility for it, and that is they are informed and pragmatic consumers. As involved and ecological consumers, they behave in a pro-ecological way and create desirable patterns of consumer behaviour. Conclusions: It was found that the students have a sense of responsibility for the surrounding environment. Convinced about their individual influence, they create desirable patterns of proecological behaviour.
RekordEffectiveness of selected investment strategies in the opinion of Polish individual investors depending on their personal preferences / Efektywność wybranych strategii inwestycyjnych w opinii polskich inwestorów indywidualnych w zależności od ich osobistych preferencji(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2020-12-17) Daniluk, KatarzynaSubject and purpose of work: The work aimed at identifying and characterising the interdependence between Polish investors’ personal preferences in investing and their opinion about the effectiveness of investment strategies. It was examined how the adopted investment horizon, the level of risk aversion and the time spent daily on investing impact the interviewees’ experiences and opinions on the effectiveness of investment strategies. Materials and methods: As the survey method was employed, a questionnaire was sent to randomly selected Polish individual investors. The research material consisted of 652 questionnaire forms. Results: The study showed a relevant dependence between Polish investors’ personal preferences and their opinions on the effectiveness of the particular strategies. Conclusions: The interdependencies revealed in the study may be used by potential investors in the process of matching a strategy to individual needs so as to enhance the effectiveness of the choice. A higher awareness of the problem of matching an investment strategy to personal preferences will lead to improved effectiveness of capital allocation among Polish investors.