Effort analysis of structural elements of the high building subjected to large displacements

Miniatura obrazu
Matulewicz, Sandra
Chyży, Tadeusz
Tytuł czasopisma
ISSN czasopisma
Tytuł tomu
Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej
The following material was analyzed by structural effort of so much contemporary ubiquitous high-rise buildings. In one of the chapters presents the dynamic development of urban areas and thus increased demand for building high. The team also closer to the „silhouette” of several of the world’s tallest buildings. The next section shows the differences between the most commonly used fi rst-order analysis, and the analysis of the second order. In large buildings, high-impact forces occurring on the structural members has a defl ection which occurs under the action of the horizontal external load. The standard design of such buildings is quite adequate analysis of small displacements, while there may be instances such as analysis pokrytyczna where you should take into account the displacement of the load-induced deformation of the structure. The comparative analysis presented in the paper were modeled in the calculation Robot Structural Analysis Profesional high building (Matulewicz, 2012), which was increased horizontal thrust. So pay structure were analyzed by standard methods of calculation available in the form of a linear analysis. The results obtained from these calculations have been compared with the results obtained after analysis of non-linear, which takes into account the effects of P-Δ. Results of the comparison are shown in the following fi gures article also selected several nodes whose effort was well described in the tables. Based on these results it can be concluded that in some stages of the design work is very important to the application of advanced computational techniques.
Słowa kluczowe
high building, first order, second order