Teaching geography-related vocabulary and aspects of content knowledge in an EFL secondary school classroom
Teaching geography-related vocabulary and aspects of content knowledge in an EFL secondary school classroom
Juszczuk, Sylwia
Tytuł czasopisma
ISSN czasopisma
Tytuł tomu
Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej
Incorporating a range of texts on selected aspects of geographical subject
matter knowledge accompanied by geography-related vocabulary work in EFL
lessons does not seem to be a common procedure in secondary school practice.
By referring to the CBI and CLIL theoretical principles, however, EFL teachers
can gain a better understanding of the benefits of introducing some elements
of subject matter content into typically language-focused classes. It has been
shown that content and language integrated learning exerts a positive influence
on both vocabulary and content knowledge acquisition, and therefore it can
become a welcome addition to General English lessons (e.g. Dueñas, 2003).
What is more, it appears to be a more creative and effective way of teaching
English as a second/foreign language.
The present chapter discusses some theoretical considerations concerning
the use of CLIL methodology in subject matter instruction, specifically
geography, as well as practical guidelines to be followed by an EFL teacher in
classroom settings. Apart from discussing the core assumptions of content
and language integrated learning and teaching, the basic issues concerning
geography instruction are also focused upon as a background for designing
and conducting the action research study reported on in this chapter.
Słowa kluczowe
English as a foreign language,
secondary school,