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  • Rekord
    Parenteral nutrition and enteral nutrition in acute pancreatitis
    (Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2013) Piskorz, Jolanta ; Wójcik, Gustaw ; Sokołowska, Barbara ; Bulikowski, Włodzimierz ; Stolarski, Krzysztof ; Prokop, Joanna
    Acute pancreatitis (AP) is a disease of not only the prostate, because in about 25% cases severe form developes, which results in multiple organ failure and death. Nutrition in acute pancreatitis is an integral part of the treatment. The choice of method depends on the nutritional characteristics of the patient, severity of the disease and the complications associated with it. Total parenteral nutrition is used when the use of the digestive tract cannot ensure an adequate daily intake of nutrients, or wnen there are contraindications to enteral nutrition. AP best results were obtained by feeding patients gastrointestinally (supply of nutrients to the small bowel or the probe) and in the case of enteral feeding in conjunction with parenteral, depending on the needs of the patient. The use of only parenteral nutrition is subject to a greater number of septic and metabolic complications and a higher mortality rate compared with partial or total enteral nutrition. Using nutritional therapy metabolism of patients should be evaluated in order to prevent complications and to assess the effectiveness of treatment.
  • Rekord
    Obesity as a disease of the twenty-fi rst century
    (Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2013) Tomaszewski, Marek ; Tomaszewska, Monika ; Olchowik, Grażyna
    The present time appears to be a growing number of people suffering from obesity. Although a number of studies has not been known so far that eventually the molecular mechanisms conducive to the occurrence of overweight. This article introduces the current state of knowledge in this area.
  • Rekord
    Assessment of Schoolchildren’s Eating Habits
    (Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2013) Stanisławek, Aneta ; Żuk, Agnieszka ; Stanisławek, Dariusz ; Piaszczyk, Diana
    Proper nutrition should be a very important part of the educational activities of nurses. Creating a health promoting school programs one should focus on the behaviour of children which is essential to maintain or improve their health. Among the most common nutritional deficiencies in school-age children these should be mentioned: irregular meals; not eating breakfast before school and not heating lunch at school; improper content of food groups in planning each of the meals. These and other deficiencies in one’s diet may have a negative impact on the development and health of children and adolescents. Lack of proper diet can lead to weight gain and obesity or anorexia.
  • Rekord
    The Selected Aspects of the Lifestyles of the Students of Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Education in Biała Podlaska
    (Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2013) Szot, Marta ; Kosińska, Beata ; Tsishchanka, Yauheni
    The study period is the time when young people shape and strengthen their habits while becoming independent. Unfortunately, numerous studies have shown that the lifestyle of students is not conducive to health. Students generally do not eat on a regular basis, do not eat breakfast and consume large amounts of fast food. Their diet is meat-dominated; they eat far too little fi sh, insuffi cient dairy products and whole grain breads. In addition, students consume large amounts of alcohol and take drugs, which is to ensure having good fun while socialising with their peers. The conducted study was designed to evaluate the lifestyle of students of the Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Education in Biała Podlaska in terms of nutrition, physical activity and the use of stimulants. The study involved a total of 117 third-year students of two fi elds of study: Public Health and Civil Engineering. These fi elds of study were chosen deliberately in order to compare the lifestyle of paramedic students - future health promoters, and students of an engineering fi eld, whose courses do not include health education. The study was conducted using the diagnostic poll method and found that the respondents spend too little time doing physical activities, do not eat on a regular basis and use stimulants. However, no signifi cant differences between the lifestyles of students of the two analysed fi elds were found.
  • Rekord
    Rynek turystyczny w dobie COVID-19
    (Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2023) Żbikowski, Jarosław ; Dąbrowski, Dominik ; Mazurek, Tomasz
    W oddanej do rąk czytelników publikacji podjęto trudną próbę przedstawienia wielowymiarowej problematyki dotyczącej skutków COVID-19 na sytuację wybranych rynków turystycznych, ale również na efekty związane z wybranymi obszarami tego rynku. Wśród podjętej problematyki na uwagę zasługują doniesienia dotyczące m.in niezwykle szczegółowej analizy wpływu pandemii na turystykę światową opartą na analizach i raportach polskich oraz międzynarodowych, publikacje dotyczące zmian zachowań i codziennych czynności uczestników ruchu turystycznego, w tym aktywności fizycznej i innych zachowań wolnoczasowych w okresie trwania COVID-19.