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  • Rekord
    Nursing care and education of the family of a child with Duchenne muscular dystrophy
    (Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-12-18) Nazaruk, Stanisława Katarzyna ; Kulik, Anna ; Sokołowska, Barbara ; Tkachuk, Tamara ; Sobieszczuk, Katarzyna
    Some individuals suffer from a little-known, rare genetic disease called Duchenne muscular dystrophy. In Poland, approximately 40 boys are born with this condition every year. Therefore, paying attention to people with this rare disease was the motivation to undertake a qualitative study in order to identify the tasks of the nurse in terms of medical care and education of both the patient himself and his family, based on a case study. An interview technique, observation and analysis of medical records were used to develop the case study. As a result, the 2023 research material necessary for the case study was collected, which included: information on the patient’s medical history, observation of the patient, the problems faced each day, the planned goals of assistance, the nursing interventions and their evaluation, the time of their implementation and their effects. Based on the study, it should be concluded that caring for a person with Duchenne muscular dystrophy presents a number of challenges. In such a case, a holistic approach to the patient is required that encompasses all areas of life and all aspects of the disease. The nurse not only deals with medical problems, but also provides support with mental, social and spiritual problems. The patient also needs care and support from the family, and education is helpful in preparing them to fulfil these tasks.
  • Rekord
    The situation of graduates and students in the Polish labour market / Sytuacja absolwentów i studentów na polskim rynku pracy
    (Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-12-30) Czapski, Grzegorz ; Nazaruk, Stanisława ; Sokołowska, Barbara
    Subject and subject of work: The subject of the study is to indicate the situation of students and graduates on the Polish labour market, taking into account data on the number of students and graduates, as well as employment and unemployment statistics in selected years. Materials and methods: The study used the method of analysis of legal acts, data of the Central Statistical Office and analysis of the literature on the subject. Based on the qualitative analysis of the available documents, the main changes in the employment of university and secondary school graduates were indicated, taking into account the main factors limiting their employment. Results: People with higher education are in a particularly good situation on the labour market compared to secondary school graduates. In the process of hiring employees, the age, the field of study of the candidate and the actual situation on the labour market are important. Conclusions: Factors limiting employment were identified, both on the part of employers and the graduates themselves, taking into account the selected time period and the situation on the labour market.
  • Rekord
    Tobacco smoking habits of secondary school students
    (Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-10-25) Dziura, Gabriel ; Tokaraska-Rodak, Małgorzata
    For several years, we have been observing a positive trend of the reduction in the number of young people taking up tobacco smoking. However, the age when people initiate this habit is particularly worrisome. Smoking traditional tobacco products is as harmful as using their equivalents, such as chewing tobacco. The issue is noticed on a global scale, according to the information provided by the World Health Organization (WHO), as well as nationwide, as indicated by the Polish Ministry of Health. Smoking is a common problem in Poland. It is estimated that 29% of adults smoke tobacco, of which 34% are men, and 23% are women, whereas young people most often initiate smoking within groups of their peers. Smoking leads to a series of health consequences, including acceleration of cell ageing processes, the weakening of immune system functions, which significantly influences the risk of tobacco-related diseases in adult life, increased frequency of lesions related to cardiac muscle ischemia, and to physical and mental addiction to nicotine.
  • Rekord
    Using accelerometers as a method for improving compliance with physical activity recommendations in the treatment of obesity in children
    (Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-08-28) Stelmach, Marian J. ; Protas, Piotr ; Tenderenda-Banasiuk, Edyta ; Kuroczycka-Saniutycz, Elżbieta ; Wasilewska, Anna ; Lemiesz, Marta
    The evidence has showed that increasing physical activity is a particularly important element not only in prevention but also in the treatment of obesity. This study aimed to examine whether the use of accelerometers for monitoring physical activity is a sufficient motivator to adhere the recommended level of physical activity. Material and methods. The prospective study involved 44 obese children and adolescents aged 5 to 17 who were registered with the Pediatric Nephrology Department at the Medical University of Bialystok, Poland. Participants had to wear a device for at least 12 hours per day for 56 consecutive days. Anthropometric measurements were made at the beginning of the study and after eight weeks of physical activity monitoring. Results. The presented study results far exceeded the recommended amount of the average physical activity energy expenditure of young patients in the first two weeks. In the following weeks, the amount of daily energy expenditure gradually diminished, but finally, the average BMI Z-score was reduced from 2.80±0.64 at baseline to 2.48±0.27 at the end of the study (p<0.0147). Conclusions. The study demonstrates that tracking of physical activity may be an essential factor to improve compliance with physical activity recommendations.
  • Rekord
    Loneliness in the practice of Emergency Medical Teams: a case study
    (Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-08-21) Dudziński, Łukasz ; Czyżewski, Łukasz ; Kubiak, Tomasz
    Loneliness is a common phenomenon among human populations worldwide. Elderly people are particularly affected by loneliness due to difficulties in using communicators (telephone, social media) providing remote contact. National Emergency Medical Service (EMS) entities are the units responsible for undertaking medical rescue operations on the scene of an incident and qualified patient transport. The ambulance equipment, including measuring and monitoring devices, dressing articles, pharmaceuticals and procedures used by medical rescue teams are dedicated mainly to urgent cases. Material and methods. The study comprised a 3-year retrospective analysis of trips performed by the EMS between Jan. 1, 2020, and Dec. 31, 2022, to a female patient living alone. The following measures were calculated to characterize the variables: number (n) and frequency (%), in addition Min, Max, Mean and Standard Deviation (SD). Results. In the period under observation, 49 EMS interventions were performed. There were 1085 days (2 years; 11 months; 21 days) between the first and last intervention under observation. The highest intensity of calls occurred in March 2020 (n=9), and May 2020 (n=10); the largest intervals between the calls occurred in the second half of 2022. The share of events in particular years was as follows: 2020 (n=33), 2021 (n=10), 2022 (n=6). Conclusions. Loneliness and lack of care from the family affects the condition of chronic diseases. The frequency of EMS calls in the described case was higher at night. An increase in the frequency of interventions corresponded with the period of the beginning of the SARS-CoV-2 epidemic in Poland as a new unknown threat. Predominantly pharmacology in the form of sedatives, analgesics and drugs lowering hypertension, was used which was a response to the needs of the patient’s clinical condition.