2018, Volume 12, Issue 2
Stały URI dla tej kolekcji
Przeglądanie 2018, Volume 12, Issue 2 według Autor "Chołuj, Kamil"
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RekordInclusion of pelotherapy in the treatment of patients with lumbar discopathy treated with low-frequency magnetic field and kinesitherapy(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2018-04-20) Fidut-Wrońska, Joanna ; Latosiewicz, Robert ; Chmiel, Justyna ; Chołuj, Kamil ; Pikto-Pietkiewicz, KatarzynaBackground. The study aims to evaluate the effect of the pelotherapy in the treatment of patients with lumbar discopathy treated with low-frequency magnetic field and kinesitherapy. Material and methods. The study involved 79 persons randomly divided into 2 groups. The patients from group I (39 individuals) were subjected to pelvic therapy, low-frequency magnetic field and kinesitherapy. Those in the other group (40 individuals) were exposed to low-frequency magnetic field and kinesitherapy. To compare and assess the changes in both samples, the VAS pain scale and the Roland-Morris Disability Index were used, as well as the fingers-floor test to examine the range of mobility. Results. There were no statistically significant differences between the examined groups (p> 0.05). Both groups benefited from the therapy. In the first one, there was a reduction in pain − Me = 1.0 point in the VAS scale and, according to the Roland-Morris Questionnaire, the degree of disability was reduced by Me = 1.0 point. A more significant increase in the range of motion of the lumbar spine was observed in group II, in which the range of mobility increased by Me = 2.0 cm in the fingers-to-floor test. Conclusions. I ncorporation o f a pelotherapy i nto t he t reatment w hich c onsisted o f l owfrequency magnetic field and kinesitherapy did not significantly result in achieving a better therapeutic outcome.