2021, Volume 15, Issue 1
Stały URI dla tej kolekcji
Przeglądanie 2021, Volume 15, Issue 1 według Autor "Gładysz, Iwona"
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Opcje wyszukiwania
RekordAssessing the knowledge of cervical cancer by women from Biała Podlaska, Lubelskie Voivodeship(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2021-01-18) Gładysz, IwonaBackground. In the female population, cervical cancer is classified as one of the too late diagnosed cancers. Cervical cancer incidence and mortality rates in Poland are among the highest in the European Union. The aim of the paper is the assessment of women’s knowledge about cervical cancer based on the study of the feminine population in the county of Biała Podlaska. Material and methods. The study covered a group of 172 women living in the county of Biała Podlaska, Lubelskie Voivodeship, Poland. The research tool was an original questionnaire. The statistical analysis was performed using the STATISTICA v 10. program and the Pearson Chisquare test. Results. More than half of respondents (55.8%) indicated the following risk factors of cervical cancer: early onset of sexual life, many partners in a partner, infection of the cervix with HPV and herpes viruses, many deliveries, and smoking. The majority of respondents (62.2%) believe that cytology and gynecological examination are part of the preventive examination. Conclusions. 1. Respondents’ knowledge about the risk factors of cervical cancer is sufficient. 2. Respondents above 26 years of age possess knowledge about human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination as a means of preventing cervical cancer. 3. Young women’s knowledge about HPV vaccination is insufficient.