2017, volume 10, issue 1
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Przeglądanie 2017, volume 10, issue 1 według Data wydania
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RekordTerritorial and social diversity of social security in Poland in years 2010- 2014 / Terytorialne i społeczne zróżnicowanie bezpieczeństwa socjalnego w Polsce w latach 2010-2014(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2018-04-07) Iwacewicz-Orłowska, AnnaSubject and purpose of work: The discussion undertaken in this article concerns differences in the level of social security. The main aim is to analyse the territorial and social diversity of social security in Poland in years 2010-2014. Materials and methods: The research study presented was carried out on the basis of the analysis and synthesis of literature, statistical data, as well as the author’s reflections. Results: Differences in the level of social security to a large extent depend on the following factors: the territorial location and the size of the locality, age group, types of socio-economic groups, and type of household. Social security level is diversified territorially and socially. Conclusions: The residents of small cities from the north-east part of the country and people aged between 16-24 are most threatened with poverty. In the case of Poland a high percentage of poverty threat is a matter of concern amongst working people. The lowest poverty level is in the group of 55- year olds, that is people receiving retirement benefits.
RekordThe conditions of development and operation of small and medium-sized enterprises in the Sprewa-Nysa-Bobr Euroregion / Warunki rozwoju i funkcjonowania małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw w euroregionie Sprewa-Nysa-Bóbr(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2018-07-04) Jędrzejczak-Gas, JaninaSubject and purpose of work: The aim of this article is to present the most important aspects related to the functioning of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the Euroregion Sprewa-Nysa-Bóbr, as well as to indicate the objectives and priorities regarding its support. Materials and methods: The paper utilized official statistics, existing legal regulations and information presented in the plan of action and development for the Euroregion Sprewa-Nysa-Bóbr for the years 2014-2020. Results: The important role of SMEs in the Euroregion’s socio-economic development is determined by the fact that they constitute more than 99.9% of all enterprises. In the years 2006-2013, the number of SMEs in the region increased by 3.3%, while the number of large companies decreased by 15.4%. The Euroregion pursues an active policy of supporting the development of the SME sector. Of particular importance in the shaping of this policy is the plan for the development and operation of the Euroregion developed ever since 1993. Conclusions: Within the current plan for the operation and development of the Euroregion, under the first objective (Increasing the competitiveness of the region), measures that will support the development of the SME sector were included. The result of the first objective will be the cross-border expansion of economic relations. Additionally, the timeframe for the past and the present plan deliberately coincide with periods of EU funds which goes on to demonstrate that European support programs are an important source of funding for cross-border cooperation in the Euroregion, including the development of SMEs.
RekordAgricultural advisory services in eastern Mazovia in the activity of the Mazovian Agricultural Advisory Centre / Rolnicze usługi doradcze na wschodnim Mazowszu w działalności Mazowieckiego Ośrodka Doradztwa Rolniczego(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2018-07-04) Niewęgłowski, Marek ; Pielech, JoannaSubject and purpose of work: The study presents the effects of agricultural advisory services in the eastern part of Mazovia. The effect of advisory work was the number of services provided by advisers over a three-year-long period of their work. The state institution providing advisory services for farmers in this area is the Warsaw-based Mazovian Agricultural Advisory Centre (MAAC) with a Branch Office in Siedlce. The main objective of the conducted research was to assess the performance of agricultural advisers within six counties: Siedlce, Węgrów, Garwolin, Łosice, Sokołów and Mińsk, located in the eastern part of Mazovian (pol. Mazowieckie) Province. Materials and methods: The activity of the Siedlce Branch was analysed during the years 2012-2014. Particular attention was paid to the distribution and availability of services to farmers. This study was prepared on the basis of an analysis of available internal documents from MAAC and the literature on this field. Results: Based on the performed studies, it was found that agricultural advisory services play a very important role in the adaptation of farms to changing environmental conditions. Conclusions: Nowadays, in the era of globalisation and integration farmers face new challenges, which would be difficult to meet without an efficient agricultural advisory system.
RekordA review of the book titled “Social capital in cross-border network cooperation of Biała Podlaska and Brest”, Dawid Błaszczak, PSW JPII, Biała Podlaska 2016, pp. 256 / Recenzja książki pt. „Kapitał społeczny w sieci współpracy transgranicznej Białej Podlaskiej i Brześcia”, Dawid Błaszczak, PSW JPII, Biała Podlaska 2016, s. 256(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2018-07-04) Tur, Sandra
RekordPossibility of industrial hemp cultivation in areas of high nature value / Możliwości uprawy konopi włóknistych na obszarach przyrodniczo cennych(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2018-07-04) Zadrożniak, Bogumił ; Radwańska, Katarzyna ; Baranowska, Alicja ; Mystkowska, IwonaSubject and purpose of work: The aim of this work is to present the possibilities of cultivating varieties of industrial hemp which are registered in Poland in areas of high nature value. Materials and methods: This work is a type of overview; it describes characteristic features of areas of high nature value. It also presents specific biological properties, cultivation and agrotechnical requirements, as well as the versatility of industrial hemp usage. Results: This study demonstrated considerable importance of industrial hemp in developing areas of high nature value, in accordance with the idea of sustainable development. Conclusions: Due to the specific biological properties of industrial hemp, its low cultivation and agrotechnical requirements and lack of the need to use pesticides, industrial hemp can be successfully grown in areas of high nature value.
RekordAnalysis of appeal procedure for co-financing of tourism projects under Regional Operational Programme for Podlaskie Province 2007-2013 / Analiza procedury odwoławczej w zakresie dofinansowania projektów turystycznych w ramach Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego Województwa Podlaskiego 2007-2013(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2018-07-04) Snarski, Sławomir J. ; Martyniuk, MarekSubject and purpose of work: Research targeted at verification of the effectiveness of the appeal procedure for co-financing of tourism projects under the ROPPV 2007-2013 has been presented in the article. Materials and methods: The article is based on the analysis of the secondary data collected by the Podlaskie Province Marshal’s Office in Bialystok and the literature covering the research area. The analysis of detailed information was performed using inductive inference. Results: None of the applicants under Priority Axis III. Tourism and culture development ROPPV 2007- 2013 decided to exercise their right regarding the use of the judicial stage of the appeal procedure. Conclusions: It is impossible to clearly determine the degree of effectiveness of the appeal procedure concerning the process of application for the co-financing of tourism projects under the ROPPV 2007- 2013 because the mechanism of verification of the correctness of projects’ assessment was not applied in its full extent
RekordThe role of the institutional support of the entrepreneur in the region in the development of investment attractiveness (the example of Poland) / Rola wsparcia instytucjonalnego przedsiębiorcy w regionie w kształtowaniu atrakcyjności inwestycyjnej (na przykładzie Polski)(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2018-07-04) Komor, AgnieszkaSubject and purpose of work: The subject of the work were business environment institutions as entities that affect the investment attractiveness of the region. The aim of the article was to identify and assess the role of business environment institutions in shaping the investment attractiveness of regions, with particular focus on park institutions and Regional Investor Service Centres. Materials and methods: The article highlights the significance of institutional factors in shaping the investment attractiveness, in the light of both the national and foreign literature. In addition, a presentation was made of the results of the qualitative research involving an assessment of the content posted on the websites of selected institutions that provide support for entrepreneurs in the provinces. Results and conclusions: Business environment institutions constitute an important factor for potential investment attractiveness of the region through their impact on the possibilities of acquiring, storing, transforming and sharing of knowledge between different entities. Institutional coverage of the regions also affects the ability to create cooperation networks, including the formation of cluster initiatives. It has also been proven that there is a dependency between institutional resources of the region and its actual attractiveness.
RekordIntegrated territorial investments in the formula of cohesion policy 2014-2020 / Zintegrowane inwestycje terytorialne w formule polityki spójności 2014-2020(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2018-07-04) Kowalska, IwonaSubject and purpose of work: EU regional policy aims to increase the economic and social cohesion of the Member States. For the programming period of 2014-2020 a new tool has been planned, which will contribute to the effective implementation of the cohesion policy – Integrated Territorial Investment (ITI). The aim of this article is to determine whether the direction of measures arising from the assumptions of the cohesion policy 2014-2020, implemented in the ITI strategy, addresses actual problems in the area covered by the ITI strategy (on the example of Kalisz-Ostrów Agglomeration - KOA). Materials and methods: The study was based on the analysis and synthesis of EU and Polish regulatory provisions on the cohesion policy 2014-2020, data on financial allocation for the implementation of the ITI and literature on the subject of EU regional policy. Results: The direction of measures arising from the assumptions of the cohesion policy 2014-2020 in the ITI strategy addresses real problems in the development of the area covered by the KOA strategy. EU funds have been planned for: promoting entrepreneurship; promoting low-carbon strategies; the development of an educated society and investments in modern infrastructure. Conclusions: Solving the problems of the areas covered by the ITI strategy will depend on the realization of the development goals. Therefore, the synergy of conditions associated with the transformation of the postulated stage into the executive stage of the cohesion policy under ITI is necessary. This synergy is associated with both the quality of human capital and the amount of financial resources as well as the competences of those involved in the implementation of the ITI concept.
RekordSpatial and financial aspects of a protected area functioning – the case of the Gorce National Park / Przestrzenne i finansowe aspekty funkcjonowania obszaru chronionego na przykładzie Gorczańskiego Parku Narodowego(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2018-07-04) Kulczyk-Dynowska, Alina ; Gaura, GrzegorzSubject and purpose of work: The Gorce National Park (GNP) represents the object of the study. The purpose of the article is to present the GNP in the category of an area and in the category of an active managing unit. Materials and methods: Empirical research was conducted (2008-2014) based on the data collected from the GNP financial and accounting records and the Central Statistical Office. The degree of tourism function, carried out by the territorial municipalities connected with the GNP, was studied (Baretje and Defert index and Charvat index were calculated) and also the analysis of the GNP activities was conducted. Both the relevant literature query and the analysis of development strategies prepared by the territorial municipalities connected with the GNP were conducted. Results: It was found that the tourist function constitutes an important, however, not the primary function for the analysed municipalities, whereas the initiated activities (both on the part of municipalities and the GNP) indicate the desire for its intensification. The GNP has assets exceeding the value of PLN 17 million, offers jobs for the team whose total annual remuneration is almost PLN 2,5 million and the total annual costs for the last audited year amount to PLN 7,5 million. Conclusions: The described protected area constitutes the example of proper coexistence of human economic activity and nature. The GNP remains a significant entity of the local economic life scene which increases tourist attractiveness of the Gorce Mountains.
RekordThe application of raw materials obtained from the cultivation of industrial hemp in various industries / Wykorzystanie surowców otrzymanych z upraw konopi włóknistych w różnych gałęziach przemysłu(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2018-07-04) Brzyski, Przemysław ; Fic, StanisławSubject and purpose of work: The raw materials which are the purpose of the current hemp cultivation (<0.2% THC) are fibre, seeds and shives. This study describes the characteristics the raw materials obtained from the industrial hemp and described in detail the possibilities of their applications in pulp and paper, textile, pharmaceutical, construction and food industries. Analysis of the issues: Hemp straw consists of a porous ligneous core, which may be cut into smaller pieces, called hemp shives and of the fibre around the core. Hemp cellulose is used to produce paper pulp or plastics. In the construction sector, hemp fibre is used to produce, among other things, thermal insulation materials. Hemp shives is used as a filler for a composite based on lime binder, which is used as a wall material with good hygrothermal conditions confirmed by proprietary research. Hemp seeds are used for the production of cooking oil. Hempseed oil is also used in the pharmaceutical industry, e.g. to produce skin creams. Conclusions: Raw materials obtained from industrial hemp have a variety of applications. Currently, new directions in hemp application are being sought and tested, like for example hemp lime composite and bio-composites. The positive environmental impact resulting from the cultivation of hemp should be the main reason for simplifying the procedures for the commencement of its cultivation in many countries, e.g. in Poland.