(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2018-03)
Zgłobicka-Gierut, Wioleta
The following article refers to the attitudes towards the old age described in line with poet
Bronisławy Betlej’s considerations. Being old is a successive stage on the way towards eternity,
requiring acceptance, despite the ambivalence presented by the poet to the issue. The aim of the
practical this article is to present an analysis of rows about the experience of being old in the
art by Betlej. Further, it is to promote the attitude to their own homes and the generalization
of “calculated” old age, which according to the priest Adam Boniecki “we should be preparing
ourselves from our childhood. Constantly” (Boniecki, 2014, p. 228). In addition, the aim of the
article is to build an awareness of the recipient that one should permanently educate the young
generation to show respect, tolerance and acceptance of the old people’s participation in social
life. The old, thanks to their experience and wisdom, values and cultivated traditions, the elderly
are an important part of the local community. Thus, old age can be beautiful, lively and full of
gratitude, provided that man leaves behind themselves a satisfaction and dignity.