2017, volume 10, issue 1
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Przeglądanie 2017, volume 10, issue 1 według Temat "appeal procedure"
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RekordAnalysis of appeal procedure for co-financing of tourism projects under Regional Operational Programme for Podlaskie Province 2007-2013 / Analiza procedury odwoławczej w zakresie dofinansowania projektów turystycznych w ramach Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego Województwa Podlaskiego 2007-2013(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2018-07-04) Snarski, Sławomir J. ; Martyniuk, MarekSubject and purpose of work: Research targeted at verification of the effectiveness of the appeal procedure for co-financing of tourism projects under the ROPPV 2007-2013 has been presented in the article. Materials and methods: The article is based on the analysis of the secondary data collected by the Podlaskie Province Marshal’s Office in Bialystok and the literature covering the research area. The analysis of detailed information was performed using inductive inference. Results: None of the applicants under Priority Axis III. Tourism and culture development ROPPV 2007- 2013 decided to exercise their right regarding the use of the judicial stage of the appeal procedure. Conclusions: It is impossible to clearly determine the degree of effectiveness of the appeal procedure concerning the process of application for the co-financing of tourism projects under the ROPPV 2007- 2013 because the mechanism of verification of the correctness of projects’ assessment was not applied in its full extent