2024, Volume 18, Issue 2

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  • Rekord
    Rescue carried out in water areas by firefighting units in Poland in the years 2020-2022
    (Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-12-12) Kubiak, Tomasz ; Dudziński, Łukasz
    Background. The aim of the work was the analysis of the interventions of firefighting units in water areas in the years 2020-2022 in Poland taking into account the victims and the risks to the health of the rescuers. Material and methods. The paper uses the data originating from the Decision Support System of the State Fire Service (SFS), which have been made available by the Bureau of Operational Planning and the Commander-in- Chief’s Bureau. The analyzed material spans three years: 2020, 2021 and 2022. The digital data from the Decision Support System were recorded in accordance with the guidelines of the National General Command of the SFS. Results. According to the SFS’s records, in the years 2020-2022 rescue services intervened 1.77 mln times, including 17,938 in water areas. The interventions of firefighters in water areas constituted approx. 1% of all interventions carried out in the investigated years. Among all the interventions in water areas in the years 2020-2022, 1,029 were operations under water and under ice. Conclusions. The most operations in water areas take place in coastal voivodeships, and those with lakelands that are attractive in the holiday period. In order for the operations to be effective, it is important for services and entities specialized in rescue in water areas to cooperate with each other. Water rescue also means risk to the rescuers who are involved in accidents during rescue operations each year. The statistics of drownings in the last decade have a downward trend, which may be related to greater social awareness, but also to the development of water rescue.
  • Rekord
    Surveillance of physical activity and sedentary behavior in Polish children and adolescents: a scoping review of literature from 2000 to 2022
    (Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2024-02-09) Ziemba, Mateusz ; Groffik, Dorota ; Frömel, Karel ; Vorlíček, Michal
    The aim of this study was to map available data related to physical activity (PA) and sedentary behavior (SB) in Polish children and adolescents and, based on the collected conclusions, to present suggestions for promoting PA and reducing sedentary behavior. The analysis of literature was performed according to PRISMA-ScR, based on the Medical Subject Headings System of National Library of Medicine. MEDLINE and PubMed databases were used. We searched for publications between January 2000 and December 2022. 634 publications were identified, and 47 were included. The publications conducted focused on adolescents who were approximately 15 years of age. Larger percentage of girls participated in the survey. Publications have confirmed non-fulfilment of PA recommendations for maintaining the health of Polish children and youth. The 33% representation of publications dealing with the issue of PA and SB in an international context is positive. The diversity and breadth of approaches to solving PA and SB issues are beneficial, but at the same time, it draws attention to the lack of a national system for monitoring the physical and sedentary behavior of children and youth in Poland. Future research should focus more on monitoring of health-related 24-hour time use patterns, usage of wearable monitors for measurement of PA, use of a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods, as well as the use of an all-Polish representative research sample.
  • Rekord
    Effect of dancing on Parkinson’s disease patients
    (Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2024-01-29) Soloh, Anaam ; Hammoud, Sahar ; Perjés, Beatrix ; Prémusz, Viktória
    Background. Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a neurological chronic disorder that impacts motor and non-motor functions. It has been shown that rhythmic movements reduce PD symptoms. Thus, the aim in this study was to investigate the effect of dancing on PD patients as a non-pharmacological treatment. Material and methods. A quasi-experimental, interventional, follow-up study involved 23 PD patients (average age 62.6±8.8 years): 8 patients in the intervention group (IG) and 15 in the control group (CG). SF-36 and PDQ-39 validated questionnaires were used to collect health status and quality of life (QoL) data. BBT and FSST tests were applied to measure balance and speed. Data was collected from February 2021 to January 2022. Statistical analysis was conducted by IBM SPSS. The significance level was p<0.05. Results. In SF-36, only 13.3% of the patients from the CG and 37.5% from the IG reported very good or good health. However, the difference was not significant (p=0.681). Regarding QoL, the IG had higher mobility (p=0.873), daily activities (p=0.083), well-being (p=0.082), cognition (p=0.335) and communication (p=0.811) than the CG but the results were not significant. Concerning FSST, significant balance differences were found in all trials (FSST trials) (p≤0.001, p=0.035, p≤0.001). BBT improved but not significantly. Conclusions. Dance intervention could improve PD patients’ balance according to the BBT and FSST results. Further studies are needed to prove the dance effect on health status and QoL.
  • Rekord
    Review of selected air pollutants in Bielsko-Biała in 2018-2022
    (Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2024-02-02) Góra, Dariusz
    Background. Based on the European Commission’s analysis, approximately 47,000 Polish residents die prematurely every year due to air pollution, including 36,500 due to PM2.5 suspended dust. Short-term exposure to dust causes a severe reaction in the most sensitive groups of the population, and the effects of this exposure may include adverse impact on lung function, premature deaths and more days absent from school and work. The objectives of this study were to assess the level of atmospheric air pollution in the city of Bielsko-Biała in the years 2018-2022 in terms of nitrogen dioxide, suspended dust PM2.5 and PM10, benzene, benzo(a)pyrene, lead, cadmium and arsenic. The number of hospitalized residents of Poland and the Silesian Voivodeship in the years 2018-2022 due to cancer, respiratory and circulatory system diseases, congenital defects and deformities was also analyzed. Material and methods. The article takes into account data from the Provincial Inspectorate of Environmental Protection in Katowice and the Health Department of the Silesian Provincial Office in Katowice. Results. In the years 2018-2022, the average annual concentration of suspended dust decreased. The most hospitalized residents of the Silesian Voivodeship and Poland due to cancer were recorded in 2018 and amounted to 237.3/10,000 and 243.4/10,000, respectively, while the least were in 2022: 211.6/10,000 and 218.3/10,000. Conclusions. In the analyzed period from 2018 to 2022, the discussed average annual concentrations of substances and elements were not exceeded. Number of hospitalized residents of Poland and the Silesian Voivodeship due to cancer and respiratory diseases is decreasing.
  • Rekord
    Profile of patients diagnosed with COVID-19 infection: a single-center retrospective study
    (Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2024-01-31) Węgrzynek-Gallina, Julia ; Pilśniak, Joanna ; Pilśniak, Aleksandra ; Jarosińska, Agnieszka ; Pietrukaniec, Marta ; Holecki, Michał
    Background. The purpose of this study was to examine the profile of COVID-19 patients hospitalized at the Department of Internal, Autoimmune and Metabolic Diseases of Central Clinical Hospital of the Medical University of Silesia in Katowice. Material and methods. A retrospective analysis included all patients admitted to COVID-19 Internal Medicine Ward from November 2020 to June 2021. Collected data embraced: gender, age, date of admission, length of hospital stays, the mode of admission, main diagnoses and comorbidities, discharge mode from the hospital, and cause of death. Results. The study group comprised 232 patients (124 (53.4%) males) diagnosed with COVID-19, mean age of 66.5±14.7 (24-96) years old. The number of coexisting cardiovascular diseases, diagnosis of chronic heart failure, and ischemic heart disease were statistically significantly associated with mortality of patients. The average length of hospitalization was 9.96±6.35 (0-35) days. It was significantly longer among patients diagnosed with kidney and urinary tract diseases (11 (6.0-14.0) vs. 9 (5.0-15.0) days, p=0.022), especially with urinary tract infection (13.5 (9.0-18.8) vs. 9 (5.0-12.0) days, p=0.003). Coexisting infections other than COVID-19 (9 (5.0-12.0) vs. 5 (10.3-23.0) days, p<0.001) and vitamin D deficiency (8 (4.0-12.0) vs. 12 (10.0-17.0) days, p<0.001) were also significant factors in prolonging hospital stay. Conclusions. Among hospitalized COVID-19 patients, cardiovascular diseases are significant factors associated with mortality. Coexisting infections and vitamin D deficiency may prolong the hospitalization.