Low-calorie sweeteners in obesity treatment: a promise for the future? Niskokaloryczne substancje słodzące w leczeniu otyłości: obietnica na przyszłość?

Miniatura obrazu
Giordano, Ugo
Kobiałka, Jakub
Pilch, Justyna
Tytuł czasopisma
ISSN czasopisma
Tytuł tomu
Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II
We read with great interest the study by Reimisz which addressed the issue of whether zero calorie sweet drinks are able to induce sensory-specific satiety in order to reduce appetite for sweets. We feel that it brings up a relevant matter, as overweight and obesity are gradually becoming more and more significant morbidities among many societies, and physicians are striving to find the most effective approaches that would limit their incidence and severity.
Słowa kluczowe
artificial sweeteners, overweight, calories, dietetics, obesity, sztuczne substancje słodzące, nadwaga, kalorie, dietetyka, otyłość
Giordano U, Kobiałka J, Pilch J. Low-calorie sweeteners in obesity treatment: a promise for the future?. Health Prob Civil. 2023; 17(3): 195-196. https://doi.org/10.5114/hpc.2023.130646