2020, Volume 14, Issue 1
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Przeglądanie 2020, Volume 14, Issue 1 według Autor "Kubińska, Zofia"
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RekordPhysical activity in primary and secondary physioprophylaxis(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2020-02-24) Kubińska, Zofia ; Zaworski, Kamil ; Mysula, Igor ; Pocztarska-Głos, AgataPhysioprophylaxis is a physiotherapeutic procedure consisting in counteracting, slowing down, inhibiting or removing adverse effects associated with an incorrect lifestyle, involutionary changes and disease processes. Physical activity (PA), health education, reduction of risk factors, and functional diagnostics are used to implement these goals. Physioprophylaxis makes it possible to avoid or stop the development of functional problems or disorders. It enables the prevention of civilization diseases, aging processes and disability by performing professional and daily activities ergonomically. Physioprophylaxis introduces PA and behaviors that strengthen the factors influencing health protection by preventing health threats. The lack of theoretical studies devoted to physioprophylaxis highlights the need to examine this topic. The purpose of this article is to describe an exemplary description (the author’s) of primary and secondary physioprophylaxis using PA as an integral component of physical therapy, including its tasks. Primary physioprophylaxis strives to prevent the occurrence of diseases, and is directed towards healthy people. Secondary physioprophylaxis involves patients and is a selective process that prevents the recurrence of the disease being treated and also reduces other risks to health. Physioprophylaxis focusing on health threats in healthy people has been scientifically demonstrated to maintain and strengthen the current physiological and functional state. It is also a way to minimize the scope of adverse disorders associated with diseases for people with medical conditions achieved using PA.