2024, Volume 18, Issue 1
Stały URI dla tej kolekcji
Przeglądanie 2024, Volume 18, Issue 1 według Autor "Lyzohub, Volodymyr"
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RekordReactivity of the oxygen transport system of elite athletes with different individual and typological properties in their nervous systems(Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-11-07) Lyzohub, Volodymyr ; Pustovalov, Vitalii ; Kozhemiako, Tetiana ; Khomenko, Sergii ; Bezkopylny, OleksandrBackground. The mechanisms of neurovegetative interaction of the functional reactivity of the oxygen transport system (OTS) and genetically determined typological properties of the central nervous system (CNS) were studied. Material and methods. The typological properties of the central nervous system of elite football players (32 individuals) were determined on the “Diagnost-1” neurodynamic complex. The reactivity of the OTS was investigated in a stepincreasing running speed test using the Jaeger Oxycon Mobile gas analyzer. Results. The dependence of the reactive properties of the OTS on the genetically determined functional mobility of nervous processes (FMNP) was established. Statistically significant higher indicators of blood stroke volume, carbon dioxide release rate (VСO2) and blood lactate (НLa) were found in the athletes with a higher level of FMNP than in individuals with a low degree of typological property (р=0.033-0.045). The athletes with low FRNP were characterized by statistically significant high values of heart rate (HR) and rate of oxygen uptake (VO2 max). The indicators of minute volumes of blood and respiration did not show statistically significant differences in groups of sportsmen with different gradations of FMNP (р=0.064-0.078). Conclusions. The theoretical model and mechanisms of interaction of the individual-typological property of FMNP with the functional reactivity of OTS and the possibility of using the results to evaluate the playing activity of football players were discussed.