2023, Volume 17, Issue 3
Stały URI dla tej kolekcji
Przeglądanie 2023, Volume 17, Issue 3 według Temat "aktywność fizyczna"
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RekordThe influence of sports on emotional control in cadets of the National Guard оf Ukraine at the beginning of the war(Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-06-28) Bodnar, Ivanna ; Andres, Andrii ; Kryzhanovskyi, Valeriy ; Shvets, VadymThe ability to adequately respond to various emotional situations is vital for law enforcement officers to work effectively in peacetime. In times of war, the importance of emotional control increases. Material and methods. A survey (in Google forms) of cadets of the Kyiv Institute of the National Guard of Ukraine (n=282) was conducted. Depending on whether they played sports, the respondents were divided into 2 groups (n=171 and n=111, respectively). Spielberger’s method was advocated. And the Courtlaud Emotional Control Scale. Results. The anxiety levels of athlete cadets and those who had stopped regular training did not differ. An average level of emotional control was recorded. The anxiety control score was close to low. Significant differences were found in the anxiety and depression control scores of cadets who regularly performed physical exercise and those who did not participate in sports. Conclusions. At the beginning of the war, the level of anxiety among cadets was high. Among cadets who play sports, there was no high level of anxiety control, aggression, or depression, as expected from athletes. This can be explained by the different intensity of emotions and their control, as well as the insufficient duration of sports training among cadets.
RekordUsing accelerometers as a method for improving compliance with physical activity recommendations in the treatment of obesity in children(Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-08-28) Stelmach, Marian J. ; Protas, Piotr ; Tenderenda-Banasiuk, Edyta ; Kuroczycka-Saniutycz, Elżbieta ; Wasilewska, Anna ; Lemiesz, MartaThe evidence has showed that increasing physical activity is a particularly important element not only in prevention but also in the treatment of obesity. This study aimed to examine whether the use of accelerometers for monitoring physical activity is a sufficient motivator to adhere the recommended level of physical activity. Material and methods. The prospective study involved 44 obese children and adolescents aged 5 to 17 who were registered with the Pediatric Nephrology Department at the Medical University of Bialystok, Poland. Participants had to wear a device for at least 12 hours per day for 56 consecutive days. Anthropometric measurements were made at the beginning of the study and after eight weeks of physical activity monitoring. Results. The presented study results far exceeded the recommended amount of the average physical activity energy expenditure of young patients in the first two weeks. In the following weeks, the amount of daily energy expenditure gradually diminished, but finally, the average BMI Z-score was reduced from 2.80±0.64 at baseline to 2.48±0.27 at the end of the study (p<0.0147). Conclusions. The study demonstrates that tracking of physical activity may be an essential factor to improve compliance with physical activity recommendations.