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RekordAktywność fizyczna uczniów w opinii nauczycieli wychowania fizycznego bialskich szkół ponadpodstawowych / Physical activity of students in the opinion of physical education teachers from secondary schools in Biała Podlaska(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2021-03-02) Korpak, Filip Łukasz ; Baj-Korpak, JoannaW dobie konsumpcjonizmu podejmowanie aktywności fizycznej (AF) wydaje się dla wielu osób przeżytkiem, tymczasem jest koniecznością. „Nowy”, aktywny tryb życia wymaga wielu wyrzeczeń i zmian dotychczasowych przyzwyczajeń. Stąd tak ważne jest wykształcenie w młodych ludziach potrzeby aktywnego spędzania wolnego czasu, potrzeby podejmowania systematycznych codziennych wysiłków fizycznych. Jednym z propagatorów aktywności fizycznej wydaje się być nauczyciel wychowania fizycznego, który powinien stanowić dla ucznia konstruktywny wzorzec osobowościowy. Celem pracy było poznanie opinii nauczycieli wychowania fizycznego pracujących w bialskich szkołach ponadpodstawowych na temat aktywności fizycznej ich uczniów. Materiał i metody. Badania przeprowadzono metodą sondażu diagnostycznego z wykorzystaniem autorskiego kwestionariusza ankiety. Wyniki. Zapytano nauczycieli o aspekty, na które ich zdaniem pozytywnie wpływa aktywność fizyczna podejmowana przez uczniów. Analizie poddano również motywy i bariery podejmowania przez młodzież AF. Wnioski. Ankietowani uważają, że uczniowie charakteryzują się średnim poziomem sprawności fizycznej. Główną barierą podejmowania przez młodzież AF okazał się brak chęci, zaś głównym czynnikiem motywującym-dbałość o kondycję fizyczną.
RekordFactors influencing level of physical activity among female students from the Visegrad countries(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2019-01-14) Niźnikowska, Ewelina ; Bergier, Józef ; Bergier, Barbara ; Ăcs, Pongrăc ; Junger, Jăn ; Salonna, FerdinandBackground. Our study aims to illustrate the diversity in levels of physical activity among female students from the Visegrad countries (V4), in four domains: job-related activity, transportation physical activity, housework, house maintenance, and caring for family, as well as recreation, sport, and leisure-time physical activity. These domains were correlated with factors including: BMI, field of study, physical fitness self-assessment and amount of leisure time. Material and methods. In total 1,169 female students from V4 countries: the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary and Poland were involved in the study. In terms of conducting the study, the long version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire IPAQ, was utilised. Results. Female students from the V4 countries were characterized by moderate (47.5%) and high (43.7%) levels of physical activity, and the WHO recommendations on health-related quality of life were fulfilled in more than 80% of the respondents. Conclusions. Analysis showed statistically significant differences in BMI, where underweight students (59.3%) demonstrated a moderate level of physical activity. The physical fitness selfassessment of female students from the V4 countries shows significant differences in their level of physical activity in all analysed areas and indicates that field of study as well as their amount of leisure time do not notably affect their level of physical activity.
RekordGlobal Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ) – the Polish version(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2019-01-28) Bergier, Józef ; Wasilewska, Małgorzata ; Szepeluk, AdamThe increasingly appreciated role of physical activity in societies concerned about their health requires proper assessment. The main tools for measuring the level of physical activity comprise some relevant questionnaires, among which the best known in the foreign literature is Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ). However, this questionnaire is not yet available in the Polish language version. The following article presents one such attempt that has taken into account the Polish conditions and lifestyle following the guidelines of the GPAQ Guide, which meets the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO). The source text was translated into Polish and then a reverse translation was made involving four steps.
RekordHealth and nutritional behavior of a selected group of south-eastern Poland patients: a pilot study(Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II, 2022-12-24) Domański, Maciej ; Domańska, Anna ; Chęcińska-Maciejewska, Zuzanna ; Lachowicz-Wiśniewska, Sabina ; Żukiewicz-Sobczak, Wioletta ; Weiner, MarcinBackground. The growing number of people with excess body weight is one of the most important global health issues. The increase in the number of people with excess weight and obesity leads to a shortened life expectancy. Material and methods. The aim of this pilot study was to use a questionnaire survey to determine the lifestyle of the people in a group of 84 Polish patients from south-eastern Poland, including diet, physical activity, and health. The pilot studies were carried out from December 2021 to January 2022 in a family doctor’s clinic among people in search of advice, who willingly volunteered themselves for the study. Results. The results of the study showed that 33% of women and 44% of men have excess body weight. Economic status statistically significantly affects the incidence of overweight and obesity. However, the level of education does not have a statistically significant effect on body weight. The irregularity of meals among the respondents was often explained by irregular work and many responsibilities. Our research also showed a low physical activity of the studied population. Conclusions. Improper nutrition combined with other anti-health behaviors make it significant to introduce intensive health education programs.
RekordHealth and nutritional behavior of a selected group of south-eastern Poland patients: a pilot study(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2017-07-28) Domański, Maciej ; Domańska, Anna ; Chęcińska-Maciejewska, Zuzanna ; Lachowicz-Wiśniewska, Sabina ; Żukiewicz-Sobczak, Wioletta ; Weiner, MarcinBackground. The growing number of people with excess body weight is one of the most important global health issues. The increase in the number of people with excess weight and obesity leads to a shortened life expectancy. Material and methods. The aim of this pilot study was to use a questionnaire survey to determine the lifestyle of the people in a group of 84 Polish patients from south-eastern Poland, including diet, physical activity, and health. The pilot studies were carried out from December 2021 to January 2022 in a family doctor’s clinic among people in search of advice, who willingly volunteered themselves for the study. Results. The results of the study showed that 33% of women and 44% of men have excess body weight. Economic status statistically significantly affects the incidence of overweight and obesity. However, the level of education does not have a statistically significant effect on body weight. The irregularity of meals among the respondents was often explained by irregular work and many responsibilities. Our research also showed a low physical activity of the studied population. Conclusions. Improper nutrition combined with other anti-health behaviors make it significant to introduce intensive health education programs.
RekordHealth risks physioprophylaxis through physical activity in people aged 50+ from Poland and Ukraine(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2021-10-05) Kubińska, Zofia ; Zaworski, Kamil ; Mysula, IgorBackground. Studies of people aged 50+ undertaking physical activity show the possibility to delay and mitigate the ailments associated with the aging process. The aim of this study was to present the physioprophylaxis of the aging process in people aged 50 and above from the Lublin Voivodeship in Poland and the Ternopil region in Ukraine through physical activity, taking into account health condition, regularity of check-ups, sources of knowledge, forms of activity, age and the level of education.Material and methods. The study group involved 121 people from the Lublin Voivodeship and 102 people from the Ternopil region. A questionnaire designed by the authors was used in the study.Results. In the group of respondents from the Lublin Voivodeship, younger age was correlated with more frequent participation in power walks, dancing, Nordic walking, jogging, active tourism as well as strength and flexibility training (p<0.05). Better health condition was observed in those individuals who reported more frequent power walks, cycling, working on the plot, Nordic walking, active tourism and strength training (p<0.05). Statistically significant regularity of check-ups was reported only in individuals who practiced cycling (p<0.05). No correlations between these variables were reported in the study group from Ternopil (p>0.05). Conclusions. The analysis of the obtained data showed that study participants from Poland more often engage in physical activity and perceive their health condition as good more frequently than the respondents from Ukraine. Age and health status were the factors influencing the frequency and choice of physical activity forms undertaken by the respondents.
RekordLevel of physical activity of women and men from Independent Cultural Centers in Poland(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2021-03-11) Bergier, Michał ; Bergier, BarbaraBackground. The aim of this study was to identify the level of physical activity of members of Independent Cultural Centers (ICCs) operating in Poland. The choice of this group was dictated by the desire to identify unconventional initiatives (including various types of physical activities) that differentiate the group from previously researched socio-professional groups. Material and methods. The study included participants from all ICCs in Poland, represented by 38 women and 66 men aged 19 to 46 years. To assess their level of physical activity, the short version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ short) was used. Results. For both sexes, physical activity at intensity levels of vigorous (VPA), moderate (MPA), light (walking) (LPA), as well as the total physical activity (TPA) of the subjects, were measured. Among men, weekly VPA energy expenditure was 1281.2 MET-min/week (SD = 763.6) and among women 1162.7 MET-min/wk. (SD = 644.6). For MPA, analysis of the results showed an energy expenditure of 918.8 MET-min/week (SD = 650.6) in women and 772.3 MET-min/week (SD = 455.5) in men. Weekly LPA energy expenditure was 1342 MET-min/week in men (SD = 827.2) and 1341.3 MET-min/week in women (SD = 823.6). Conclusions. Respondents from the ICCs constituted a group characterized by positive physical activity scores. Women had higher results compared to men in the VPA, MPA and TPA analyses, although these differences were not statistically significant. The respondents’ results were also more favorable in relation to groups of students and members of other Polish associations and non-governmental organizations.
RekordMotywy podejmowania aktywności fizycznej w czasie wolnym przez studentów trenujących i nietrenujących(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2019-07-18) Stępień, Ewa ; Stępień, Jacek ; Olesiejuk, MaciejWstęp. Celem naszych badań była analiza porównawcza dotycząca aktywności fizycznej w czasie wolnym i motywów jej podejmowania przez studentów trenujących i nietrenujących. Materiał i metody. Badaniami objęto studentów dwóch bialskich uczelni – Państwowej Szkoły Wyższej im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej i Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego Józefa Piłsudskiego w Warszawie, Filii w Białej Podlaskiej. Ogółem przebadano 130 osób: 65 sportowców i 65 nieuprawiających sportu wyczynowo. Wyniki. Na podstawie analizy wyników badań można wywnioskować, iż wyczynowe uprawianie sportu różnicuje opinie badanych dotyczące spędzania czasu wolnego oraz ich uczestnictwo w zajęciach sportowo-rekreacyjnych. Wnioski. Studenci uprawiający sport wyczynowo większą uwagę przywiązują do rekreacji ruchowej i są dwukrotnie bardziej aktywni fizycznie w czasie wolnym od studentów, którzy sportu nie uprawiają. Motywami różnicującymi podejmowanie aktywności fizycznej przez badanych są: kształtowanie charakteru, zdobycie nowych umiejętności, względy towarzyskie, kariera sportowa oraz poprawa zdrowia – wymienia większość sportowców. Studenci uprawiający sport wyczynowo dostrzegają znacznie więcej korzyści zdrowotnych, jakie daje regularna aktywność fizyczna.
RekordPhysical activity and mental health of students from Poland and Belarus in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: reflections on the purpose of a research project(Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II, 2022-06-30) Baj-Korpak, Joanna ; Zaworski, Kamil ; Shpakou, Andrei ; Szymczuk, EwaKnowledge of the medical-psychological and socio-cultural determinants of physical activity (PA) and mental health is still unsatisfactory. A dominance of diagnostic over explanatory studies and a focus on the association of PA and mental health status with unmodified demographic variables characterizes most research in this area. The aim of the proposed project is to determine PA levels and psychological adaptation to stress among students from Poland and Belarus in the context of different anti-pandemic strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic. John Paul II University of Applied Sciences in Biala Podlaska (Poland) and Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno (Belarus) were chosen for the study, as despite the universities being located a relatively small distance from each other, they are in different countries and subject to different anti-pandemic strategies. The proposed survey will include approximately 800 medical and health sciences students (approximately 400 from each university). Nine standardized survey instruments will be used: IPAQ-SF, MBI, SWLS, CECS, GSES, Mini-COPE, STAI, TSK, and GHQ-28. The outcome of the research will be the identification of the medical-psychological and socio-cultural determinants that influence psychological adaptation and PA levels of students experiencing different anti-pandemic strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic.
RekordPhysical activity and psychological well-being of Hungarian athletes and sports professionals: challenges and opportunities in Hungarian sports sector – summary(Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II, 2022-12-30) Maksymiuk, Anna ; Weiner, MarcinThe Part II of this issue of Health Problems of Civilization (4/2022) includes exclusively the works by the team of the researchers from the University of Pécs, Hungary, led by Prof. Pongrác Ács, PhD. The articles deal with the topics related to physical activity and mental well-being of the professional group that includes athletes and sports professionals in Hungary. In this context, the manuscripts also present the challenges and problems that the Hungarian sports sector is currently facing; and at the same time, they describe opportunities for the development of sports in the country. The first article by Derkács et al. aims to analyze the changing exercising frequency, the well-being, the mental health, as well as the social relationships before and during the curfew of the COVID-19 first wave. The data collection was May-June in 2020 via an online questionnaire survey amongst the sportsmen and professionals in the sports sector. The sample was classified into four sectors: elite sportsmen, recreational sportsmen, sports professionals and multiple roles. There was a significant difference at the exercising frequency before and during the curfew between the sectors. The well-being, the mental health and the social relations did not show any significant differences. Regarding physical activity, there were decreases in weekly average in every category. The authors concluded that the curfew of the COVID-19 pandemic had a major impact on the exercising frequency and physical activity amongst the sportsmen and professionals in the sports sector.
RekordPhysical activity and the age of respondents from Independent Cultural Centers in Poland(Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II, 2022-10-03) Bergier, Michał ; Bergier, BarbaraBackground. The purpose of the following research is to present the physical activity of a niche group – people from Independent Cultural Centers (ICCs) – and to show the relationship between physical activity and the age of the respondents. Material and methods. The study group consisted of people between the ages of 19 and 46 who were active in associations that form ICCs in Poland (in Warsaw, Lublin, Gliwice, and Wroclaw). The International Physical Activity Questionnaire short form (IPAQ-SF) was used to identify the level of physical activity. In order to show the differences between the physical activity of older and younger respondents, they were divided into two groups: 1st group ≤ 30 years, 2nd group ≥ 31 years. Results. The analyses showed that the age of the respondents has an impact on the physical activity undertaken. More favorable, statistically significant results in analyses of vigorous physical activity (VPA) and moderate physical activity (MPA) were obtained by the younger group. Conclusions. Participation in physical activity declines with age. There is a need to create an offer that encourages leisure-time physical activity that is attractive to older groups. Despite the more favorable analysis results of the younger group’s declared physical activity, the results of the older respondents compare favorably to the groups in the studies conducted by other authors. This may indicate that the offer prepared by the associations that make up ICCs is adequately adapted to the needs of the respondents.
RekordPhysical activity assessment tools in monitoring physical activity: the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ), the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) or accelerometers – choosing the best tools(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2018-03-23) Stelmach, MarianAssessing physical activity in epidemiological studies is a severe challenge for researchers, whose overriding aim is to obtain accurate, truthful and reliable data on the level of physical activity in different population groups. Presently, both objective and subjective measurement methods are used. The tools used in objective methods are usually pedometers and accelerometers, while in subjective are used questionnaires conducted and run either as self-reported or by a trained interviewer. At the end of the 1990s, experts in the field of epidemiology of physical activity began developing normalised and standardised tools for subjective assessment of physical activity. After several years of experience, we know that well-chosen and properly validated tools used in the testing process conducted in accordance with recommended standards are a prerequisite for obtaining accurate, truthful and reliable data. Although there are over 90 different questionnaires for physical activity, the two most commonly used are the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ) and the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ). On the other hand, objective tools such as pedometers or accelerometers are used more and more frequently in cohort and experimental studies, but also those concerning populations. The article reviews the literature on the criteria of selection and usage of these popular tools. The advantages and disadvantages of each of them and the results of the most important comparative validation studies are discussed.
RekordThe physical activity level declared by students from Belarus(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2021-04-06) Baj-Korpak, Joanna ; Shpakou, Andrei ; Szepeluk, AdamBackground. Numerous connections of physical activity with biological indicators and various diseases justify its place in the multifaceted theory of health, thus making it a health measure. The aim of the study was to learn about the physical activity declared by students at Belarusian universities – to determine its level and dominant areas. Material and methods. 739 people studying in Brest, Minsk, and Grodno (Belarus) were surveyed with the long version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). Results. The total physical activity of the surveyed students amounted to 4840.5 metabolic equivalent of task (MET) min/week (median), which proves their significant involvement in the broadly understood physical culture. The dominant area of their physical activity proved to be work-related effort (median=1700.6 MET-min/week), while the lowest activity of the respondents was related to sport and recreation. The surveyed men showed higher MET-min/week rates in total physical activity and its components compared with women except for housework. In each of the analyzed variables (gender, Body Mass Index (BMI), self-assessment of physical fitness, and declared amount of spare time), there were statistically significant differences in the physical activity level of the surveyed students. Conclusions. The surveyed men proved to be more active than women in all domains of physical activity except for housework. Respondents with a BMI indicating overweight were more active than those with a normal BMI or those who were underweight. High self-esteem and declaration of lacking spare time are associated with high values of the MET-min/week index.
RekordPhysical activity of the elderly: limitations and knowledge about the dangers of hypokinesia(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2021-04-21) Kubińska, Zofia ; Pańczuk, AnnaBackground. Researchers often discuss the subject of physical activity (PA) of the elderly in theoretical terms, showing, for example, the protective mechanisms of PA for the body, beneficial effects for health and aging, as well as the principles of effective health training. According to the WHO and EU, few elderly people are physically active. This study aimed to investigate the level of PA of the surveyed elderly people at the present time, compared to when they were younger. Potential limitations in PA of the respondents and their knowledge about the dangers of hypokinesia were also investigated.Material and methods. This study assessed 217 people, aged 60-85, living in the northern part of the Lublin Province, Poland. It used an original interview questionnaire.Results. Systematic PA performed by respondents earlier in life involved mainly household and backyard activities, professional work, and participation in physical education lessons. The currently most frequent activities were found to be walking (75.6%) and gardening (66.4%). Women much more often than men participated and reported their willingness to be active in organized PA. Various limitations prevented respondents from being physically active. The greatest number of respondents reported disability, physical weakness, kinesiophobia, and multiple diseases (34.6%) as the main barrier, followed by lack of skills to organize physical exercises (27.7%). Concerning threats of hypokinesia, respondents most often indicated obesity, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and arterial hypertension.Conclusions. The level of PA of the surveyed elderly people, limitations preventing PA, and low level of knowledge about the delayed consequences of hypokinesia suggests a need for seniors’ health education in physioprophylaxis.
RekordPhysioprophylaxis of type 1 diabetes in children using physical exercise(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2019-12-20) Zaworski, Kamil ; Ławnik, Anna ; Kubińska, Zofia ; Shpakou, AndreiAccording to the Physiotherapist Act, physioprophylaxis is an important component of physiotherapy and of the physiotherapist’s professional activities. Physioprophylaxis can be oriented towards practicing healthy lifestyle behaviours, minimizing disease risk factors, or attenuating the consequences of the disease, surgery, and/or disability. Type 1 diabetes is a chronic metabolic disease characterized by hyperglycaemia, i.e. high blood glucose levels. It is caused by the dysfunction or destruction of β cells of pancreatic islets of Langerhans, which are responsible for the production and secretion of insulin. Type 1 diabetes is most common in children and adolescents. According to the 2018 report, 6,400 children aged 0-14 years and about 180,000 people over 14 years old suffer from type 1 diabetes in Poland alone. Physical activity is an important stimulus for optimal physiological development of children and adolescents, and is an important factor in reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and mortality. Physical exercise reduces the need for insulin and increases the sensitivity of cells to insulin, so that the daily dose of insulin can be reduced. The Polish Diabetes Association recommends that children with type 1 diabetes should exercise for more than one hour a day in order to reduce the risk of vascular complications associated with the disease. The aim of this paper is to examine the effects of type 1 diabetes physioprophylaxis in children in the form of physical exercise, based on previous literature. The majority of research indicates physical activity has a positive effect on physiological function in children with type 1 diabetes, specifically reducing the risk of hypoglycaemia, high blood glucose level, insulin demand, and premature death.
RekordPotrzeby zdrowotne realizowane przez aktywność fizyczną osób starszych(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2018-03) Kubińska, Zofia ; Pańczuk, AnnaWstęp. W latach 90. eksperci stwierdzili, że w strategii zdrowia publicznego zwiększenie aktywności fizycznej społeczeństwa jest równie istotne jak leczenie nadciśnienia tętniczego, zaburzeń przemiany lipidowej czy walka z nałogiem palenia tytoniu (Drygas, Jagier, 2003). Celem pracy było przedstawienie rodzajów potrzeb zdrowotnych osób starszych zaspokajanych przez podejmowaną aktywność fizyczną z uwzględnieniem stopnia ich realizacji. Materiał i metody. Badania przeprowadzono w 2016 roku wśród mieszkańców powiatu bialskiego i okolic (północna część województwa lubelskiego). Przebadano 221 osób w wieku 60- 90 lat. Wśród badanych przeważały kobiety (65,6%) oraz mieszkańcy wsi (56,9%). W pracy zastosowano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego z wykorzystaniem autorskiego kwestionariusza ankiety. Wyniki. Najliczniejsza grupa badanych seniorów wskazała, iż przez podejmowaną aktywność fizyczną realizuje potrzeby prorodzinne (92,3%), profilaktyczne (91,9%), ruchu (89,1%) oraz antyinwolucyjne i aktywności turystycznej (po 88,7%). Najmniej liczna grupa badanych realizuje potrzeby aktywnej niepełnosprawności (69,2%) oraz rehabilitacyjne (77,8%). Wnioski. Badani seniorzy, przez aktywność fizyczną, realizowali wszystkie analizowane potrzeby zdrowotne. Najliczniejsza grupa realizowała potrzeby prorodzinne, profilaktyczne, ruchu, antyinwolucyjne oraz aktywności turystycznej. W największym stopniu zaspokajane były potrzeby prorodzinne, profilaktyczne oraz ruchu, natomiast w najmniejszym potrzeby aktywnej niepełnosprawności i rekreacji ruchowej.
RekordUsing accelerometers as a method for improving compliance with physical activity recommendations in the treatment of obesity in children(Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-08-28) Stelmach, Marian J. ; Protas, Piotr ; Tenderenda-Banasiuk, Edyta ; Kuroczycka-Saniutycz, Elżbieta ; Wasilewska, Anna ; Lemiesz, MartaThe evidence has showed that increasing physical activity is a particularly important element not only in prevention but also in the treatment of obesity. This study aimed to examine whether the use of accelerometers for monitoring physical activity is a sufficient motivator to adhere the recommended level of physical activity. Material and methods. The prospective study involved 44 obese children and adolescents aged 5 to 17 who were registered with the Pediatric Nephrology Department at the Medical University of Bialystok, Poland. Participants had to wear a device for at least 12 hours per day for 56 consecutive days. Anthropometric measurements were made at the beginning of the study and after eight weeks of physical activity monitoring. Results. The presented study results far exceeded the recommended amount of the average physical activity energy expenditure of young patients in the first two weeks. In the following weeks, the amount of daily energy expenditure gradually diminished, but finally, the average BMI Z-score was reduced from 2.80±0.64 at baseline to 2.48±0.27 at the end of the study (p<0.0147). Conclusions. The study demonstrates that tracking of physical activity may be an essential factor to improve compliance with physical activity recommendations.
RekordUwarunkowania potrzeb zdrowotnych realizowanych przez aktywność fizyczną osób starszych(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2019-07-18) Kubińska, Zofia ; Pańczuk, AnnaCelem pracy było poszukiwanie zależności pomiędzy uwarunkowaniami (płcią, miejscem zamieszkania, wykształceniem, wiekiem, samooceną stanu zdrowia, uczestnictwem w aktywności fizycznej oraz intensywnością wysiłku fizycznego w ramach wykonywanego zawodu), a potrzebami zdrowotnymi realizowanymi przez aktywność fizyczną. Materiał i metoda. Badania przeprowadzono w 2016 roku wśród 221 mieszkańców powiatu bialskiego i okolic w wieku 60-90 lat. W pracy zastosowano sondaż diagnostyczny z autorskim kwestionariuszem ankiety, w którym badani oceniali stopnie realizacji jedenastu potrzeb zdrowotnych poprzez podejmowaną obecnie aktywność fizyczną. Wyniki. Nie wykazano istotnego zróżnicowania stopnia realizacji potrzeb zdrowotnych względem płci oraz miejsca zamieszkania. Wykazano istotne zróżnicowanie względem wykształcenia a stopniem realizacji potrzeby aktywnej niepełnosprawności oraz rekreacji ruchowej; wiekiem a realizacją potrzeby profilaktycznej; samooceną stanu zdrowia a realizacją potrzeby prorodzinnej, profilaktycznej, ruchu, aktywności turystycznej, rekreacji ruchowej, medycznej i rehabilitacji; dotychczasowym uczestnictwem w aktywności fizycznej a potrzebą ruchu, antyinwolucyjną oraz profilaktyczną; intensywnością wysiłku fizycznego w ramach wykonywanego zawodu a potrzebą prorodzinną, aktywnej niepełnosprawności, rekreacji ruchowej oraz funkcjonalno-czynnościowej. Wnioski. Do uwarunkowań, które różnicują potrzeby zdrowotne realizowane przez aktywność fizyczną badanych seniorów należą: wykształcenie, wiek, stan zdrowia, wcześniejsze uczestnictwo w aktywności fizycznej oraz rodzaj wykonywanego zawodu pod względem intensywności wysiłku fizycznego. W żadnej z analizowanych potrzeb nie wykazano istotnego zróżnicowania w zależności od płci oraz miejsca zamieszkania badanych seniorów.