2020, Volume 14, Issue 4
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Przeglądanie 2020, Volume 14, Issue 4 według Temat "artificial intelligence"
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RekordThe first steps in artificial intelligence development in medicine in Uzbekistan(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2020-09-07) Azimova, Noiba Djamalitdinovna ; Ashirbaev, Sherzod Pardaevich ; Vikhrov, Igor PetrovichArtificial intelligence (AI) as a field is based on such disciplines as computer science, biology, psychology, linguistics, mathematics, and mechanical engineering. AI uses algorithms, heuristics, pattern matching, rules, deep learning, and cognitive computing to approximate conclusions. With its ability to analyze complex medical data it can be used in the diagnosis, treatment, and predicting the outcome of many diseases. This paper presents the importance of AI in the healthcare system and by extension in our everyday lives. AI techniques have the potential to be applied in almost every field of medicine and every sphere of our life. AI has the possibility to help in areas with less hands-on healthcare. It is believed that geographically isolated areas can benefit from AIs which could replace physicians. Uzbekistan is one of the first countries in Central Asia which is enthusiastically moving towards digitalization. A group of scientists from Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute (TPMI) created an AI system for diagnosing electrocardiogram (ECG) waveform outputted from the portable biometric sensor “Bitalino” in order to find out problems for introducing AI in the medical field in Uzbekistan. From this experience and the general literature, we conclude that the main barrier to mass use of AI in healthcare including in Uzbekistan may be two things: a huge amount of data for training, and personnel problem.