2023, Volume 16, Issue 4
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Przeglądanie 2023, Volume 16, Issue 4 według Tytuł
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Opcje wyszukiwania
RekordChanges in the core-periphery structure of the Framework Programme’s regional network / Zmiany w strukturze rdzeń-peryferia sieci regionalnej programu ramowego(Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-12-29) Bilicz, DávidSubject and purpose of work: The aim of this paper is to measure whether the regions lagging behind in the European knowledge field could get closer to the core of the Framework Programmes’ (FP) R&D network. Materials and methods: Annual snapshots of the network have been analysed between 2004- 2014. With the use of four different core-periphery measures, regions with converging and diverging tendencies have been identified. The author analysed how the results vary with different regions and indicators used. Results: The few core regions of the network in the eastern bloc tend to diverge from the core, while almost none of the peripheral regions in these countries could even get to the semi-periphery of the network in the examined timeframe. Conclusions: Although one of the goals of the EU with the European Research Area was to help peripheral regions catch up, this has not yet happened in the case of the examined collaborative R&D network.
RekordChanging pattern of prices and arrivals of agricultural commodities through e-NAM: a case study of Sirsa APMC in Haryana / Zmieniający się wzorzec dostaw i cen towarów rolnych za pośrednictwem e-NAM: studium przypadku – Sirsa APMC w stanie Haryana(Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-12-30) Singh, Abhey ; Kiran ; Sihag, ShakuntlaSubject and purpose of work: The study examined the market profile and status of Electronic National Agriculture Market (e-NAM) in Sirsa Agricultural Produce Market Committee (APMC) The study also analysed the arrival and price pattern of major agricultural commodities before and after the implementation of e-NAM in the study area. Materials and methods: For the present study, both primary and secondary data were used. The study was conducted between the years 2011-2012 to 2020-2021. The Compound Growth Rate (CGR) was computed for both the period before and after the implementation of e-NAM (2016- 2017 to 2020-2021) to examine the growth of total arrivals, lots, traded quantity and value of commodities. Results: The study shows incremental growth in the total number of arrived, quantity and traded value except for traded lots of commodities. The study observed that almost all required facilities for implementing e-NAM were available at the APMC yard. Conclusion: The present study concluded that the overall impact of e-NAM has been positive on the arrivals and prices of major agricultural commodities in Sirsa APMC.
RekordFactors influencing the tendency of young people to migrate abroad – an example from Northern Poland / Czynniki wpływające na skłonność do migracji zagranicznych osób młodych – przykład z Polski Północnej(Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-12-30) Kowalewska, Grażyna ; Zabielska, Izabela IwonaSubject and purpose of work: Determining the directions of foreign migration of students of management of the University of Warmia and Mazury (UWM) in Olsztyn and the factors encouraging young people to emigrate. Materials and methods: A diagnostic survey method was used. This paper presents part of the results of a wider survey of young people conducted in early 2021. Participation in the study was anonymous and voluntary. A non-probabilistic sampling technique known as convenience sampling was used. The survey covered the entire population of management students at UWM in Olsztyn. 93 questionnaires were returned. Correspondence analysis was used to verify the hypotheses. Results: Economic factors proved to be the most important factors for respondents: higher wages, greater job and promotion opportunities abroad. Conclusions: Young people show a high tendency to migrate abroad, with Germany and the UK being the main destinations. They see foreign migration as a way to improve their life situation. In order to keep them on the domestic labour market, competition regarding wages should be increased and flexible work should be allowed.
RekordImpact of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic on changes in the financing and delivery of forestry education in Poland – a case study / Wpływ pandemii SARS-CoV-2 na zmiany w finansowaniu i prowadzeniu edukacji leśnej w Polsce – studium przypadku(Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-12-30) Zbucki, Łukasz ; Radwańska, KatarzynaSubject and purpose of work: The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has significantly changed the shape and organization of education in the State Forests, hence the purpose of this study is to assess its impact on the course, financing, forms and participation of youth and adults in forest education in Poland. Materials and methods: The study was based on hitherto unpublished quantitative data concerning the educational activities of forest districts carried out in 2011-2021. Qualitative methods, including online surveys, were also used. Due to the largest area of forests under its management in Poland, the RDSF Szczecin was selected as the study area. Results: An analysis of expenditures on forest education was carried out, identifying forest districts with the highest and lowest costs. Conclusions: The mixed methods used allowed for a more complete interpretation of the results, as well as the presentation of the figures in a statistical context.
RekordIndonesian cooperatives’ growth and improvement strategies in time of pandemic crisis / Strategie wzrostu i usprawniania indonezyjskich spółdzielni w czasie kryzysu pandemicznego(Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-12-30) De Fransu, Fransiscus ; Fidiana, Fidiana ; Kurnia, KurniaSubject and purpose of work: This study seeks to assess and analyse cooperative performance using PEARLS and a partial Balanced Scorecard (BSC) tool at savings and credit cooperatives (SCCs) in Eastern Indonesia. Materials and methods: Both primary and secondary data as well as time series analysis were used, which consists of a financial perspective (PEARLS) and customer perspective from 2019 up to 2021. The study used the quantitative research method based on balanced scorecard analysis. Results: The results show that in terms of financial performance during the pandemic, it must be admitted that several indicators did not achieve the target. In terms of asset utilisation, cooperatives need to develop a new marketing strategy so that their financial resources can be managed to improve the welfare of members. The pandemic is indeed one of the reasons that the financial asset resources owned cannot be attributed to the community, because many community members have experienced a decline in their economic capacity. Conclusions: The applicable strategies to improve SCC performance are: applying innovations in marketing, and improving employee productivity in generating income for savings and credit cooperatives.
RekordInvestment in farms with various directions of production development / Inwestycje w gospodarstwach rolnych o różnych kierunkach rozwoju produkcji(Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-12-30) Nasalski, Zbigniew ; Juchniewicz, MałgorzataSubject and purpose of work: The subject of the study was investments in farms with various directions of production development. The aim of the study was to identify the scope of prodevelopment investments and the most important determinants of their implementation in farms located in the area of the Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship. Materials and methods: A questionnaire survey was used as a research tool to determine the opinion of the surveyed farmers with regard to planned investments related to farm development among other things. In 2022, information was obtained from 433 farms. Results: Respondents planning to develop conventional production, production based on the principles of precision agriculture and production of energy crops most often considered the purchase of machinery and equipment. Farms oriented towards organic production more clearly emphasised investments in agricultural land and in commercial infrastructure. Conclusions: Institutional measures aimed at supporting investment processes on farms in a rational manner, should be even more strongly oriented towards increasing the possibilities of external financing and advisory support for better adjustment of investments to the planned direction of development of a particular entity, as well as ensuring administrative facilitations favouring simplification of the investment process.
RekordPolicies aimed at combating COVID-19 pandemic and economic crisis in Poland / Polityka antypandemiczna i polityka antykryzysowa w czasie pandemii COVID-19 w Polsce(Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-12-30) Adamowicz, MieczysławSubject and purpose of work: The aim of the paper is to present the course of the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland and measures undertaken in order to prevent the spread of the disease and mitigate its results. The specific objective concerns evaluation of anti-crisis measures enacted during the pandemic in Poland. Materials and methods: The paper is based on an analysis of official data provided by state institutions and reports on the course of the pandemic in Poland, as well as academic papers on the subject matter in question. The author employed an analytical and descriptive method in order to outline the course and assess the economic and social phenomena occurring during the pandemic. Results: The state of the pandemic in Poland was announced on March 2020 and lifted in May 2023. During that period, Poland experienced two major waves of increased infections and excess deaths, which led to significant biological, economic and social damage, as well as major losses. The state has implemented an efficient and quite effective anti-pandemic measures aimed at protecting the lives and health of citizens, as well as anti-crisis policies to counter and limit the adverse effects of the ongoing pandemic in the form of an extensive financial aid in the form of the so-called Anti-Crisis Fund, which was continuously replenished. Conclusions: The COVID-19 pandemic in Poland was an unprecedented and unpredictable phenomenon, which resulted in clear threat to the life and health of the population. It also brought upon a danger of an economic recession and social crisis, which could have resulted in deep economic crisis. The anti-pandemic measures introduced by the Polish government, as well as the anti-crisis measures implemented in quick succession, saved the country from a deep crisis and recession. There is a need for further research into the causes, course, as well as the immediate and long-term impacts of the pandemic.
RekordReview of the monograph by Konrad Żak, Teresa Janicka-Michalak entitled „Functioning of pharmacies in Poland: economic and legal conditions”, Biała Podlaska 2022, pp. 568 / Recenzja monografii Konrada Żaka, Teresy Janickiej- Michalak pt. „Funkcjonowanie aptek ogólnodostępnych w Polsce: uwarunkowania ekonomiczno-prawne”, Biała Podlaska 2022, ss. 568(Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-12-30) Mruk, Henryk
RekordSanatan Economics: an eternal economic order / „Wieczna Ekonomia”: wieczny ład gospodarczy(Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-12-30) Jakhar, Babloo ; Kumar, Vijay ; Sharma, Sachin ; SunilSubject and purpose of work: This short paper deals with Sanatan Economics and explains its importance and why Sanatan Economics should be studied. Materials and methods: The work is based on the principles of Sanatan Dharma. The content is based on the Sanatan Scriptures, available literature, and the authors’ understanding of Sanatan Economics. Results: Sanatan economics (in a narrow sense, it may be called Hindu Economics) deals with ethical principles, self-sufficiency, balanced economic growth, and responsible use of resources while considering the broader societal and moral context of economic activities. It should be used for the betterment of human life and positive societal change in terms of economic order, because sustainability, balanced economic growth, value-based economic decisions, vocals for local, selfsufficiency, and moral and ethical decisions are the needs of the present economic order. Conclusions: The study of Sanatan Economics enlightens the path for the betterment of societal economic change.
RekordSequential explanatory approach: digital marketing implementation acceleration programme that supports the marketing performance of MSME actors / Sekwencyjne podejście eksplanacyjne: program przyspieszenia wdrażania marketingu cyfrowego, który wspiera wyniki marketingowe podmiotów MŚP(Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-12-30) Herawati, Andry ; Sarwani, Sarwani ; Sri Lestari, Damajanti ; Listyawati, Liling ; Raharja, AldaSubject and purpose of work: Because there was a reduced market for their products as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, several micro, small & medium-sized enterprise (MSME) actors went out of business. One way to boost marketing performance is through digital marketing. The goal of this study is to create a strategy that will hasten the adoption of digital marketing for MSMEs. This study was focused on the Association of Retired Workers and Families (Pertakina), an SME of Blitar Regency, which has various kinds of businesses producing very varied and creative products, including food, drinks, services, and handicrafts. Materials and methods: This study used mixed methods with a sequential explanatory design, which combined quantitative research methods in the first stage, followed by sequential qualitative research. Using a straightforward random sampling technique, 72 MSME actors who have used digital marketing were chosen as samples. Quantitative data samples are MSME actors who have used digital marketing to market their products. An initial sample of qualitative data sources was selected purposively, using the chairman of Pertakina Blitar and Pertakina MSMEs as the key informant. Subsequent informants were then selected by snowball sampling based on the information given by the key informant; they were Pertakina MSME actors who have not done digital marketing. The researchers consider the sample to be saturated (data saturation) with as many as 18 respondents. The information was gathered through literature reviews, surveys, interviews, observations, and documentation. Results: The results show that digital marketing has a significant effect on marketing performance. The barriers to implementing digital marketing are lack of qualified human resources, infrastructure needs, internet networks, and the ability to produce content. Additionally, the acceleration programme was created based on the barriers in implementing digital marketing identified in this study to enhance the marketing effectiveness of MSME players. Conclusions: It is suggested that Pertakina conduct training by a competent trainer in the field of digital marketing technology to improve the MSMEs actors’ abilities. Furthermore, this can be done in collaboration with the government and universities.
RekordThe casual relationship between income deprivation and depression with special emphases on the importance of spatiality / Związek przyczynowy między deprywacją dochodową a depresją ze szczególnym naciskiem na znaczenie przestrzenności(Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-12-29) Bilicz, Hanga LillaSubject and purpose of work: This paper focuses on the causal relationship between territorial levels of income deprivation and depression. It seeks to shed light on the importance of spatial dependence in said relationship. Materials and methods: The paper uses the Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation as a data source to model the level of depression present across Scotland dependent on income deprivation and health and education control variables. OLS (Ordinary Least Squares) modelling is used to confirm causality and a SARMA (Spatial Autoregressive Moving Average) model is built to capture the spatial dimension as well. Results: Evidence is found that geographical space has an effect on the relationship between depression and deprivation, and the presence of spillover effects to neighbouring areas, and hence a multiplier effect can also be assumed. Conclusions: Taking the found spatial multiplier effect into account when making resource allocation decisions could help to better target policies regarding e.g. social wellbeing and mental health.
RekordThe return of pensioners to the labour market in the macro-region of Eastern Poland / Powroty emerytów na rynek pracy w makroregionie Polski Wschodniej(Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-12-29) Guzal-Dec, Danuta ; Siedlecka, Agnieszka ; Jakubowicz, AnnaSubject and purpose of work: The aim of the study is to determine the scale of the phenomenon of pensioners remaining on the labour market and their potential readiness to return, as well as the determinants of this phenomenon in the peripheral areas of the macro-region of Eastern Poland. Materials and methods: The results of a survey conducted in 2021 among pensioners from Podlaskie, Lubelskie and Podkarpackie Voivodeships were used. Results: Simultaneous receipt of a pension and continued employment occurred in the case of 36.9% of the surveyed sample, 10% of the respondents were not working but declared their readiness to return to the labour market. The reasons for remaining unemployed mainly included: lack of suitable job offers, health problems and unwillingness to work. Conclusions: The specificity of the problems of unemployed pensioners in the macro-region of Eastern Poland suggests the need for regional activation measures in social policy, taking into account the existing potential of elderly people.
RekordThe situation of graduates and students in the Polish labour market / Sytuacja absolwentów i studentów na polskim rynku pracy(Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-12-30) Czapski, Grzegorz ; Nazaruk, Stanisława ; Sokołowska, BarbaraSubject and subject of work: The subject of the study is to indicate the situation of students and graduates on the Polish labour market, taking into account data on the number of students and graduates, as well as employment and unemployment statistics in selected years. Materials and methods: The study used the method of analysis of legal acts, data of the Central Statistical Office and analysis of the literature on the subject. Based on the qualitative analysis of the available documents, the main changes in the employment of university and secondary school graduates were indicated, taking into account the main factors limiting their employment. Results: People with higher education are in a particularly good situation on the labour market compared to secondary school graduates. In the process of hiring employees, the age, the field of study of the candidate and the actual situation on the labour market are important. Conclusions: Factors limiting employment were identified, both on the part of employers and the graduates themselves, taking into account the selected time period and the situation on the labour market.