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RekordNursing care and education of the family of a child with Duchenne muscular dystrophy(Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-12-18)Some individuals suffer from a little-known, rare genetic disease called Duchenne muscular dystrophy. In Poland, approximately 40 boys are born with this condition every year. Therefore, paying attention to people with this rare disease was the motivation to undertake a qualitative study in order to identify the tasks of the nurse in terms of medical care and education of both the patient himself and his family, based on a case study. An interview technique, observation and analysis of medical records were used to develop the case study. As a result, the 2023 research material necessary for the case study was collected, which included: information on the patient’s medical history, observation of the patient, the problems faced each day, the planned goals of assistance, the nursing interventions and their evaluation, the time of their implementation and their effects. Based on the study, it should be concluded that caring for a person with Duchenne muscular dystrophy presents a number of challenges. In such a case, a holistic approach to the patient is required that encompasses all areas of life and all aspects of the disease. The nurse not only deals with medical problems, but also provides support with mental, social and spiritual problems. The patient also needs care and support from the family, and education is helpful in preparing them to fulfil these tasks.
RekordNon-verbal communication of the teacher towards students in the process of education and upbringing / Komunikacja niewerbalna nauczyciela względem uczniów w procesie edukacji i wychowania(Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2024-02-27)Interpersonal communication is an inseparable element of human existence. It is extremely important from the pedagogical point of view in the teacher-student relationship. The article reviews the literature in the field of non-verbal communication between the teacher and the student. Both verbal and non-verbal communication play an important role, interacting with each other. Effective communication depends on the nonverbal aspect. Non-verbal communication affects the teacher’s relationship with students, as well as motivation for action and optimization of teaching. Material and methods: The article is of a review nature. Results: An attempt was made to discuss the non-verbal communication of the teacher with the pupils on the basis of the existing literature on the subject. Conclusions: Non-verbal communication in the teacher-student relationship is an important component of the educational process; the teacher, through non-verbal code, transmits an emotional charge, which is a component of both the relationship, the classroom atmosphere and the motivation to learn.
RekordTraditional and modern forms of cooperation between kindergarden and family: towards a network society(Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2024-02-27)The diagnostic survey method was used. The research covered a group of 122 teachers from selected preschool institutions of the Lubelskie Voivodship and 122 parents. The results show that traditional forms of cooperation, i.e. group meetings and phone conversations are still widely popular. Material and methods: The researchers also focused on learning about the preferred forms of cooperation between parents and teachers and identifying those factors that may hinder the cooperation. Results: There is a social belief among both teachers and parents that cooperation between kindergartens and families is necessary because it allows children to be better prepared for life in the constantly changing social conditions. Conclusions: Cooperation between parents and teachers is not always satisfactory for both sides. Communications and creates distance according to respondents are: excessive self–confidence, self–exaltation, excessive ambition, prejudice, and selfishness.
RekordThe impact of ecological workshops on the ecological awareness of parents of preschool children / Wpływ warsztatów ekologicznych na świadomość ekologiczną rodziców dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym(Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2024-01-25)The aim of the study is to try to show the role of ecological workshops in raising ecological awareness, which has an impact on shaping real attitudes and behaviors towards the socio-natural environment among parents of preschool children. Material and methods: Empirical research was conducted among 50 parents of children attending 4 kindergartens in Biała Podlaska. In the empirical research conducted in 2023, the diagnostic survey method was used using the following techniques: interview and questionnaire. Results: Quantitative and qualitative analysis. Conclusions: The analysis of the obtained research results allowed to confirm the need to organize cyclical workshops activating parents in the field of pro-ecological influences on their own children. The significant role of ecological workshops was shown, taking into account three areas of the concept of ecological awareness adopted for research purposes. Their clear impact on shaping real attitudes and behaviors towards the socio-natural environment among parents of preschool children was noticed.
RekordParents' knowledge about media education / Wiedza rodziców na temat edukacji medialnej(Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2024-01-25)The article concerns the knowledge about media education among parents of children in the period of early school education. Material and methods: The study used the diagnostic survey method with the questionnaire technique. The research was conducted in August 2023 among parents of students in grades 1-3 of primary school. The group of respondents consisted of 50 people. Results: The surveyed parents have varied knowledge about media education. Many parents regularly talk to their children about Internet safety and the rules of using electronic devices. The vast majority of parents know the possibilities and threats related to the use of electronic devices and media. Conclusions: The respondents have knowledge about media education, they try to acquire it and pass it on to their children in an appropriate way. They also try to follow their children in their use of electronic devices. Parents do not expand their knowledge about media education based on professional content.