2018, Volume 11, Issue 2
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RekordReview of the book entitled “Conditions and directions of development of bio-economy in Poland”, E. K. Chyłek, J. Kopiński, A. Madej, M. Matyka, J. Ostrowski, H. Piórkowski, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Institute of Technology and Life Sciences in Falenty, Warsaw-Falenty 2017, p. 194 / Recenzja książki pt. „Uwarunkowania i kierunki rozwoju biogospodarki w Polsce”, E. K. Chyłek, J. Kopiński, A. Madej, M. Matyka, J. Ostrowski, H. Piórkowski, Ministerstwo Rolnictwa i Rozwoju Wsi, Instytut Technologiczno-Przyrodniczy w Falentach, Warszawa-Falenty 2017, s. 194(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2018-06)
RekordReview of the book by Professor Józef Stanisław Zegar: “Kwestia agrarna a Polsce (The agrarian issue in Poland)”, Published by Instytut Ekonomiki Rolnictwa i Gospodarki Żywnościowej (Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics), Warsaw 2018, P. 406 / Recenzja książki prof. Józefa Stanisława Zegara pt. „Kwestia agrarna w Polsce”, Wydawnictwo IERiGŻ, Warszawa 2018, S. 406(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2018-06)
RekordWellness tourism and non-productive function of forests / Turystyka uzdrowiskowa a pozaprodukcyjna funkcja lasów(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2018-06)Subject and purpose of work: The research problem is wellness tourism and its connections with forest economy. The main goal is to determine the mutual connections occurring between wellness tourism and forest economy. Materials and methods: The research was carried out in three stages using various methods: a comparative analysis of 39 spas, standardised inspections of facilities offering health tourism services and the selection of a facility being a model of good practice (case study). Results: The most important forms of the small tourist infrastructure offered to patients in forest areas are hiking and bicycle paths (92%), as well as horse trails and viewing points (about 50%). Cluster initiatives and cooperation with local governments and forest districts, consisting in joint promotion, are important. A diagram was developed, showing the interactions of forest economy and wellness tourism. Conclusions: Providers of spa services and State Forests are natural partners, yet the level of cooperation is low and mainly involves promotional activities. It is advisable to create a nationwide forest and sanatorium spa organisation that would coordinate activities in the field of forest economy to take advantage of tourism and health-promoting assets of forests.
RekordRegional differentiation of sheep production in Poland / Zróżnicowanie regionalne produkcji owczarskiej w Polsce(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2018-06)Subject and purpose of work: The objective of the thesis was to present the differentiation of sheep production represented in the sheep population in Poland and to determine directions of changes in the sheep population in Poland. Disparities in the regional differentiation of sheep production and their causes were also shown. Materials and methods: The spatial range of research covered 16 provinces, while the time range covered the year 2015. Sources of the materials were: domestic and foreign literature as well as data from the Central Statistical Office (GUS in Polish). Data analysis and presentations were based on descriptive, tabular, graphical and indicatory methods, as well as the Pearson linear correlation coefficient. Results: The conducted research shows the presence of disparities between provinces, because there are provinces with large populations and stocking density of these animals but there also exist territorial units with a very small number of sheep. There was also a large decrease in the number of sheep found in most provinces. Conclusions: The existence of a significant link between the share of pastures in AL (agricultural land) and the sheep population in provinces was confirmed. Correlation occurred only in the case of this parameter. The conducted research should be treated as a pilot study.
RekordUse of EU funds in promotion of peripheral areas / Wykorzystanie środków UE w promocji obszarów peryferyjnych(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2018-06)Subject and purpose of work: The aim of this paper is to assess the use of EU funds in promotion of peripheral areas on the example of five provinces of Eastern Poland. The detailed objectives are defined as follows: identification of projects co-financed by the EU aimed at promoting economy or tourism, including promotion of tourism-related products and assessment of using the EU funds in promotion of Polish enterprises abroad. Materials and methods: The research material is a database of projects co-financed from EU funds for 2007-2013, projects devoted to carrying out promotional activities (economic or tourist promotion) were selected for the analyses. Results: Spatial and quantitative diversification of promotional activities co-financed from EU funds in Eastern Poland was quite significant, with the highest absorption in the Lublin province. Among beneficiaries implementing promotional projects the largest group were entrepreneurs and local governments, primarily at the commune level. Conclusions: In the examined area, EU funds were used primarily to promote enterprises on foreign markets, also through participation in trade fairs organised on many continents, and to promote economy and tourism of local government units.