2023, Volume 17, Issue 4
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Przeglądanie 2023, Volume 17, Issue 4 według Autor "Grantham, Weronika"
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Rekord“Conscious 9 months”. Gestational diabetes mellitus lifestyle program combining regular exercise and nutritional intervention: a mixed-method case report(Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-10-06) Makaruk, Beata ; Grantham, Weronika ; Szeszko, ŁukaszBackground. Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) is a glucose tolerance disorder posing health risks for both the mother and fetus. Lifestyle modifications are recommended to control glucose levels before pharmacotherapy. The aims of this study were 1) to examine the impact of combined GDM intervention on the glycemia levels and pregnancy outcomes in a woman with GDM; and 2) to explore what can help women adhere to the desired lifestyle changes recommended for GDM. Material and methods. This instrumental study uses a mixed-method approach, combining quantitative and qualitative methods. It focuses on a comprehensive lifestyle intervention, incorporating exercise, dietary protocol, maternal education, and support. One participant was enrolled, starting the intervention at the 24th week of pregnancy. Low glycemic index (<55%) and low glycemic load meals were recommended. Exercises were supervised and conducted regularly three times a week until delivery (48 sessions in total). Results. Glucose levels remained within normal range throughout the entire pregnancy, without the need for pharmacotherapy. The pregnancy resulted in a natural delivery of a healthy newborn with normal parameters. The participant completed the entire intervention, implementing the recommended lifestyle changes and avoiding complications associated with GDM. Conclusions. 1. Individualized and holistic care for women with GDM can help maintain normal glucose levels and increase the chances of positive pregnancy outcomes. 2. Key factors contributing to the success of the intervention were emotional support, education, and personalized care provided by specialists. 3. Implementing lifestyle changes during pregnancy may reduce the need for pharmacological interventions and complications related to GDM.