2023, Volume 16, Issue 3
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Przeglądanie 2023, Volume 16, Issue 3 według Data wydania
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RekordChanges in the performance of the agricultural sector in Hungary due to the 2008 economic crisis and COVID-19 pandemic / Zmiany w sektorze rolnym na Węgrzech w związku z kryzysem gospodarczym w 2008 roku i pandemią COVID-19(Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-09-27) Lencsés, Enikő ; Hegedűs, Szilárd ; Bajkó, NorbertSubject and purpose of work: The paper examines two of the most important sectors of agriculture, crop and livestock production, in a time series analysis. The authors analyzed the number of enterprises, the number of employees, labor costs, turnover, and balance sheet total, and also assessed the evolution of liquidity and profitability in the two sectors, broken down by size. Materials and methods: The results of livestock and crop production were examined separately for the period 2008-2020. The analysis was based on aggregated data from the National Tax and Customs Administration in Hungary. Enterprises with the NACE REV 0140 for animal husbandry and 0110 for crop production were studied. In the research time series analysis and, where possible, trend analysis were performed. Results: In the research, the following indicators were examined using time series analysis in both crop and livestock production: the number of companies, the number of employees, the net sales revenue, the composition of net sales, the development of the balance sheet total, cost structure, labor costs, the quick ratio of liquidity, and the ROA indicator. Conclusions: Agricultural enterprises are most affected by the downward trend during the period under review, with the exception that the animal husbandry sector started to decline earlier than the crop production sector.
RekordIndustry 4.0: New challenges for the labor market and working conditions as a result of emergence of robots and automation / Przemysł 4.0: nowe wyzwania dla rynku pracy i warunków pracy na skutek pojawienia się robotów i automatyzacji(Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-09-28) Vadie, Amir Saeed ; Lipták, KatalinSubject and purpose of work: The paper is discussing the challenges presented by Industry 4.0, specifically in relation to the potential loss of jobs due to automation. The article explores how middle-skilled jobs are more likely to be affected adversely by automation and how the integration of cutting-edge technologies such as automation, AI, and IoT is expected to bring about extensive automation and irreversible changes to employment opportunities. Materials and methods: As this paper is a review of previous research articles, the authors have collected several journal articles. Results: The authors highlight how Industry 4.0 is expected to change working conditions and the nature of work and raises concerns about job insecurity and the erosion of traditional employment relations. Conclusions: The paper suggests that to tackle these challenges, policymakers and employers must be aware of the potential impacts of automation and Industry 4.0 on different types of occupations and take steps to mitigate any negative effects, and invest in retraining programs, implement policies that support the fair distribution of the benefits of automation and promoting the skills needed for the future of work.
RekordConstraints in credit accessibility from primary agricultural cooperative societies in Haryana state, India / Ograniczenia w dostępności kredytów w ramach spółdzielni rolniczych działających w stanie Haryana w Indiach(Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-09-28) Singh, Suninder ; Singh, Abhey ; Lal, ChooteSubject and purpose of work: The objective of the study was to identify the constraints in credit accessibility from Primary Agricultural Cooperative Societies in Haryana State, India. Materials and methods: The primary data were used for achieving the objective of the study. The primary data were collected in the second quarter of 2022 by employing the schedule. The multistage purposive cum proportionate random sampling techniques were adopted to select a sample of 540 respondents. The percentage was used for data analysis. Results: The constraints in accessing credit are identified faced by beneficiary farmers and nonbeneficiary farmers. The major constraints faced by the beneficiary farmers in accessing credit from PACS are inadequate credit limit (87.40%), short time to repayment of loan (66.29%), high penalty rate (55.92%), and unavailability of medium-term loans (50.00%). While inadequate credit limit (80.00%), no new accounts opened (72.22%) and fear of being a defaulter (47.78%) were the major constraints faced by the non-beneficiary farmers in accessing credit from PACS. Conclusions: The various constraints were identified in accessing credit from PACS. Credit limits should be extended on the basis of the scale of the finance. Medium-term loans need to be increased.
RekordProspects for the development of Ukrainian-Polish cross-border cooperation in the environmental sphere / Perspektywy rozwoju ukraińsko-polskiej współpracy transgranicznej w zakresie ochrony środowiska(Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-09-28) Skorokhod, Iryna ; Rebryna, NinaSubject and purpose of work: The purpose of the article is to study the peculiarities of the development of environmental cross-border cooperation, as well as to determine the prospects and ways of deepening interregional Ukrainian-Polish cooperation in the environmental sphere. The relevant international environmental cooperation of the states contributes to the improvement of the environment and provides a defined level of environmental safety. The challenges of international economic greening as well as the needs in cooperation between the neighboring states indicate that studying of the ecological state on the cross-border territories is considered to be of great significance. Materials and methods: The methods used are the analytical and descriptive ones based on the critical literature review and an experiential reflective attitude on the key issues concerning the cross-border cooperation, ecological safety, and prospects of development of environmental cooperation. Results: The role of cross-border cooperation in ensuring environmental security was studied in the article. The strategic priorities of Ukrainian-Polish environmental cooperation were considered. As a result of the analysis of the current state and the achieved results, the prospects for further ecological cooperation between Ukraine and the Republic of Poland in the conditions of European integration were revealed. Conclusions: It is concluded that to assure the development of the Ukrainian-Polish cross-border environmental cooperation and to build the ecological safety system on the trans-frontier territories it is required at the regional level to establish partnership relationships in the environmental and economic sector; to intensify the environmental and economic international cooperation at various cross-border scales; to create a network of cross-border environmental information centers; to promote the environmental public education in the border regions of the neighboring states etc.
RekordThe middle-income trap – a problem of definition and empirical research / Pułapka średniego dochodu – problem definicji i badań empirycznych(Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-09-28) Prajapati, Vishwajeet Singh ; Priya, Ashutosh ; Pradhan, VikasSubject and purpose of work: Theoretical and empirical analysis of the middle-income trap. To test the validity to be able to fix a middle-income band to classify a country in the middle-income trap. Materials and methods: Theoretical and empirical studies on the middle-income trap have been used as material and the descriptive and explorative method of research has been used. Results: To fix a middle-income band was deemed to be unjustified because the middleincome band was found to change every year. The period of the middle-income trap was deemed justified and it was found that a potential based definition can be formed to create a distinction between trapped and non-trapped countries. Conclusions: To define t he m iddle-income t rap does not r equire a m iddle-income b and to be fixed for a period as long as 42 years, but what is require is the period itself and the continuity of increasing the potential of a country to cross the middle-income trap.
RekordVoluntariness of social insurance for entrepreneurs – de lege ferenda postulates / Dobrowolność ubezpieczeń społecznych przedsiębiorców – postulaty de lege ferenda(Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-09-28) Kolek, Antoni JerzySubject and purpose of work: The subject of this paper is to discuss the situation of entrepreneurs in the Polish social insurance system and to present postulates based on conclusions resulting from the analysis of the legal situation of entrepreneurs. Materials and methods: The institutional analysis method was used in the paper, which made it possible to present the situation of entrepreneurs in the Polish social insurance system. Based on the analysis of legal acts and the rules of the social security system, the main challenges and issues related to the non-agricultural business activity in Poland were pointed out. Results: As a result of the analyses, de lege ferenda postulates have been formulated indicating the need for changes in the area of social insurance for people engaged in non-agricultural business activity. Conclusions: Assuming that entrepreneurship is more valuable and that the right to social security can be exercised not only though the insurance process (but also by way of provision, cumulative, or assistance techniques), it is reasonable to introduce voluntary social insurance coverage for people engaged in non-agricultural business activities. With the introduction of voluntariness, it would be necessary to redefine the conditions of eligibility for the statutory minimum pension so that the rights to benefits are not abused.
RekordEthics and economy during the COVID-19 pandemic / Etyka i ekonomia w czasie pandemii COVID-19(Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-09-28) Wójcicki, WłodzimierzSince the beginning of formation of societies (families, tribes), people have looked for ways of arranging mutual relationships so as to improve safety, comfort and development and to be able to differentiate between what is good and what is evil, on the level of everyday life. In their struggles with nature, they sought support in faith. Priests became the intellectual elite, and guidelines how to act became the content of religion. On the higher level of integration, the role of rulers became prominent, and guidelines were sought in the law established by them, with specific contribution from more important subjects (hierarchs). In the background of this process, wise men (philosophers) and theologians made efforts to create and arrange a system of cultivated values in important fields and circumstances of life. The paper deals with the question of ethics in the healthcare sector and during the pandemic.
RekordFinancial Literacy in India: A Review of Literature / Kompetencje finansowe w Indiach: przegląd literatury przedmiotu(Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-09-28) Rani, Mamta ; Siwach, ManojThe paper aims to understand various concepts and dimensions of financial literacy by using literature-based analysis. The reviews included various parameters, such as the financial literacy of young people, employees, women and college students, and the impact of financial literacy on well-being and investment decisions. Secondary information was gathered from many publications, websites, research papers, and articles. In the context of India, there is still much work to be done in the domain of financial literacy. Numerous studies have revealed low levels of financial literacy among India’s different demographic segments and some studies have revealed moderate levels. Financial literacy is a difficult topic to describe and quantify. The definition and measurement of this idea are the focus of numerous investigations. Policy changes must be made to improve financial literacy at both the fundamental and advanced levels so that people can save and invest money more sensibly in the various market opportunities.
RekordWIBOR, WIRON, WIBID, POLONIA as reference rates for bank loans / WIBOR, WIRON, WIBID, POLONIA jako stawki referencyjne dla kredytów bankowych(Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-09-28) Król, PatrykThe paper discusses issues connected with the use of selected indices (WIBOR, WIBID, WIRON, POLONIA) as benchmarks for bank loans. In the introduction, the author addresses the problem of manipulation of rates, which are characterized by the forecasting of interest rate values. The following part of the paper analyses the differences in benchmarks’ construction, describes their operation, methods of setting and use. It also outlines their behavior over time. Subsequently, issues relating to the application of WIBOR, WIBID, POLONIA, WIRON as benchmarks for consumer loans are presented. They have been compared to a sample bank offer based on a fixed interest rate. The final conclusions outline the possible effects of various benchmarks on borrowers, and compare the situation of the Polish banking offer for fixed-rate loans with other countries. The possible effects of new regulations in the context of the share of fixed-rate loans in the credit market are also described.