(Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-06-30)
Zsigó, Zsanett
Subject and purpose of the work: The subject of this paper is the mobility research in Europe
focused on the COVID-19 pandemic, and the aim is to give a comparative overview on the used
methods and datasets of the literature and identify research gaps.
Materials and methods: The method is based on the methodological literature review method.
The source of the reviewed literature is the EBSCO online database.
Results: The literature based on the analysed territorial level can be classified. Results show the
levels of research are city, national and complex levels. Most research is based on secondary data.
Spatial indicators are relevant at a national level. Research gaps have been found in terms of time
and space.
Conclusions: The existing literature based on the analysed territorial level can be classified.
Results show there are 3 levels of research; city, national and complex levels, and most research is
based on secondary data, primary data collection is relevant only on a city level. Spatial indicators
are common on a national level. Research gaps have been found in terms of time and space.