(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2019-02-26)
Szeszko, Łukasz; Oszukowski, Przemysław; Kisiel, Andrzej; Szeszko, Artur; Bieńkiewicz, Małgorzata
Background. Endometrial polyps are the most common pathology of the mucous layer of the
uterine cavity. In most cases, they do not cause symptoms and are detected accidentally during
Material and methods. M edical r ecords o f 7 9 p atients h ospitalized i n t he O bstetrics a nd
Gynecology Ward of the Provincial Specialist Hospital in Biała Podlaska, who underwent
hysteroscopy due to suspicion of endometrial polyps, were analyzed.
Results. In the final histopathological evaluation after the hysteroscopy procedure, presence of
endometrial polypoid cells was found in 14 out of 79 women (17.7%).
Conclusions. The final diagnosis of pathological changes in the uterine cavity should be based
on hysteroscopic examinations – they enable accurate assessment of the uterine cavity and
allow for targeted biopsy collection.