2019, Volume 13, Issue 2
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Przeglądanie 2019, Volume 13, Issue 2 według Data wydania
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RekordMigration from northern Siberia regions: psychophysiological adaptation of children(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2019-02-13) Zaitseva, Olga ; Klimatckaia, Liudmila ; Shpakou, AndreiBackground. This article presents results of research about psychophysiological adaptation of children who migrated from the northern to the southern regions of Siberia. The purpose of this study was to create measures that can be used to promote health among migrants. Material and methods. We examined 157 children between the ages of 11-16. Roughly half (n=74) were child migrants, and the remainder (n=83) were children who lived constantly in region of southern Siberia. Psychophysiological adaptation was assessed by methods of Eysenck, Rogov, Belokon and Kuberger. Results. Assessment of parameters allowed us to reveal multidirectional results in groups of children. The questionnaire developed by Eysenck showed the predominance of the extroverted type of personality among patients, but emotional instability was more often recorded among child migrants (p=0.0007). Child migrants took significantly longer to complete psychological tests, including tests of attention (p=0.0042) and verbal logical thinking (p<0.001). Vegetative homeostasis was characterized by a higher level of sympathetic tonic initial vegetative tone (p=0.0172), hyper sympathetic tonic variant of vegetative reactivity (p=0.0377), and an altered type of hemodynamic reaction to the clinoorthostatic test (50% of cases). Conclusions. The high frequency of emotional instability, slower speed of logical thinking possesses, and sympathetic tonic orientation of vegetative homeostasis parameters are distinctive features of child migrants. Children with deviations in psychophysiological parameters are at high risk of developing psychosomatic pathology. Therefore, preventive measures are necessary to help promote health among child migrants.
RekordKnowledge of parents of children with autism from Poland, Belarus and France concerning their child’s condition(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2019-02-26) Ślifirczyk, Anna ; Krajewska-Kułak, Elżbieta ; Krukowska, Martyna ; Maciorkowska, ElżbietaBackground. Autism is not only a problem for p eople with autism, but also for their entire families. Material and methods. 83 families were analysed, including 30 families from Poland, 25 families from Belarus and 28 families from France, an author’s questionnaire was used. Results. The majority of respondents were aware of the fact that autism can also be diagnosed in an adult person. Likewise, the notion of the autistic spectrum was known. While parents from Poland and France realised that a one-time diagnosis of the condition is insufficient, parents from Belarus more often chose the incorrect answer, and therefore they express the tendency to immediately start a therapy without additional consultations. All respondents from France chose the statement that treatment of autism should be started before the age of 3, which was confirmed by the majority of respondents from the other two countries. Polish parents barely considered the importance of preparation required to understand their child’s behaviour, whereas this aspect of the therapy was indicated by almost 90% of the respondents from the other two countries. Parents from Poland (69%) and Belarus (76%) were mostly convinced that autism cannot be cured completely. A different opinion was expressed by 42.9% of parents from France, who were convinced about it. The Poles most willingly used the Internet as a source of knowledge, while the French and Belarusians - a psychologist. A paediatrician was a preferred educator in Poland, in Belarus and France - a psychologist. Conclusions. The parents of autistic children, regardless of the country, showed a low level of knowledge about autism. The vast majority of respondents declared a desire to deepen their knowledge on autism, expressing their preference to have an individual conversation with an educator.
RekordBurnout in the anaesthesiologists of Western Ukraine and its possible causative factors(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2019-02-26) Oliynyk, Oleksandr ; Ślifirczyk, Anna ; Prokop, Iryna ; Oliynyk, Janina ; Venger, OlenaBackground. The paper deals with the problem of burnout among the anaesthesiologists of the Western Ukraine region and its causative factors. Burnout is characterized by mental and physical exhaustion owing to prolonged emotional stress. Material and methods. 105 anaesthesiologists were questioned as to the causes of job-related stress and their personal attitude to the job based on the Maslach Burnout Questionnaire. Questionnaire survey findings were compared in relation to the doctors’ practical experience. Results. Burnout symptoms were found to occur in 82% of anaesthesiologists with practical experience less than 5 years, and in 84% of doctors with practical experience above 20 years. These groups revealed high values of emotional burnout on the Maslach scale. Anaesthesiologists with 5-20 years of work experience revealed moderate levels of emotional burnout. High level of depersonalization was found in those with 5-20 years of work experience. For doctors who had less than 5 years and more than 20 years of work experience, depersonalization level was moderate. Conclusions. The group of anaesthesiologists with more than 20 years of work experience had the highest values of professional relationship reduction. The lowest value of this component of burnout was found in the young doctors with work experience of less than 5 years. About 80% of the doctors pointed out working intensity and insufficient salary as the main causes of work-related stress.
RekordHistopathological results analysis in women undergoing hysteroscopic procedures due to endometrial polyps(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2019-02-26) Szeszko, Łukasz ; Oszukowski, Przemysław ; Kisiel, Andrzej ; Szeszko, Artur ; Bieńkiewicz, MałgorzataBackground. Endometrial polyps are the most common pathology of the mucous layer of the uterine cavity. In most cases, they do not cause symptoms and are detected accidentally during ultrasound. Material and methods. M edical r ecords o f 7 9 p atients h ospitalized i n t he O bstetrics a nd Gynecology Ward of the Provincial Specialist Hospital in Biała Podlaska, who underwent hysteroscopy due to suspicion of endometrial polyps, were analyzed. Results. In the final histopathological evaluation after the hysteroscopy procedure, presence of endometrial polypoid cells was found in 14 out of 79 women (17.7%). Conclusions. The final diagnosis of pathological changes in the uterine cavity should be based on hysteroscopic examinations – they enable accurate assessment of the uterine cavity and allow for targeted biopsy collection.
RekordLife satisfaction in women after mastectomy – a pilot study(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2019-02-27) Szpringer, Monika ; Kaczmarczyk, Justyna ; Bomba, Dominika ; Laurman-Jarząbek, Edyta ; Chmielewski, Jarosław ; Florek-Łuszczki, Magdalena ; Łuszczki, Jarogniew J.Background. Cancer is the second most common cause of morbidity and mortality in Poland and breast cancer is the most frequent malignant neoplasm occurring in Polish women. The aim of this paper is to analyse life satisfaction in women after mastectomy. Material and methods. The pilot study comprised of women with breast cancer after mastectomy and women in a good overall health. Results. On the basis of the conducted studies, it may be stated that women after mastectomy have a similar life satisfaction level as healthy individuals. The statistically relevant differences have been obtained only in some subscales related to leisure time, residence and parenting attitude. Conclusions. More detailed studies are required to elucidate some subtle differences in life satisfaction between women after a mastectomy and healthy women.
RekordThe role of microbiota in the development of allergic diseases(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2019-03-11) Boyarchuk, Oksana ; Chornomydz, Andrii ; Chornomydz, Iryna ; Krytska, Halyna ; Horishniy, IhorScientific progress, industrial development, urbanization, and the “sterile” way of life have a significant negative side, namely, the sustained growth of allergic diseases. The “hygienic theory” is used to explain the unceasing increase in the incidence of allergies in the population. At the same time, an important link in the development of allergic diseases is the microbiological environment and our own microbiota. In our literature review we gathered new data on the pathogenetic relationships between the violation of the quantitative and qualitative composition of our microbiocenosis and the development of allergic diseases. The basic mechanisms by which microbiota influence the development of an allergic process have been established, in particular: influence on T-cell immunity, synthesis of cytokines, etc. In this review, particular attention is paid to factors that lead to microbiocenosis and contribute to the development of allergies. Among them it is worth to highlight inappropriate nutrition, “sterile” style of life, widespread using of antiseptics and antibiotics, etc. Therefore, the most important step in the prevention of allergic diseases is the modification of lifestyle, breastfeeding of children, frequent staying in the open air and contact with nature, rational use of antiseptics and antibiotics.
RekordEconomic correlates of physical activity in adults(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2019-03-15) Puciato, Daniel Jan ; Rozpara, Michał ; Mynarski, Władysław ; Oleśniewicz, Piotr ; Markiewicz-Patkowska, JulitaBackground. Physical activity plays an immensely significant role in the prevention and treatment of diseases that often lead to premature death. The aim of this study was to examine the relationships between physical activity of adults and determinants of their financial situation such as steady income, per capita income, savings, and indebtedness. Material and methods. The study was carried out between 2014 and 2015 in Wrocław, Poland on a group of 4332 residents aged 18 to 64 years. The respondents’ habitual physical activity levels and income status were assessed with the International Physical Activity Questionnaire Short Form (IPAQ-SF) and the author’s own Socio-Economic Status of Working Age People Questionnaire (S-ESQ), respectively. Results. There are positive correlations between physical activity level and socio-economic status. Steady income and per capita income are two determinants of differences in physical activity in individuals over 44 years of age. The highest level of physical activity was noted in adults with a steady income of more than USD 542 per month. Respondents with savings were also more physically active than their counterparts without savings. Finally, Wrocław residents who were without debts and who were aged 18-44 years were more physically active than were financially indebted residents. Conclusions. Actions should be u ndertaken t o e nhance physical a ctivity of t hose adults remaining in a poor socio-economic situation.
RekordSocial support networks for mothers who raise intellectually disabled children(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2019-04-08) Tomczyszyn, DorotaBackground. A social network is a group of people with whom a given person – the central person in the network – maintains contact. Social support networks for families raising an intellectually disabled child offer significant advantages for the functioning of family members: from providing help in performing everyday tasks, to sharing information, and offering emotional support. Material and methods. The aim of the paper is to analyse the structure of social networks and the types and sources of support received by mothers raising intellectually disabled children. The study was based on quantitative methods. Bizoń’s Questionnaire of Social Surroundings (Kwestionariusz Otoczenia Społecznego) and a categorised interview were used. Each interview lasted about 2 hours. Fifteen mothers who raise intellectually disabled children have participated in the interviews. Results. The social support networks of the mothers were usually comprised of more than 10 people. Close relatives and more distant family members act as the most important elements of social support networks for mothers who raise intellectually disabled children. Conclusions. A multifaceted and complete spectrum of support was found in the mothers who participated in this study. The fact that the support systems are very centralised is alarming – if the main person leaves, the entire network of support might collapse.