2018, Volume 11, Issue 4

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  • Rekord
  • Rekord
    Protoeconomics - elements of economics in antiquity / Protoekonomia – elementy ekonomii w starożytności
    (Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2018-12) Wójcicki, Włodzimierz
    Subject and purpose of work: The work presents the emergence and shaping of basic economic issues since the dawn of human economic activity. Contemporary views on important economic issues have their roots in antiquity. The shaping of concepts such as money, interest, contract, credit as a part of the law, began a long time ago and exerted an influence on the way they are understood today. Materials and methods: The basis for the considerations is the study of literature on the history of the development of economics and the science of management in economic, philosophical and ethical aspects. The work has shown the non-linear nature of the development of new phenomena emerging in volatile political, technical, religious and moral conditions, which are largely spontaneous, and a reciprocal overlap of various fields of knowledge in a general and individual sense. Particular discoverers were found to present a wide spectrum of interests. Results: Historically, the development of economic knowledge began with the issues from the border of economics and management, from microeconomics (household) to macroeconomics (money); little information concerns large undertakings such as irrigation systems, pyramids or waging wars. Conclusions: Generally speaking - monarchs’ edicts came before the deliberations of thinkers, concrete reasoning came before abstract considerations.
  • Rekord
    An incubator of local processing as a business opportunity for regional development in Poland / Inkubator przetwórstwa lokalnego jako biznesowa szansa rozwoju regionalnego w Polsce
    (Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2018-12) Wasilewska, Ewelina Kasandra
    Subject and purpose of work: In recent years, kitchen incubators have captured increasingly larger and more sophisticated titles in the local and national press. Organised local producers have been applying for funds to build such facilities. This article aims to introduce the notion of a kitchen incubator, its functioning, as well as present its role in the local development in the food production industry. Materials and methods: The available Polish and foreign literature on the subject in question was studied. The current study was based on the analysis and observation of the kitchen incubators which are already in operation. Results: The investigations conducted have demonstrated that kitchen incubators constitute a very important element in the development of the local economy. Conclusions: The operation of kitchen incubators should be monitored so as to enhance their development.
  • Rekord
    The change in the economic use of the river valley area of the Krzna as a result of riverbed regulation / Zmiana gospodarczego użytkowania terenu w Dolinie Krzny na tle regulacji jej koryta
    (Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2018-12) Zbucki, Łukasz ; Bujalski, Tomasz
    Subject and purpose of work: This article identifies changes in the economic use of the river valley area of the Krzna, which occurred as a consequence of the regulation of its bed from the Klukówka estuary to the estuary of the Krzna to the Bug. Materials and methods: The analysis was carried out on the basis of cartographic maps and aerial photographs, as well as statistical analyses for the period 1931-2015. Results: The study confirmed the changes in the economic use of the valley of the Krzna River for the agricultural exploitation of the area and increasing crop yields. The biggest changes encompassed wetlands and swamps, mainly in favour of grasslands, whose area increased by 566%, to 2475.7 ha. Conclusions: The regulatory work carried out resulted in an increase in arable land, forests and areas for development, as well as in the reduction of water surface area from 251.94 ha in 1931 to 57.28 ha in 2015.
  • Rekord
    Ecological awareness in the behaviour of young consumers - students of the Faculty of Economic and Technical Sciences of Pope John Paul II State School of Higher Education in Biała Podlaska / Świadomość ekologiczna w zachowaniach młodych konsumentów – studentów WNET Państwowej Szkoły Wyższej im. Papieża JPII w Białej Podlaskiej
    (Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2018-12) Łęska, Monika ; Kuś, Agnieszka
    Subject and purpose of work: The reason for choosing the subject and undertaking the studies were information gaps regarding the behaviour of young consumers in the area of activities related to enviroment. Materials and methods: The study employed purposeful sampling with regards to the participants’ field of study (programmes with environmental education content) and the year of education, as well as stratified sampling according to the structure of the population and its division into groups based on specified features. The technique of auditorium questionnaire was used. Results: The analysis showed that the students are characterised by a high level of ecological awareness and a sense of responsibility for it, and that is they are informed and pragmatic consumers. As involved and ecological consumers, they behave in a pro-ecological way and create desirable patterns of consumer behaviour. Conclusions: It was found that the students have a sense of responsibility for the surrounding environment. Convinced about their individual influence, they create desirable patterns of proecological behaviour.