2021, Volume 15, Issue 2
Stały URI dla tej kolekcji
Przeglądanie 2021, Volume 15, Issue 2 według Tytuł
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RekordAnalysis of the nutritional status of children aged 10-13 years in the Silesian Province, Poland, and correlation with socio-demographic factor(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2021-02-24) Jonczyk, Paweł ; Potempa-Jeziorowska, Magdalena ; Świętochowska, Elżbieta ; Kucharzewski, MarekBackground. Nutritional disorders constitute a significant clinical problem in the 21st century. The problems of overweight and obesity concern not only adults, but are also increasingly affecting developing children. Material and methods. The study was conducted among parents of children aged 10-13 years. Based on the data obtained from questionnaires distributed to th parents, bod mass index (BMI) and degree of nutrition was determined and the influence of socio-demographic factors on the nutritional status of children was analyzed. Results. This study found that approximately 16% of children aged 10-13 are categorized as overweight, and 26% are categorized as obese. Place of residence has a significant effect on the BMI of included children, with those living in a country being characterized by a significantly lower BMI compared to those living in a town or cit (p=0.008). Children whose parents are overweight or obese are characterized by a higher BMI compared to children whose parents are not overweight or obese (p=0.001).Conclusions. This study shows that the presence of overweight or obesity in a parent is correlated with a higher BMI in their children. In addition, children living in the countryside have a significantly lower average BMI compared to children living in a town or city.
RekordAssessment of health behaviors of patients with heart failure treated in a cardiology department(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2021-03-26) Szlenk-Czyczerska, Elżbieta ; Semla, Weronika ; Jenczura, Anna MariaBackground. Following pharmacological recommendations and leading a healthy lifestyle are imperative to improve the health and quality of life of patients with heart failure (HF). Material and methods. This cross-sectional, observational study examined 100 patients with HF who were treated in the cardiology department. The average age of the respondents was 70±14 years (mean±SD), and the majority were men (65%). The Health Behavior Inventory Questionnaire and the authors’ questionnaire were used.Results. The respondents collectively reported an average level of health behaviors. There was a negative correlation between age and proper eating habits (rho=-0.248; p=0.013) and a positive mental attitude (rho=-0.270; p=0.007). Higher or secondary education was associated with increased levels of health behaviors in all categories. Patients with a shorter duration of disease (<15 years) were more likely to take pro-health measures in the categories of proper eating habits (p=0.001) and positive mental attitude (p=0.004). Patients with a higher level of knowledge about the disease demonstrated higher levels of health behaviors. Subjects who had a pacemaker/cardioverter implanted had lower positive mental attitudes (p=0.048).Conclusions. It is important to encourage health behaviors in patients with HF. These actions should be aimed primarily at elderly people, with primary and vocational education, longer disease duration (>15 years), lower knowledge of the disease, and/or an implanted cardioverter/pacemaker.
RekordBiologically active plant-derived substances with antimicrobial properties(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2021-03-22) Tokarska-Rodak, MałgorzataModern medicine, as well as the pharmaceutical, cosmetic and food industries appreciate the value of plant raw materials for their antiseptic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and soothing effects. Medicinal plants, often found endemically, are often treated as potential sources of new substances with antimicrobial and antifungal activity. The aim of this study was to analyze the significance of selected medicinal and spice plants in terms of their ability to inhibit the growth of microorganisms, including those pathogenic to humans. The significance of active substances contained in selected plant species with high antimicrobial potential including Aloe vera L. and Chelidonium majus L. was described. The antimicrobial activity of plant oils, including those extracted from citrus and spice plants, was also analyzed. Plants are a rich source of many substances with a broad spectrum of activity. This knowledge has often been used in folk medicine, but it was not until the development of modern research methods that the mechanisms underlying the therapeutic properties of many plant substances and their proper use could be understood. New substances present in plant materials are constantly being discovered that may be of medical interest because of their great potential to be used against microorganisms or because of their antioxidant and anti-cancer properties.
RekordThe effect of omeprazole on treatment outcomes in patients with severe traumatic brain injury and sepsis(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2020-10-20) Oliynyk, OleksandrBackground. The interrelation between omeprazole use and the possibility of developing nosocomial pneumonia, acute kidney damage and Clostridium difficile-induced diarrhea in patients with sepsis requires further study.Material and methods. 200 patients with severe craniocerebral injury that underwent surgery for the pathology and developed sepsis in the postoperative period were examined in a blind, randomized placebo-controlled research study. The patients were divided into two groups. Patients in Group 1, as part of their therapy regimen for sepsis, received a daily dose of 0.2 mg/kg omeprazole as an intravenous infusion; patients in Group 2 received placebo instead of omeprazole, in addition to a similar therapy regimen as Group 1. Results. Among patients receiving omeprazole, the number of concomitant ventilator-associated pneumonia cases increased by 1.32 times, the number of acute kidney damage cases by 1.33 times and the number of cases of Clostridium difficile toxin secretion with feces by 1.75 times. Conclusions. The routine use of omeprazole in the management of patients with sepsis may worsen treatment results.
RekordFactors determining the psychometric assessment of patients after hip replacement surgery(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2021-05-04) Michalczuk, Teresa ; Ślifirczyk, Anna ; Krajewska-Kułak, Elżbieta ; Piszcz, Paweł ; Gałecka, Agnieszka ; Kowalenko, MartaBackground. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of selected factors such as place of residence, education, age, duration of hospitalization and pain intensity before and after hip replacement surgery on the level of acceptance of the illness, on the subjective assessment of the patient’s state of health during surgery and on the level of pain and the ability to manage and reduce pain. Material and methods. The study included 181 patients diagnosed with hip joint degeneration and qualified for total hip replacement hospitalized in the Regional Specialist Hospital in Biała Podlaska, Poland. The study was conducted by means of a diagnostic survey with the use of a set of questionnaires: Acceptance of Illness Scale – AIS, WOMAC Scale, SF-36 Questionnaire, BPCQ Questionnaire. Results. More than half of the respondents (55.2%) were highly accepting of their condition. The level of acceptance was influenced by the place of residence, education, age, the intensity of pain after surgery and functional limitation. The overall assessment of the quality of life in the physical domain was – 62.9 points, with the worst scores for physical functioning and general health. Analysis with the WOMAC questionnaire showed that the majority of the subjects scored below 50 points on the functional limitation scale. All factors, except the level of pain before surgery, influenced the degree of functional limitation. Conclusions. Age, place of residence and education provided opportunities for pain control and the ability to reduce pain was perceived by those with longer hospital stays. Participants from cities had the highest quality of life. Education influenced the quality of life, which decreased with age and higher pain intensity. The better the quality of life, the higher the level of acceptance of illness, and vice versa.
RekordLevel of physical activity of women and men from Independent Cultural Centers in Poland(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2021-03-11) Bergier, Michał ; Bergier, BarbaraBackground. The aim of this study was to identify the level of physical activity of members of Independent Cultural Centers (ICCs) operating in Poland. The choice of this group was dictated by the desire to identify unconventional initiatives (including various types of physical activities) that differentiate the group from previously researched socio-professional groups. Material and methods. The study included participants from all ICCs in Poland, represented by 38 women and 66 men aged 19 to 46 years. To assess their level of physical activity, the short version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ short) was used. Results. For both sexes, physical activity at intensity levels of vigorous (VPA), moderate (MPA), light (walking) (LPA), as well as the total physical activity (TPA) of the subjects, were measured. Among men, weekly VPA energy expenditure was 1281.2 MET-min/week (SD = 763.6) and among women 1162.7 MET-min/wk. (SD = 644.6). For MPA, analysis of the results showed an energy expenditure of 918.8 MET-min/week (SD = 650.6) in women and 772.3 MET-min/week (SD = 455.5) in men. Weekly LPA energy expenditure was 1342 MET-min/week in men (SD = 827.2) and 1341.3 MET-min/week in women (SD = 823.6). Conclusions. Respondents from the ICCs constituted a group characterized by positive physical activity scores. Women had higher results compared to men in the VPA, MPA and TPA analyses, although these differences were not statistically significant. The respondents’ results were also more favorable in relation to groups of students and members of other Polish associations and non-governmental organizations.
RekordThe physical activity level declared by students from Belarus(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2021-04-06) Baj-Korpak, Joanna ; Shpakou, Andrei ; Szepeluk, AdamBackground. Numerous connections of physical activity with biological indicators and various diseases justify its place in the multifaceted theory of health, thus making it a health measure. The aim of the study was to learn about the physical activity declared by students at Belarusian universities – to determine its level and dominant areas. Material and methods. 739 people studying in Brest, Minsk, and Grodno (Belarus) were surveyed with the long version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). Results. The total physical activity of the surveyed students amounted to 4840.5 metabolic equivalent of task (MET) min/week (median), which proves their significant involvement in the broadly understood physical culture. The dominant area of their physical activity proved to be work-related effort (median=1700.6 MET-min/week), while the lowest activity of the respondents was related to sport and recreation. The surveyed men showed higher MET-min/week rates in total physical activity and its components compared with women except for housework. In each of the analyzed variables (gender, Body Mass Index (BMI), self-assessment of physical fitness, and declared amount of spare time), there were statistically significant differences in the physical activity level of the surveyed students. Conclusions. The surveyed men proved to be more active than women in all domains of physical activity except for housework. Respondents with a BMI indicating overweight were more active than those with a normal BMI or those who were underweight. High self-esteem and declaration of lacking spare time are associated with high values of the MET-min/week index.
RekordPhysical activity of the elderly: limitations and knowledge about the dangers of hypokinesia(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2021-04-21) Kubińska, Zofia ; Pańczuk, AnnaBackground. Researchers often discuss the subject of physical activity (PA) of the elderly in theoretical terms, showing, for example, the protective mechanisms of PA for the body, beneficial effects for health and aging, as well as the principles of effective health training. According to the WHO and EU, few elderly people are physically active. This study aimed to investigate the level of PA of the surveyed elderly people at the present time, compared to when they were younger. Potential limitations in PA of the respondents and their knowledge about the dangers of hypokinesia were also investigated.Material and methods. This study assessed 217 people, aged 60-85, living in the northern part of the Lublin Province, Poland. It used an original interview questionnaire.Results. Systematic PA performed by respondents earlier in life involved mainly household and backyard activities, professional work, and participation in physical education lessons. The currently most frequent activities were found to be walking (75.6%) and gardening (66.4%). Women much more often than men participated and reported their willingness to be active in organized PA. Various limitations prevented respondents from being physically active. The greatest number of respondents reported disability, physical weakness, kinesiophobia, and multiple diseases (34.6%) as the main barrier, followed by lack of skills to organize physical exercises (27.7%). Concerning threats of hypokinesia, respondents most often indicated obesity, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and arterial hypertension.Conclusions. The level of PA of the surveyed elderly people, limitations preventing PA, and low level of knowledge about the delayed consequences of hypokinesia suggests a need for seniors’ health education in physioprophylaxis.
RekordSome beneficial psychological aspects of physical activity in nature – questions arising from the narrative review(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2021-04-21) Zusková, KlaudiaHuman interaction with nature represents one of the basic pillars of healthy behavior. This can be strengthened by physical activity (PA) in nature, also called green exercise or outdoor PA. The aim of the work is to assess the impact of PA in nature on selected psychologically beneficial aspects of mental health. Subsequently, the paper discusses the following questions: 1) Are there any differences in the impact on mental health between outdoor and indoor PA?; 2) What are the recommendations for the minimum doses of PA in nature to improve or strengthen mental health? Despite large amounts of original research and many meta-analyses, as well as systemic reviews, we cannot clearly point to a convincing effect of PA in nature on mental health compared to indoor PA. Reviewed material points out the problem of heterogeneous study design, lack of quantitative findings and gaps in the evidence for long-term effects of PA in nature on mental health. Due to discrepancies in terminology, uniform conclusions could not be properly reached. There is a lack of meta-analytical studies specifying the type and intensity of PA in nature required to achieve an effect for a particular indicator of mental health.
RekordThe use of Big Data in healthcare lessons for developing countries from Uzbekistan(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2021-06-14) Vikhrov, Igor ; Abdurakhimov, Zokhid ; Ashirbaev, SherzodThe use of Big Data (BD) in medicine is fundamental for the development of digital healthcare, including the implementation of smart medicine and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. Proper organization of BD is necessary for the creation and training of AI algorithms, and for AI to work with great efficiency and accuracy. In this review, the existing models for creating and storing BD sets are described, and the numerous opportunities provided to the healthcare system by the effective use of these tools are outlined. The BD phenomenon is especially important for the developing countries, which can use the example of already completed projects and achievements in the field of BD to more effectively implement such technologies in their own countries. However, there are still some problems with the implementation of BD technologies in practical healthcare of the developing countries. One of the fundamental issues is the financial cost of developing, implementing and maintaining a system for collecting, storing and using BD, including the cost of highly qualified personnel, and expensive equipment and network infrastructure that needs to be regularly updated. Another problem is the confidentiality and security of data in healthcare.