2022, Volume 15, Issue 4
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Przeglądanie 2022, Volume 15, Issue 4 według Tytuł
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RekordA review of the book “The Application of the Analogy Method in the Search for Common Areas of Cognition in Biology and Economics” by Wiesław Musiał and Kamila Musiał. The Publishing House of the University of Agriculture in Krakow, 2021, 215 pp.(Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II, 2022-12-29) Krasowicz, Stanisław
RekordBorrowing and Repayment Hardships: Evidences from Farmers in Haryana(Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II, 2022-12-29) Jakhar, Babloo ; Kait, Rohtas ; Kumar, VijaySubject and purpose of work: The paper focuses on the problems faced by farmers in obtaining and repaying loans from institutional and non-institutional sources. Materials and methods: The study was conducted in Haryana state, India. It was based on a field survey involving 600 farmers. Proportionate sampling technique was employed and pre-tested schedules were filled during vis-a-vis interviews. Results: T he f indings o f t he s tudy h ighlight m ain p roblems f aced b y f armers i n a cquiring a nd repaying loans. They include: no loan without security, ambiguous terms and conditions, the time-consuming procedure of granting loans, not farmer friendly bank officials, and the request for bribes. In the case of non-institutional sources, main problems include: lack of security, deterioration of social status, and hesitation in mortgaging agricultural land. Furthermore, low price of agricultural produce, crop failure, and the high-interest rates charged by non-institutional sources were major constraints in the timely repayment of loan amounts. Conclusions: Several constraints existed in granting loans to farmers. Government should support and provide hassle free loans to farmers.
RekordConstraints in the functioning of primary agricultural cooperative societies in Haryana State, India(Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II, 2022-12-29) Singh, Suninder ; Singh, Abhey ; Lal, ChooteSubject and purpose of work: T he s tudy a ims t o identify t he constraints in t he f unctioning of PACS in Haryana, India. Materials and methods: The study was based on primary data collected from nine PACS managers through schedule. The purposive sampling technique was employed for the selection of PACS. The percentage was used for data analysis. The data were collected in the second quarter of 2022. Results: The study found that 100 % of PACS managers regarded lack of adequate funds, a low level of deposits, and increased day-to-day government intervention as constraints in the functioning of PACS. Subsequently, the respondents mentioned inability to mobilise resources (77.77%), lack of managerial skills (77.77%), lack of trained staff (55.55%), improper channel of recovery system (44.44%), untimely repayment and poor recovery percentage of the loan (44.44%), political interference (33.33%), difficulties due to low educational level of borrowers (22.22%), and uncooperative attitude of borrowers (11.11%). Conclusions: Main constraints in the functioning of PACS are lack of adequate funds, a low level of deposits, increased day-to-day government intervention, inability to mobilise resources, and lack of managerial skills.
RekordConsumers’ preferences as to product delivery methods on the e-commerce market(Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II, 2022-12-29) Lemanowicz, Marzena ; Sitarska, OliwiaSubject and purpose of work: The article’s goal was to discuss consumers’ preferences as to product delivery methods on the e-commerce market. Detailed goals were to identify the delivery methods chosen most often, and to indicate factors determining such decisions and their associations with selected variables. Materials and methods: An on-line questionnaire survey was conducted among 302 respondents. The questionnaire served as a measurement tool. Associations between variables were studied in a series of analyses employing Pearson’s χ2 tests, and comparative analysis was made using Mann- Whitney U tests. Results: InPost parcel lockers proved to be the most popular method to deliver products purchased online. Among the factors determining the choice of the delivery method, those valued most included delivery price, parcel collection flexibility, and no need to wait for a courier at home. Statistical associations were noted between the place of residence and frequency of online shopping, and the delivery methods chosen most often. Conclusions: The study results are useful for companies offering deliveries on the e-commerce market. They provide valuable information concerning popularity of particular methods, as well as factors determining decisions to choose various delivery methods on the e-commerce market.
RekordDigital methods of working time management in a flexible labor market(Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II, 2022-12-29) Charnavalau, Aliaksandr Viktor ; Kuźmicki, Marek Grzegorz ; Charnavalava, Zanna VasylijSubject and purpose of the work: Working time management has become particularly relevant by mid-20th century. It has now become one of the top areas of interest for scientists who conduct research on management. This study is designed to review and evaluate selected new forms of work organization in the reality of today’s digital economy. Materials and methods: This research was based on literature review covering scientific publications exploring working time management and forms of work organization in the digital economy. A descriptive method was used. Results: The latest information technologies, computerization and digitization, the use of mobile devices and smartphones, and advanced geolocation technologies add a new dimension to the modern types and methods of working time management. The development of the digital economy accelerates and drives the transformation of the labor market, promoting the uptake of flexible employment systems, which produces multiple types of remuneration and working time systems, and leads to a variety of forms of employment contracts and their reduced duration. Conclusions: Digital technology creates a virtual labor market which is dominated by informal and flexible forms of employment based on outsourcing programs, individual orders, and fixed deadlines with are not accompanied by any regulations of the contractor’s working time. Under these conditions, flexibility and multifunctionality, and the ability to adapt to changing conditions are the key features that make a particular employee competitive.
RekordThe impact of the polish renewable energy sector on employment(Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II, 2022-12-29) Gradziuk, Piotr LucjanSubject and purpose of work: This study analyses employment in the renewable energy sector. The aim of this research was to explore the impact of obtaining energy from renewable sources on the labor market in Poland. Materials and methods: This study is based on secondary data from the Central Statistical Office, Eurostat, and EurObserv’ER. During the literature review, research papers on the labor market, published in Poland and internationally, were examined. The analyzed data was processed using an Excel 2007 spreadsheet. The number of people employed in relation to 1,000 toe of primary energy obtained in individual RES industries was the measure of the impact of the RES sector on employment. The results of the present research were presented using descriptive, graphical and tabular methods. Results: In Poland, the use of renewable energy sources between 2010 and 2020 doubled, from 6,892 ktoe to 12,518 ktoe, and is projected to further double by 2030 compared to 2020.It is generally agreed that obtaining energy from renewable sources has a significant positive impact on the labor market. In the period of analysis, the number of individuals employed in the RES sector increased from 36.8 thousand to 110.8 thousand. The highest labor intensity was reported for the RES sectors of solar power, heat pumps, and liquid biofuels. Conclusions: I f t he r enewable energy sector continues t o develop a s projected, t he demand for employees in this industry will more than double by 2030.
RekordInvestment financing from EU funds as a factor of local development on the example of the Włodawa town and the Włodawa commune(Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II, 2022-12-29) Adamowicz, Mieczysław ; Stolarczyk, KatarzynaSubject and purpose of work: The subject-matter of this paper are local government investments and their role in local development. The aim of the paper is to evaluate the use of EU funds for the implementation of local investments on the example of the Włodawa town and the Włodawa rural commune. Investments are evaluated in the context of development strategies being pursued for these units. Materials and methods: The paper is based on the literature of the subject of research and our own surveys among randomly chosen inhabitants. Results: This paper specifies the role of local government investments in local development and presents an outline of the development of the Włodawa town, the current state of the town and the commune and an outline of the strategy of development of these units. We have analysed investments carried out with the support of EU funds in the years 2007–2014 and 2014–2020. The co-operation between governments of the town and the commune in the pursuit of investments has been evaluated, too. In the opinion of inhabitants, governments of the town and the commune used EU funds quite efficiently in development projects. The important role of these funds in the pursuit of investments regarding the repair and construction of roads, the revitalisation of cultural facilities and recreation, has been confirmed. Conclusions: The need for the further support of investments within the scope of the labour market, social infrastructure and tourism.
RekordMarketing Costs and Price Spread for Selected Fruit Crops in Haryana State: A Study of Selected Districts(Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II, 2022-12-29) Rani, Sumista ; Lal, Choote ; Kait, RohtasSubject and purpose of work: The study aims to analyse the existing marketing system along with marketing channels, costs, margins, and marketing efficiency. Materials and methods: The study was conducted in the districts of Sirsa, Sonipat and Yamuna Nagar in Haryana during the year 2020–21. The study was based on primary data collected from a field survey with the help of a pre-tested questionnaire. A simple tabulated method, price spread, and market efficiency analyses were employed. Results: The study revealed that the producer share in terms of consumer rupees is the highest in Channel VI, followed by Channels IV, V and II. Channel VI is the most efficient channel due to the absence of intermediaries. Channel I is the least efficient due to the greatest number of intermediaries present in this channel. Conclusions: The study has suggested that the government should regulate the fruit trade so that the involvement of mediators in the fruit market may be reduced. Cold storage should be provided at a reasonable price. The government should provide transportation facilities (refrigerated lorries) for fruit products at a reasonable cost.
RekordThe role of international internships in the vocational education of technical secondary school students(Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II, 2022-12-29) Iwacewicz-Orłowska, AnnaSubject and purpose of work: This study focuses on vocational education. It explores the role of international internships in the vocational education of the students of technical secondary schools. Materials and Methods: This study is based on a survey conducted on a sample of 77 students participating in international internships. The survey covered all students of the Technical and Vocational Schools Complex in Suwałki attending vocational internships in Italy. Results: The analysis validated the hypothesis that international internships improve the practical skills of secondary school students and contribute to the development of practical skills and social competences in the international context. Conclusions: The surveyed students declared they were satisfied with their vocational internships and were happy to attend them. They believed that the experience gained in an international environment would definitely have a positive impact on their future career. During the internship, they improved not only the skills specific to their field of expertise, but also their personal and social competences, as well as foreign language skills, specifically in terms of technical vocabulary.
RekordA social enterprise within the meaning of the Social Economy Act in the context of economic theory and practice(Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II, 2022-12-29) Brdulak, Jacek ; Florczak, EwelinaSubject and purpose of work: This study explores the characteristics of a social enterprise as laid down in the relevant act currently in force, and analyzes how the tendencies to normatively define a social enterprise have changed over the years with subsequent amendments and modifications of the applicable draft laws. Materials and methods: The study is based on draft laws that concern social enterprises from respective years, as well as specialist literature concerning social entrepreneurship. A selective analysis of the market practice of social enterprises operating in Poland was also carried out. Results: There is a clear discrepancy between and restriction of the definitions of a social enterprise provided in the Social Economy Act, as revealed in the analysis of the act itself, its drafting process and subsequent amendments, and taking into account the perspective of social enterprises as described in the relevant literature, as well as the activities of enterprises pursuing social goals. Conclusions: On the one hand, the current definition of a social enterprise organizes this concept for administrative purposes, but on the other hand, it does not cover all entities having a real impact on social development.
RekordWater accessibility challenges, and implications on children in rural border communities of Oyo-Kwara state, Nigeria(Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II, 2022-12-29) Kehinde, Olayinka PopoolaSubject and purpose of the work: This study examined water accessibility challenges, and the implications on children in rural border communities of Nigeria. Materials and methods: Primary data were used, and children (5-16 years) were respondents to the interview and questionnaire. Results: The study revealed there were more male children (58%) than female children (42%) and many of them were in the age bracket 11–15 years with about (53.9%) of them without formal education. The results further revealed that 69.9% of the respondents indicated that their major source of water is a stream and river. Also, the majority of the respondents (71%) trek long distances and (82.9%) spend more than 30 minutes travelling to collect water in distant villages especially during the dry season. This situation usually takes them away from their education and even affect their school attendance. Conclusions: The study recommended the need for the equitable provision of an improved water supply and ensure children are secured in collecting water for their households.