2022, Volume 15, Issue 3
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Przeglądanie 2022, Volume 15, Issue 3 według Tytuł
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RekordComparison of the return on investment of two energy production companies in Hungary using different biomass-based technologies / Porównanie zwrotu z inwestycji w dwóch podmiotach produkujących energię na Węgrzech, które korzystają z odmiennych technologii opartych na biomasie(Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II, 2022-09-28) Deak, ZsuzsannaSubject and purpose of work: Using renewable organic material for energy generation exhibits an increasing trend globally, also in Hungary. The aim of the Renewable Energy Action Plan of the European Union is to increase the share of energy production from renewable resources to 32% by 2030. At present, renewable energy sources represent 10.2% of Hungary’s primary energy consumption. Materials and methods: This study has examined the financial feasibility of two companies in Kunság region in Hungary that participate in the renewable energy production market with different types of technologies, that of a biogas facility and a short rotation energy forest plantation. As financial incentives for the establishment and propagation of bioenergy producing enterprises are offered both in the EU and Hungary, calculations are presented both with and without subsidies. Results: The results show that regardless of the production method, without subsidies, none of the businesses could make a profit in the period under review. Conclusions: The main reasons behind unprofitable operations are the initial high capital outlay, high logistics costs, immature technological solutions and suppressed purchasing prices.
RekordCultural heritage of Kashubia in the opinion of tourists / Dziedzictwo kulturowe Kaszub w opinii turystów(Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II, 2022-09-28) Ozimek, Irena ; Kohnke, Marianna EmiliaSubject and aim of the study: The aim of the article was to present selected tangible and intangible elements of Kashubian culture and to present the results of a survey aimed at finding out tourists’ opinions on the influence of cultural heritage on the perception of the Kashubian region. Materials and methods: The research was conducted in April 2021 by means of a diagnostic poll method using a questionnaire survey. The survey was conducted among 254 respondents. During the survey, purposive sampling was used; the participants were domestic tourists who visited Kashubia at least once. Results: The survey made it possible to assess the recognisability of the components of Kashubian culture and to find out the respondents’ opinion on the perception of its individual elements. Conclusions: The study found a very good impact of cultural heritage on the respondents’ perception of the Kashubian region, which can be the basis for creating various cultural tourism products.
RekordDoes demonetization in India achieve its objectives? / Czy demonetyzacja w Indiach osiąga swoje cele?(Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II, 2022-09-28) Abdul, Azeez N.P.Subject and purpose of work: The demonetisation exercise in India aimed to tackle the problems of black money, fake currency, corruption, and terror funding. The drying-up of cash due to demonetisation initially led to a significant increase in digital payment methods. However, large underprivileged informal Indians still prefer cash for their daily needs. The restoration of currency in circulation and increasing cash–to–GDP ratio in the following years questioned the success of digitalisation. Demonetisation has been noted to increase the tax base, tax collection and taxpayers. But this does not compensate for the negative impacts of demonetisation on the economy. Therefore, this paper tries to answer the question whether all of the stated goals will be achieved. Materials and methods: For the purpose of analysis, secondary data were drawn from the Reserve Bank of India (RBI), National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) and Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT). Results: The study found that, except in certain areas, demonetisation has failed to achieve its claimed key objectives. Only minimal short-term gains have resulted from demonetisation and at the same time, it wreaked havoc and harmed the economy. Conclusions: The efficiency of demonetisation as a strategy for combating black money is still up for dispute. If the government had done its homework before executing demonetisation, all of the mayhem could have been avoided. It was a badly thought-out, poorly planned, poorly implemented, and disastrously executed.
RekordGreen bonds as an opportunity to rationalise local-government finances / Zielone obligacje jako szansa racjonalizacji finansów samorządowych(Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II, 2022-09-28) Milewska, AnnaSubject and purpose of work: The purpose of the study was to identify the areas of activity of the local authorities in the context of the implementation of public tasks that could be financed with funds from the issue of the so-called green bonds. Materials and methods: T he m ain r esearch method w as c ritical a nalysis of documents (using document of a normative nature and of various ranks) and the literature on broadly defined public finance and financial market issues. The individual case method, as well as inductive and deductive reasoning were also supportive in achieving the purpose of the study. Results: The study presents areas related to the provision of public services and identifies those of them which represent negative environmental impact. The identified characteristics of public task entities included provide the premise for answering the question: will an instrument such as the ‘green bonds’ constitute a secure source of funding? The study shows the evolution of legislative changes relevant to the implementation of environmentally sustainable projects while presenting the benefits of their implementation. Conclusions: The conclusions indicate the benefits of financing investments with funds from the issue of ‘green bonds’ for the budget of the local authority, the issuer and the bondholders.
RekordGreen economic development as the framework for green finance and green investment / Zielony rozwój gospodarczy jako koncepcja wyznaczająca ramy zielonego finansowania i zielonych inwestycji(Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II, 2022-09-28) Vargas-Hernández, José G. ; Rakowska, Joanna ; Vargas-González, Omar C.Subject and purpose of work: This study aims to analyse the main elements of the green economic development as a framework for green finance and green investment. The analysis spurs from the underlying notion that green economics is inherently a normative framework and a school of thought development of the neo-classical economic thinking with conceptual assumptions, deficiencies, and contradictions, beginning to set out the roots, aims and philosophical principles. Materials and methods: The methods used are the analytical and descriptive ones based on the critical literature review and an experiential reflective attitude on the key issues concerning the variables of green economic development, green finance, and green investment. Conclusions: It is concluded that the implementation of green economy activities have many obstacles to face. The inadequate funding and the institutional support in collaborations and coordination practices are the most crucial.
RekordHerding behavior: intensification and flow in the Indonesian Stock Market / Zachowania stadne: nasilenie i przepływ na Indonezyjskiej Giełdzie Papierów Wartościowych(Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II, 2022-09-28) Hidayati Nur, Lina ; Alteza, Muniya ; Winarno, WinarnoSubject and purpose of work: This paper explores whether herding behavior is formed according to the type of investor, how long the transmission of herding behavior occurs, and identifies how big the reaction of herding behavior is and how the flow of herding behavior connects between investors. Materials and methods: The population in this study are companies whose shares are listed in the LQ45 index list for the period January 2015 to December 2017 on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. To find out further about herding behavior, a VAR test will be conducted in this study. Results: The results of herding behavior analysis, based on the type of investor on the Indonesia Stock Exchange, show that there is herding behavior in each type of similar investor. Moreover, there is a certain period for the spread of herding behavior by type of shareholder. Conclusions: The most influential variables on the four types of successive investors are domestic institutional investors, individual foreigners, domestic individuals, and foreign institutions. The four types of investors respond differently to herding behavior.
RekordIndo-French comprehensive bilateral cooperation: a roadmap to Indo-Pacific parks partnership and beyond / Szeroko zakrojona indyjsko-francuska współpraca dwustronna: Plan działania w ramach Partnerstwa na rzecz parków w regionie Indo-Pacyfiku i nie tylko(Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II, 2022-09-28) Bharti, Mukesh Shankar ; Kumari, Suprabha ; Bharti, Sushant ShankarSubject and purpose of work: The purpose of this research is to he assess the Indo-French bilateral cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region. The study aims to identify the main areas of cooperation between India and France. This paper assesses a roadmap for the broader strategy for the „Indo-Pacific Parks Partnership”. Materials and methods: It uses the empirical approach to know to what extent the Indo-French cooperation achieves its goal. Further, this study answers the following research questions to test a hypothesis. What kind of bilateral partnerships are the two countries shaping for deeper comprehensive cooperation? Why is the Indo-Pacific the central part of the Indo-French partnerships? India and France strategically shifted their bilateral partnership towards the Pacific and Indian Ocean regions for deeper cooperation. Results: The bilateral partnership between India and France has been tremendously accelerating for the last decade. Both the countries are better attuned in the context of Maritime Security and trade cooperation in the Indo-Pacific region. Conclusions: The article concludes that India and France need a deeper partnership in the Indo- Pacific region to accelerate trade and business in the maritime domain.
RekordManifestations of sustainable development in China: based on policy study / Przejawy zrównoważonego rozwoju w Chinach: na podstawie analizy strategii politycznych(Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II, 2022-09-28) Yue, Wu ; Xinzhi, ZhongSubject and purpose of work: This article aims to better understand China’s actions and challenges encountered in sustainable development due to the COVID-19 crisis, economic difficulties, and the war between Russia and Ukraine. It also aims to provide valuable recommendations for China or other countries concerning future sustainable development work. Materials and methods: We reviewed extensive literature and made a policy content analysis as the research methodology. Results: We concluded that China has put emphasis on sustainable development since ancient times. China has made notable progress in sustainable development both domestically inside China and worldwide. However, China also faces challenges related to sustainable development within China itself. Conclusions: Although China has launched effective policies that have received positive feedback, there is still a long way to go to achieve truly sustainable development. We suggest that all countries, regions, and individuals take a joint action in order to achieve a sustainable planet for us and future generations.
RekordPricing strategies in the revenue management system of hotel enterprises / Strategie cenowe w systemie zarządzania przychodami w obiektach hotelowych(Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II, 2022-09-28) Melnyk, Iryna ; Barna, MartaSubject and purpose of work: Substantiation of the principles of formation of the pricing policy of hotel enterprises while considering the segmentation of the client base, existing patterns and pricing strategies according to revenue management system. Materials and methods: the material of the article is based on the study of theoretical and practical aspects of the pricing strategy in the system of management of hotel enterprises. Scientific articles and practical recommendations of revenue managers were used, on the basis of which the principles of pricing hotel services were summarized, depending on the preferences and requirements of various consumer segments. Results: It has been established that when using certain strategies, it is necessary to systematize how and when hotel services are booked by representatives of the main market segments, as well as to correctly assess the elasticity of their demand. Conclusions: Revenue management from the sale of hotel services involves the use of flexible prices for the same type of revenue, the value of prices are determined depending on the period of sale of this product until the product becomes unusable. This premise implies the need to develop an appropriate tariff policy and define certain volumes of these services.
RekordReview of the report entitled: The Impact of the European Green Deal on Polish Agriculture, by Gradziuk et al., Polityka Insight 2021 Reports. Polityka Insight Sp. Z O.O. Warsaw. / Recenzja raportu pt: Wpływ Europejskiego Zielonego Ładu Na Polskie Rolnictwo, autorstwa Gradziuk i in., Raporty Polityki Insight 2021. Polityka Insight Sp. Z O.O. Warszawa(Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II, 2022-09-28) Guzal-Dec, Danuta
RekordThe effect of gender-based division of labor on women’s lives: domestic practices of female academics / Wpływ podziału pracy ze względu na płeć na życie kobiet: obowiązki domowe pracownic akademickich(Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II, 2022-09-28) Bural Yayla, FidanSubject and purpose of work: This study was designed in order to examine domestic practices of local female academics and to determine to what extent and how these practices affect business life. Materials and methods: In the research phenomenological research design, one of the qualitative research methods, was used. The study group of the research consisted of 20 female faculty members from Turkey. Results: Within the scope of the research, it was concluded that female academics, like other women in the society, undertake a series of gender role-based responsibilities. Conclusions: The results of the research reveal that even women who belong to a profession that requires a high level of education and shows a status in the society, such as academics, take on more responsibilities in home life than their male colleagues. This result also proves that education and status factors are not sufficient to invalidate gender roles and social patriarchy.