2017, volume 10, issue 2
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Przeglądanie 2017, volume 10, issue 2 według Data wydania
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RekordReport from the Nationwide Polish Scientific Conference “Borderlands in the perspective of the present-day challenges”, Roskosz, 19-20 April 2017 / Sprawozdanie z Ogólnopolskiej Konferencji Naukowej „Pogranicza w perspektywie wyzwań współczesności”, Roskosz, 19-20 kwietnia 2017 r.(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2017) Błaszczak, Dawid ; Jaroszewska, Izabela
RekordThe structure of retail trade and interactions among retail network establishments (on the example of Biała Podlaska) / Struktura handlu detalicznego i wzajemne oddziaływania obiektów sieci handlowej (na przykładzie miasta Biała Podlaska).( 2017) Adamowicz, Mieczysław ; Siedlanowski, PawełSubject and purpose of work: The subject of this work is to present contemporary trends and changes in retail trade as well as functions performed by this sector, with particular focus on large-format retail facilities. The aim of this article is to assess the state and development factors of large-format retailers in Biała Podlaska. Materials and methods: The article was created with the application of the descriptive method and based on the literature dealing with this issue and personal research. The research material was composed of the authors’ observations and a questionnaire survey conducted on the group of 100 inhabitants of Biała Podlaska. Results: The areas of retail services supplied by the retail network, distribution and mutual interaction between the main retail facilities and the development prospects of the retail network in the city were presented. Conclusions: The research confirms general changes in trade manifested by the expansion of super and hypermarkets, as well as discount stores, also in smaller cities, where chains adjust retail space to local conditions.
RekordMeasuring efficiency of websites of agrotouristic farms from Poland and Slovakia / Pomiar efektywności witryn internetowych gospodarstw agroturystycznych z Polski i Słowacji( 2017) Król, Karol ; Halva, JozefSubject and purpose of work: The aim of the paper was to study traditional measures of efficiency of websites of agrotouristic farms from Poland and Slovakia. Materials and methods: It was assumed that basic measures of efficiency of a website of an agrotouristic farm are: a number of displays, mean time spent by a user in a website and also a mean number of pages which were browsed. 200 websites were analysed and their addresses were gained from online catalogues. The amounts of established measures were gained by means of SimilarWeb application. Results: In case of websites of agrotouristic farms from Poland, statistical data were available for 54 websites whereas for Slovak websites – there were 52 of them. There was by about 15.5% less number of views on the websites of Polish farms in contrast to Slovak ones, however there were Polish websites where users spent more time. In holiday months, tested websites had the highest viewer rating. Conclusions: Performed surveys brought a series of methodical questions. Gained statistics of websites’ usage do not tell much about differences in the Internet using rate in promotion of agrotouristic farms in Poland and Slovakia.
RekordTourism in Kampinos National Park in the opinion of visitors / Turystyka w Kampinoskim Parku Narodowym w opinii odwiedzających(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2017) Gałązka, MałgorzataSubject and purpose of work: This article analyses a survey of visitors in Kampinos National Park (henceforth also called Kampinos NP) in order to, among others, explore opinions on the most widely cultivated forms of tourist and recreational activity, as well as to learn about the expectations of visitors with regard to the management of the protected area in connection with the preparation of Park to ensure its accessibility for tourist and recreational purposes. Materials and methods: The study was carried out by the means of the diagnostic survey method, using a questionnaire as an instrument of research. The study group consisted of people visiting Kampinos NP. Results: For visitors, the Park terrain is an ideal place to practice mainly hiking or walking tours and recreational cycling. The park plays a significant role in primarily weekend tourism and recreation, providing a venue for recreational stays and several-hour walks taken by Warsaw agglomeration residents. Conclusions: The research showed that Kampinos NP is one of the best Polish national parks with regard to adaptations for tourism and recreation, as evidenced by one of the densest networks of hiking trails in the country and a wide offer range in terms of natural history and education. In the light of the conducted surveys it can be concluded that the areas of Kampinos NP are well suited for a variety of active tourism and recreation, and the main expectations of visitors focus on appropriate care for the natural environment and small business development.
RekordThe activity of agritourism farms in Podlaskie Voivodeship in the opinions of their owners / Działalność gospodarstw agroturystycznych w województwie podlaskim w opinii ich właścicieli(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2017) Sokół, Janusz LeszekSubject and purpose of work: The purpose of this study was to analyse and evaluate the operation of argritourism farms in Podlaskie Voivodeship (voivodeship is an equivalent of province in Polish administration), conducted with regard to their structure and market functioning, and the possibility of using the advisory and financial support existing in the region. Materials and methods: The research had a survey form and was conducted in the second half of 2014 on a sample of 120 agritourism farms, which constitutes more than 13% of all entities in Podlaskie Voivodeship. Results: Most of the agritourism farms in the Podlaskie Voivodeship are ones that do not exceed the area of 5 hectares. They are focused on hosting individual guests and families with little children. The majority of farm owners do not have adequate experience in providing agritourism services. The activity of agritourism farms is based primarily on the proprietary capital. Conclusions: Better education and more complete information about the possibilities and ways of obtaining financial support seem to be the key to a more dynamic and efficient development of agritourism in the rural areas of Podlaskie Voivodeship.
RekordThe concept of “book town” as an innovative way of using local resources for tourism purposes / Koncepcja „miasta książek” jako innowacyjny sposób wykorzystania zasobów lokalnych na cele turystyczne(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2017) Gralak, KatarzynaSubject and purpose of work: The aim of this paper is to present the origin and assumptions of the concept of “book towns”, along with the conditions of its development and different ways of using this concept in shaping tourist attractiveness. Materials and methods: This paper was prepared on the basis of domestic and foreign literature overview, as well as with the case study method. The examples presented in this article encompass four “book towns” from different continents (Hay-On-Wye in Wales, Torup in Denmark, Clunes in Australia and Paju in South Korea). Results: Each of the analysed towns has a unique identity and its own idea of development. A book served as a tool for building social capital, entrepreneurship development (particularly in Torup) and forming new tourist destinations. Conclusions: The concept of “book town”, which was created in the 60s of the twentieth century, still arouses the interest of local communities and various groups of visitors, including, among others, tourists, booksellers and bibliophiles. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that a “book town” offers not only economic benefits but is primarily a tool for comprehensive interpretation and protection of local culture.
RekordDevelopment of the tourist function within areas of lower silesian landscape parks / Rozwój funkcji turystycznej obszarów dolnośląskich parków krajobrazowych(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2017) Uglis, Jarosław ; Jęczmyk, AnnaSubject and purpose of work: The aim of the study was to present the development of the tourist function in the areas of Lower Silesian landscape parks. The subject of the study were the communes associated with Lower Silesian landscape parks. Materials and methods: The study covered 59 communes of the Lower Silesia Voiovodeship where 12 landscape parks are located. In this research six indicators of the level of tourism development were listed - three in the field of conditions of tourism development and three in the field of tourist traffic. Results: A significant dependency between the surface area of a landscape park and the state of tourismoriented land development was established. It turned out that among the 59 surveyed communes in 14 of them there are no tourist accommodation facilities. Conclusions: Based on the conducted surveys, it was found that the highest level of tourist function development occurs in the communes associated with the following landscape parks: Śnieżnik, the Sudety Wałbrzyskie, the Owl Mountains, Książ and Bóbr Valley Landscape Park.
RekordExploitation and protection of resources in ecological farms of a subregion of Lublin Voivodeship / Wykorzystanie i ochrona zasobów w gospodarstwach ekologicznych podregionu województwa lubelskiego(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2017) Siedlecka, AgnieszkaSubject and purpose of work: The purpose of the study is to evaluate the utilisation of resources necessary for agricultural production as well as their protection in farms conducting ecological production. The deliberations undertaken in this paper focus on certified farms due to their specificity and character of their production, which is compatible with the principles of sustainable development. Materials and methods: The article uses the results of research from twenty ecological farms in the Chełm- Zamość subregion of Lublin Voivodeship. The deciding factor in selecting this region was the prominent role of agricultural production in this region when compared to the other ones in the voivodeship. Results: The research results have shown that there is a lack of correlation between actions taken by producers and caring for the natural environment. Farmers displayed little awareness with regard to the use of environmental resources and assets in agricultural production. Conclusions: Running a farm aimed at ecological production is connected with the implementation of solutions that have not found application in traditional agricultural production, with obtaining a certificate and the need for training and further study. This does not, however, translate into the introduction of pro-ecological solutions in agricultural production or the farm itself. A significant share of the investigated producers did not report the need for introducing such solutions. It indicates the need for continuous broadening of knowledge and creating ecological.
RekordPerspectives of geotourism development in the Gorce I quarry / Perspektywy rozwoju geoturystyki w kamieniołomie Gorce I( 2017) Zbucki, Łukasz ; Jędrusik, MaciejSubject and purpose of work: The purpose of the study is to present the perspectives of geotourism development in the porphyry quarry Gorce I, which is situated in the Wałbrzyskie mountains. Currently the exploitation of this quarry is suspended. Materials and methods: This work was written after studying the literature on this subject and conducting field research, during which terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) was used, among others. The material gathered during field research was used, among other things, to create a 3D model of the Gorce I quarry. Results: The research and analyses conducted in the porphyry quarry Gorce I allowed for designating a geotourist trail where information boards were placed. Conclusions: The research conducted in the Gorce I quarry confirms the possibility of utilizing this excavation pit for geotourism purposes.