2021, Volume 14, Issue 1
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Przeglądanie 2021, Volume 14, Issue 1 według Tytuł
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RekordComparison of selected portfolio strategies based on the example of cryptocurrency portfolios / Porównanie wybranych strategii portfelowych na przykładzie portfeli kryptowalut(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2021-03-31) Kądziołka, KingaSubject and purpose of work: The purpose of this work was to compare selected portfolio strategies in terms of return rates in order to answer the question whether the method of determining the weights of the portfolio and reduction of the number of portfolio elements characterized by strong positive correlation of rates of return have an impact on its profitability. Materials and methods: The analysis used publicly available data, selected portfolio methods and hierarchical clustering. Both short- and long-term investment strategies were examined. Results: None of analyzed strategies allows to achieve higher rates of return in any given (arbitrarily selected) period than other analyzed strategies. Portfolios with a reduced number of elements in most cases did make it possible to achieve a higher rate of return than the benchmark portfolios consisting of 15 cyptocurrencies. Conclusions: While making investment decisions, one should bear in mind that the realized rate of return may significantly differ from the expected rate of return of the portfolio, which is only a forecast.
RekordEmpowerment of micro enterprises (UMKM) by increasing team effectiveness using Qur’ani job design model / Wzmocnienie mikroprzedsiębiorstw (UMKM) poprzez zwiększenie efektywności zespołu przy użyciu modelu projektowania miejsc pracy opartego na Koranie(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2021-03-31) Jaya, WinandiSubject and purpose of work: Micro Enterprises (UMKM) have a great potential to support the economic condition, however, if it is not balanced with managerial abilities, team effectiveness is not maximised. This study investigates increasing team effectiveness through training and mentoring in making Qur’ani job designs of micro enterprises. Materials and methods: The study used a pre-posttest design of control and experimental groups. 74 total respondents were involved and divided into a control and an experimental group. Each group consisted of 37 respondents. The measuring instruments used in the study were a questionnaire developed by the researchers implementing Qur’ani Job Design, as well as the value of team effectiveness in micro enterprises. The data analysis was performed by the analysis of variance (ANOVA), which assessed the magnitude of the effect of training and mentoring team effectiveness. Results: The results indicated that training and assistance of making qurani job designs can help increase the effectiveness of a team. Conclusions: Based on the results and discussion, it can be concluded that the evaluation that was carried out shows that quranic job design can help increase the effectiveness of micro enterprises teams. Thus the hypothesis in this study was accepted.
RekordHistorical marketing research – barriers to conducting it and its importance / Historyczne badania marketingu – bariery prowadzenia i znaczenie(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2021-03-21) Kamiński, JacekSubject and purpose of work: The article is devoted to historical marketing research. Its purpose is to identify barriers to conducting historical marketing research and to characterize the significance of this type of research. Materials and methods: The observations contained in the article were formulated on the basis of a review, analysis, synthesis and critical evaluation of the literature in the field of marketing. Results: The article highlights the ahistorical attitude of marketing discipline also with reference to research in the area of marketing. Barriers to conducting this type of research were discussed and the significance of historical research was pointed out.. The barriers were characterized based on the properties of historical research as well as the features of practice and marketing theory. The problem is discussed from the point of view of marketing practice, marketing theory, the status of marketing as a science, the role of historical research as a critical approach in the science of marketing, and historical analysis of phenomena as a social perspective. The significance of historical marketing research for teaching marketing issues is underlined. Conclusions: The main conclusion of the analysis is that historical research on marketing plays a particularly significant role, despite the fact that it is found on the margins of currently undertaken issues and does not belong to the mainstream marketing. As a result, it is rarely discussed in marketing textbooks.
RekordInfrastructural facilities and industrial development: an empirical investigation in the Lagos region / Obiekty infrastrukturalne i rozwój przemysłowy: empiryczne badanie w regionie Lagos(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2021-03-31) Fagbohunka, Adejompo ; Oladehinde, Gbenga JohnSubject and purpose of work: Investment in infrastructural facilities has the capacity to create an enabling environment to stimulate business and industrial activities. Nevertheless, there are a few studies on the impact of infrastructural facilities on industrial development in developing countries. The main aim of this study is to investigate the impact of infrastructural facilities on industrial development in Lagos State, Nigeria. Materials and methods: One hundred and three questionnaires were administered to the selected companies through the use of multi-stage sampling techniques across the industrial zones. The data collected were analysed using descriptive statistics while ANOVA, Stepwise Regression, and correlation were used to investigate the research hypothesis. Results: The research shows that the impact of infrastructure on research and development is poor, while the infrastructural impact on the ease of production is averagely significant. Using Stepwise regression, the study revealed that ease of production (89.7%), productivity (1.1%), and industrial expansion (1.5%) were the major areas of industrial development that were positively impacted while research and development and workers' morale were not positively impacted. The result of Pearson's product moment correlation coefficient shows that a relationship exists between infrastructural facilities and industrial development of the Lagos region (r= 0.880; p-value=0.000) at 0.05 level of significance. Conclusions: The study concluded that adequacy of infrastructural facilities positively enhances and boosts the industrial potential of the study area.
RekordInnovative development of the agricultural sector in the Visegrad Group countries / Innowacyjny rozwój sektora rolniczego w krajach Grupy Wyszehradzkiej(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2021-03-31) Burdiuzha, AnastasiiaSubject and purpose of work: Analysis of the innovative development trends of the agricultural sector in the Visegrad Group countries in 1995–2019. Investigation of the impact of innovation on value added to GDP by the sector and the patent activity. Materials and methods: Secondary data used in the current research were taken from Eurostat, World Bank and European Patent Office databases. They were analyzed by applying OLS models and Granger causality tests. Results: First, composition of R&D expenses in each Visegrad country was examined. Then its relationship to agricultural GDP and the number of the patents granted was tested by means of OLS models. Forecasting the relationship between variables examined was carried out by running Granger causality tests. Conclusions: There was a constant growth in agricultural innovation activity investment from 1995 to 2019. Nevertheless, the countries examined have not yet reached the EU’s objective concerning the R&D intensities. Innovation activity had a positive impact on the value added to GDP by agriculture and on the number of the patents granted.
RekordReview of Anna Matuszczak's monograph entitled "Evolution of the Agrarian Issue and Environmental Public Goods", Institute of Agricultural and Food Economics – National Research Institute, Warsaw 2020, p. 374 / Recenzja monografii Anny Matuszczak „Ewolucja kwestii agrarnej a środowiskowe dobra publiczne”, Instytut Ekonomiki Rolnictwa i Gospodarki Żywnościowej – Państwowy Instytut Badawczy, Warszawa 2020, s. 374.(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2021-03-31) Podstawka, Marian
RekordThe concept of financial control of communes based on the experience of Poland / Koncepcja kontroli finansowej gmin oparta na doświadczeniach Polski(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2021-03-31) Belia, Andriana ; Storonyanska, IrynaSubject and purpose of work: The subject of the study are the elements of the Ukrainian financial control system. A combination of those elements enables formulating a concept which is directed at financial control of communes. The purpose of the study is identifying main directions of modernization of the Ukrainian financial control system over self-government units. Materials and methods: This study provides an analysis of government data and commercial statistics based on official studies, evaluation reports, program documents, website data, open research papers and promotional materials. The main elements and European experience that, in the author's opinion, are necessary for the construction of an effective finance control system of communes have been used in the construction of the concept of financial control over communes. Results: The key elements of the system of financial control over local self-government units of Poland are revealed. The improvement of financial control over communes in Ukraine and a number of organizational, economic and legal steps to optimize financial control at the local level are proposed. Conclusions: The article presents the main principles, measures and steps functioning in Polish financial control,which constitutes the basis for the formulation of a model of local finance control in Ukraine.
RekordThe effect of the coronavirus (SARS CoV-2) on training for jobseekers in Hungary / Wpływ koronawirusa (SARS CoV-2) na szkolenia dla osób poszukujących pracy na Węgrzech(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2021-03-31) Hajdú, DávidSubject and purpose of work: The study examines the consequences of the coronavirus on training for jobseekers supported by county government offices in Hungary. Materials and methods: The study investigates the effects of the coronavirus in Hungary on the basis of the information obtained from trainings for jobseekers supported by county government offices. Before conducting the research the data provided by the Labour Market Department of the Division of Employment and Occupational Safety of the government office were obtained. Results: The amount of the earnings-related allowance paid during the pandemic period was HUF 2,369,404,800, which, calculated on the basis of the average earnings-related allowance in the country (HUF 128,800), could have given 6,132 people a new profession in the country. The digital form of education ordered by the Hungarian Government did not affect the trainings initiated by the county government offices. Act IV of 1991 on the Promotion of Employment and Unemployment Benefits, which supported trainings initiated under the Act and later, were suspended on the date of entry into force of the Decree for the duration of the emergency due to the force of law. No further trainings could be started during the period of emergency. Conclusions: There is no possibility of digital education and distance learning in the case of trainings supported by the government office. General courses based on personal interaction are conducted by training institutions commissioned by the government office. As a result, the pandemic period have caused enormous financial losses for the support sector. In the author’s opinion, the introduction of digital education in these forms of training, except for internships, could be a solution in similar situations that are likely to occur in the future.
RekordWeighted accuracy algorithmic approach in counteracting fake news and disinformation / Algorytmiczne podejście do dokładności ważonej w przeciwdziałaniu fałszywym informacjom i dezinformacji(Państwowa Szkoła Wyższa im. Papieża Jana Pawła II w Białej Podlaskiej, 2021-03-31) Osei Bonsu, KwadwoSubject and purpose of work: Fake news and disinformation are polluting information environment. Hence, this paper proposes a methodology for fake news detection through the combined weighted accuracies of seven machine learning algorithms. Materials and methods: This paper uses natural language processing to analyze the text content of a list of news samples and then predicts whether they are FAKE or REAL. Results: Weighted accuracy algorithmic approach has been shown to reduce overfitting. It was revealed that the individual performance of the different algorithms improved after the data was extracted from the news outlet websites and 'quality' data was filtered by the constraint mechanism developed in the experiment. Conclusions: This model is different from the existing mechanisms in the sense that it automates the algorithm selection process and at the same time takes into account the performance of all the algorithms used, including the less performing ones, thereby increasing the mean accuracy of all the algorithm accuracies.