2023, Volume 17, Issue 1
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Przeglądanie 2023, Volume 17, Issue 1 według Tytuł
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Opcje wyszukiwania
RekordElity polityczne w ujęciu Edmunda Wnuka-Lipińskiego / Political Elites in the View of Edmund Wnuk-Lipiński(Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-04-11) Dobrogowska, MonikaW artykule przedstawiono rozważania Edmunda Wnuka-Lipińskiego w następującym porządku: omówiono definicję elit politycznych oraz kapitału politycznego. Następnie podjęto problem zasadności istnienia elit politycznych oraz ich funkcje w ustroju demokratycznym. W dalszej kolejności przedstawiono wymiar dynamiczny elit politycznych oraz ich krytykę. Materiał i metody: Analiza wybranych treści związana z elitami politycznymi. W analizie wykorzystano monografie, książki pod redakcją, artykuły naukowe i szeroko rozumianą publicystykę autorstwa Edmunda Wnuka-Lipińskiego. Wyniki: Wnuk-Lipiński wykazał, że w okresie transformacji ustrojowej nowe elity formowały się zarówno poprzez cyrkulację, jak i reprodukcję. W Polsce w latach dziewięćdziesiątych ukształtowały się elity postkomunistyczne oraz postsolidarnościowe. Za najważniejsze funkcje elit uznał funkcję artykulacyjną oraz sprawowanie przywództwa politycznego. Dokonał krytyki elit przełomu XX i XXI wieku. Wnioski: Edmund Wnuk-Lipiński akcentował konieczność istnienia elit politycznych w ustroju demokratycznym określanymi mianem poliarchii, pod warunkiem, że ustrój ten umożliwi „obalanie” rządzących w ramach demokratycznego głosowania. Wskazał szereg cech dobrego przywództwa politycznego.
RekordFoster care system in Poland and Slovakia. Comparative analysis / System pieczy zastępczej w Polsce i na Słowacji. Analiza porównawcza(Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-12-19) Ruszkowska, Marzena ; Lovašová, SoňaThe functioning of the foster care system seems to be a particularly relevant issue, as several children are placed in it every day, and the applicable regulations adopted by other European countries are worth analysing. Material and methods: This publication is intended as an attempt to compare the solutions adopted in the Slovak Republic and Poland regarding the foster care system. The comparative analysis is based on available research, legal regulations and statistical data. Results: Both countries practice deinstitutionalisation, i.e. the placement of children from dysfunctional families in family-type care in the first instance. The Slovak system is much less developed than the Polish system. Conclusions: Differences between the systems are visible, for example, in the requirements for foster carers, the types of funding and the length of stay of adult foster carers in the system.
RekordNot All Gallantry, Gongs and Glory: Wartime in popular American novels(Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-09-05) Białecka, Adrianna ; Struk, Barbara EwaThis article discusses perceptions of World War II in modern American literature. Authors acknowledge novels inspired by their authors’ combat, and discuss visions of war, aims of wartime literature and major literary archetypes. Material and methods: The authors analyzed the most popular American novels devoted to the subject of World War II. The analysis covered the visions of war, war literature functions and aims, and major literary archetypes of characters affected by war. Results: Literary visions of war vary considerably between historical, fictive, realistic, non-realistic, humorous or self-critical. Functions of war literature include: glorifying or demystifying war, but also healing both authors and readers. Also, many literary archetypes can be distinguished. Conclusions: War in literature is presented as a time of glory and a catastrophe. Attitudes to war in novels vary from historical to fictive, realistic to non-realistic, or humorous, and some novels glorify war while others condemn it. Literary archetypes also vary considerably.
RekordParanoid schizophrenia in aspects of nursing care based on a case study / Schizofrenia paranoidalna w aspektach opieki pielęgniarskiej na podstawie studium przypadku(Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-08-31) Nazaruk, Stanisława Katarzyna ; Sokołowska, Barbara ; Pucel, SylwiaParanoid schizophrenia, characterised by delusions and hallucinations and peculiar symptoms that do not resemble any other disease, is one of the many diseases diagnosed in some people. The sick person remains himself/herself, but his/her personality gradually becomes disorganised, taking him into a different , „world” of inner experiences. Most often the family and the nurse take care of the sick person. Material and methods: The study involved a person suffering from paranoid schizophrenia. A case study was used. Results: The results of the study showed that the person with the disease needs support from family, nurse and professionals. Conclusions: In order to improve his/her quality of life, an effective system of early recognition of the symptoms of the disease, its treatment, education of the family and the public must be developed and implemented. Education addressed to the patient and his/her family and to society in order to overcome the stereotypes that still exist is crucial.
RekordPeople's perception of police behaviour in Nigeria(Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-08-22) Ugwuanyi, Benedict Chidi ; Formella, Zbigniew SzczepanThe police in different parts of the world and especially in Nigeria play a vital role in enforcing laws and have the passion to serve their citizens. Police is your friend is the motto of the Nigerian Police. The problem of this research is the perceprion of the people's about the police behavior. Material and methods: The target of the research was Nigerian adults from 20 years and above (227 were males and 219 females). Quantitative research methods are used to collect and analyze numerical data. Results: The result shows that most of the people do not perceive the police as a friend. This makes them develop some feelings of anxiety, panic attack and hypervigilance. Conclusions: It is important for the police to know that some individuals see and perceive them as an institution that assumes full force added to power and constitutes itself as an instrument of intimidation and harassment.
RekordRecent Trends in Jammu and Kashmir's Employment Landscape An Analysis Based on Periodic Labour Force Surveys(Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-08-22) Kumar, Vijay ; Singhal, Bharat ; Sharma, Sachin ; Jakhar, BablooThis paper aims to investigate recent employment trends in the Indian state of Jammu & Kashmir with the help of some key employment indicators such as UR, LFPR, and WPR. Material and methods: The findings are based on the unit-level data of the PLFS over the period of 2017-18 to 2021-22. Results: The study highlights that the Labour Force Participation Rate (LFPR) in Jammu and Kashmir in 2021-22 remains high (at 46.4%) compared to the northern states of Uttarakhand, Delhi, Haryana, Punjab, and all of India’s LFPR as well. The female LFPR in Jammu and Kashmir (at 34.1%) has also shown much better prospects compared to all India levels, which is exceptionally low at 24.8 per cent. Conclusions: A continuous improvement in female LFPR and WPR is recorded after the imposition of the President’s Rule in the state. High female WPR positively correlates with factors like a peaceful workplace, workplace security.
RekordReforma psychiatrii środowiskowej w Polsce / Reform of community psychiatry in Poland(Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-04-11) Zdebko, BożenaArtykuł ma na celu przybliżyć zmiany zachodzące w organizowaniu środowiskowej opieki psychiatrycznej w Polsce. Obecnie opieka psychiatryczna przechodzi znaczącą zmianę w kierunku rozwoju psychiatrii środowiskowej. Tworzona jest na określonym obszarze i dostępna dla każdej osoby, która znalazła się w sytuacji kryzysu zdrowia psychicznego. Istotne staje się wtedy przesłanie moralne psychiatrii środowiskowej, w którym uznaje się podmiotowość każdego pacjenta leczącego się psychiatrycznie, a samo leczenie poszerzone jest o wsparcie środowiskowe w miejscu życia osoby chorej psychicznie. W Polsce model psychiatrii środowiskowej wiąże się z wprowadzeniem zmian w trakcie trwania pilotażu Centrów Zdrowia Psychicznego od 2018 roku, przedłużonego obecnie do 2027 roku. Materiał i metody: Przegląd literatury przedmiotu, uczestniczenie w konferencjach. Wyniki: Zebrane informacje oraz obserwacja pozwalają na głęboką refleksję dotyczącą wprowadzanych zmian w reformie psychiatrii w Polsce.
RekordRomantic relationships and emotional difficulties and post-traumatic growth during the COVID-19 pandemic / Relacje romantyczne a trudności emocjonalne i wzrost potraumatyczny w czasie pandemii COVID-19(Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-10-30) Kozakiewicz, Alicja ; Izdebski, ZbigniewThe purpose of the study was to assess the level of emotional difficulties and posttraumatic growth in accordance with relationship quality and attachment style in a romantic relationship in view of selected sociodemographic variables. Material and methods: The cross-sectional study was conducted online in March 2022, and the subject of analysis is data on 1,332 adults in a relationship. The Post-Traumtic Growth (PTG) scale was used to measure post-traumatic growth, the Pandemic Emotional Difficulties (Pandemic-ED) scale was used to measure pandemic-related emotional difficulties. Relationship quality was measured with the Short Love Scale 12 (SLS-12) and The Experiences in Close Relationships-Relationship Structures (ECR-RS) scale. Results: Emotional difficulties were shown to be lower among those in relationships rated more positively, and rates of post-traumatic growth increased as relationship scores increased. Conclusions: The results presented allow to understand the impact of romantic relationships on individuals’ functioning, thus providing indications for those working in the field of couples counseling.
RekordThe Biała Podlaska ghetto – the tragic end of the Jewish community in Biała Podlaska / Getto w Białej Podlaskiej – tragiczny koniec społeczności bialskich Żydów,(Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-11-30) Pakuła, Paweł AntoniThe aim of this paper was to examine the history of the Jewish community in the city of Biała Podlaska during World War II. Material and methods: The paper uses regional literature, including printed sources and copies of typescripts, monographs of the city and publications concerning the holocaust in the Biała Podlaska commune. It also refers to audio and video content available online – memories of Polish witnesses and a small group of Jewish survivors. Results: T he a uthor d escribed t he h istory o f t he J ewish c ommunity i n B iała P odlaska during World War II. The paper contains an overview of repression methods used by the Germans, a description of particularly notorious criminals and characteristics of the attitude of the local Polish population. Conclusions: The last three years in the around 300-year history of the Jewish community in Biała Podlaska, particularly 1942, were tragic. The Nazi occupants deprived the Jews of their estate and dignity, forced them to work and eventually took their lives away. During their rule, they deported 8,000 Jews to German Nazi extermination camps and killed 6,000 in the city. In 1945, only 60 Jews remained in Biała Podlaska.
RekordThe differences in life satisfaction between individuals following plant-based diets and those consuming animal products / Różnice w zadowoleniu z życia między osobami stosującymi diety roślinne a osobami spożywającymi produkty zwierzęce(Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-08-22) Nesterok, Mateusz DominikThis article presents the results of research on the impact of diet on the level of life satisfaction. The results show that people following a plant-based diet exhibit a higher level of life satisfaction than meat-eaters. The findings indicate a positive impact of a healthy and balanced plant-based diet on mental health. Material and methods: The study was conducted on 332 individuals using the Life Satisfaction Questionnaire by Jochen Fahrenberg, adapted by Jan Chodkiewicz. The research sample was collected randomly using the snowball method. Results: A nalysis of participant r esponses confirms t he hypothesis t hat people following a plant-based diet achieve statistically significant higher overall life satisfaction scores than omnivores, and higher scores in certain factors when compared to them. Conclusions: Diet is crucial for life satisfaction and affects behaviors, emotions, and selfperception. This should motivate us to make conscious dietary choices and modify those harmful to our health.
Rekord(The invisible) image of homelessness / (Nie)widzialny obraz bezdomności(Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-11-30) Staszkiewicz-Grabarczyk, IwonaThe aim of the article is to present the ‘portrait’ of homelessness in Poland and the perception of the phenomenon and homeless people by the state as well as society. The paper attempts to analyze the basic terms related to the phenomenon of homelessness. It also focused on the sociodemographics data of homelessness, including quantitative issues of the homeless population, their places of stay, factors that influence the creation of homelessness, age and gender of the responders, education, the length of time they have been homeless and their sources of income. The research showed that homeless people need comprehensive and professional support and that their postulated needs are primarly for housing, financial and food assistance, Protection of people in homelessness crisis is conditioned by law, from the Constitution to laws and regulations. Social service is provided by government administrative organs and local government bodies, in cooperation with community organisations and individuals. There are many Polish as well as international organisations that support the recovery from the homelessness crisis.
RekordThe legitimacy of the process of rehabilitation of the perpetrators of homicides / Zasadność procesu resocjalizacji sprawców zabójstw(Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-06-16) Waszczuk, Joanna ; Trzeciak, MagdalenaSummary: The article concerns the legitimacy of the perpetrators of homicides in the opinion of people aged 18-30 and over 60. Material and methods: The research used the method of a diagnostic survey with the questionnaire technique. The respondents were a group of 188 people. Results: People who commit revenge killings are perceived better than those who commit sexual or profit killings. The respondents do not believe in the change of behavior or in the process of rehabilitation of such a person. Respondents aged 60 and over were much less likely to choose the punishment of litter, and were more inclined to lighter sentences. Conclusions: Respondents do not believe in a positive change in the killer’s behavior. Regardless of their relationship, if an individual commits a homicide, they will be treated similarly. Murder for sexual gain was the most severely viewed. The younger generation is more in favor of the death penalty than the elderly.
RekordThe role of J. Young's maladaptive schemas in relation to social support and self-efficacy / Rola nieadaptacyjnych schematów J. Younga w odniesieniu do wsparcia społecznego oraz poczucia własnej skuteczności(Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-06-16) Konopka, Patrycja Anna ; Błońska, ElżbietaSummary: The aim of the article is to show the relationship between Young’s schemas with social support and self-efficacy and to demonstrate Young’s schemas as a determinant of a violent relationship and related problems. Material and methods: The study was conducted on a group of 86 taking into account subgroups diagnosed and the ones which weren’t diagnosed in terms of psychological disorders. The study used the version of Young’s Schema Questionnaire , the Multidimensional Social Support Scale, the Self-Efficacy Scale. Results: It is concluded that enmeshment in violent relationships and related psychological problems is determined by Young’s schemas, the family’s support plays a minor protective role, which disappears in conjunction with the influence of the schema. The key role is played by the pattern of subordination, followed by the pattern of emotional inhibition. Conclusions: The study found that entanglement in a violent relationship clearly co-occurs with mental disorders, particularly depression and anxiety.
RekordThe role of playing with parents in the process of supporting speech development in children up to the age of three – pedagogue's reflections / Rola zabawy z rodzicami w procesie wspierania rozwoju mowy u dzieci do trzeciego roku życia – refleksje pedagoga(Akademia Bialska im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-10-30) Nosek-Kozłowska, KatarzynaThe aim of the article is to present the role of play in the process of supporting the speech development of children under the age of three by their parents. Material and methods: On the basis of scientific studies, a concise characterization of speech was made, a description of the individual stages of its development, the specificity of play as an element that may support the acquisition of communication skills in early childhood. Results: The ability to communicate is probably the most important of all life skills. The way people communicate has a huge impact on their education, career opportunities and relationships with other people. Conclusions: Reflection on the issues raised indicates that one of the most important people who have a significant impact on the child's speech development are parents and their relatives, with whom the child spends the most time.
RekordWielokulturowość społeczeństwa polskiego – wyzwania edukacyjne i badawcze / Multiculturalism of Polish society – educational and research challenges(Akademia Bialska Nauk Stosowanych im. Jana Pawła II, 2023-04-12) Arciszewska, HannaArtykuł ma charakter przeglądowy. Przedstawia wielokulturowy charakter społeczeństwa polskiego. W tekście uwzględniono rys historyczny, charakterystykę obecnie występujących w Polsce mniejszości z podziałem na mniejszości narodowe i etniczne oraz wyzwania edukacyjne i badawcze wynikające z omawianego zagadnienia. Celem artykułu jest ukazanie różnorodności społeczeństwa polskiego oraz wskazanie wyzwań edukacyjnych i badawczych wynikających z omawianego zagadnienia. Materiał i metody: W artykule zastosowano przegląd literatury zgodnie z przyjęciem następujących kryteriów (pytań): a) w jaką dyscyplinę wpisuje się omawiane zagadnienie? b) w jaki sposób dookreślić temat? Na jakich aspektach się skupić? c) co już wiadomo w wybranym temacie? d) kto poruszał podobne zagadnienie? e) które z omawianych wątków warto poszerzyć w odniesieniu do nauk społecznych. Wyniki: W wyniku analizy literatury dokonano opisu zagadnienia wielokulturowości na przestrzeni lat oraz przedstawiono charakterystykę występujących mniejszości narodowych i etnicznych. Wnioski: Występująca wielokulturowość wymaga zmierzenia się z nowymi wyzwaniami o charakterze edukacyjnym i badawczym.